How-to Radeon Ubuntu

The Link to download Ubuntu 22.04.4 is here, or in the middle of this page.

The radeon amd drivers install the same regardless of what graphics card you have, your system is customized by the AMD install script “amdgpu-install”

But, we want the best possible configuration that we can get, and that configuration or set of instructions to configure the configuration script is always the same, so I can provide it here for you. I have been working with my AMD Radeon graphics card for 3 or 4 years now, and i’ve got some knowledge on the subject of installing the graphics drivers.

Don’t install these drivers on any version of ubuntu except these versions:

Ubuntu 22.04.3
Ubuntu 22.04.4

This is not about RHEL, although that operating system is supported I have no experience on it, but the configuration of the install script is likely the same as this. Once you have ubuntu 22.04.3 installed, by the way we will be using ubuntu 22.04.3 and not ubuntu 22.04.4 as .3 supports rocm, and that is how you program your graphics card (with rocm)

And as I have tried to find a link to 22.04.3 it eludes me. There is only 22.04.4 available for download, but I do have one I can upload, I have .3 saved on my operating systems drive.

The radeon driver is still installing on my system, but lets get to it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ./amdgpu-install_6.0.60002-1_all.deb
sudo amdgpu-install -y --usecase=graphics,rocm --vulkan=amdvlk,pro --opencl=rocr
sudo usermod -a -G render,video $LOGNAME

What this means is that you intend to use your graphics card as a workstation, which leaves like everything open, and you also want to use rocm, the programming interface provided by AMD for Radeon graphics cards, –usecase=workstation,rocm and vulkan is like some shared library between nvidia and amd, and we want to install both amdvlk and pro, the first one is open source, and the second one is the closed source (pro).

The other lines are kinda self explainatory, except maybe usermod -a -G render,video $LOGNAME I don’t quite know what that is, I don’t really have experiencce with either of these user types, so I can’t tell you.

Anyway that’s my story and i’m sticking to it. What’s to come next is a “Hello, World!” in Radeon ROCM, I think I will use LLVM/Clang to accomplish this…