

Combating The Threat

Well I will post this as content is at a premium, but it could just be a crash… These are the kinds of things I call crashes, where there is some supernatural-quality threat being faced. This post kind of makes up or takes as a given that there will be something much worse than the california wildfires recently, and it’s...


At Your Funeral

When I was little, I always wanted a girlfriend the most. When it came to programming, I didn’t much care beyond a simple curiosity. Now I have two things in my life, the Moon God, and the project that I work on to develop an Artificial Intelligence that can “think” about producing data that upgrades humans, it is a very...


Walk 2

I make no reservations about you two killing each other, slowly, but what would become the Combine Overwatch should they not have the resistance to shoot at? Would the light be pushed off the board of the dimension that they exist in? Would it be pushed into another world, or another dimension, an endless system or hierarchy of worlds and...


Let’s Walk

I want you to think about, for just a second, they, the dark. That they are a self containing entity known as the dark, that is what we are talking about. The dark that delivers the final blow, that pays for the tax that is due, they defend it, and they defend unto their deaths and beyond that, cursing them...


The Mouth Of Sauron

This is a different topic, aiding the dark to overcome some of their challenges. Although many of their challenges stem from negative energy, some can be removed. For example, Your never going to stop ALL murder, but if you lower your aim to stopping one or a single murder from taking place, then you almost always hit your target. So...



I will recap what happened since the last post. I decided I would write a book and it didn’t work out at all, the first thing I started writing about was how we need like, really bad stuff to happen, because it will create a sort of push towards better technology, and then a second push, twice funded by negative...



Without trying to form a real deep connection between the wildfires going on today, (now) and my post I made yesterday, let’s just assume that they DID cause the fires. My point is that, if we can cause say a fire, then we might be able to put out a fire, but those are two different things, and while I...


Fighting The Avatar

If you don’t know me in real life, this might not make much sense, gathering your opinion about somebody based on the work on this website might lead you to believe that they are an Avatar, or some person, weilding great power and although i’m not very humble, I am also trying to fix whats wrong with me, which is...


Operation Grey Voices

I haven’t forgot about you guys, i’m just writing more in my physical journal than the online one. I am taking it pretty seriously, and in times of turbulence, I always revert back to my pen and paper journal, because it’s more secret. I get this paranoid feeling that I have to keep everything, …secret. I was just thinking, if...

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The Hopeless Battle

A long time ago, say, 2 years ago or 24 months, I realized that what I was applying to nerf negative energy wouldn’t be enough. It wasn’t going to work. Then, I realized that, I just had to try, I had to do the best that I could do, whatever that may be. I thought on this because, if I...

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Ultra Logic

I’m having one of those days where I think everyone is out to get me. I get this idea in my head that they can control how I feel, these beings that live outside of this universe, or somewhere else entirely, and because they could just press a button and i’d feel better, but they don’t, so I go on...


Justice And Crits

I often come to a point in my journey that seems to be critical, or more important, like it could determine whether we sink or swim. But, the only way to be sure it is a critical point is kind of strange. That is, if we could gain the ground at a later point in time, then it wouldn’t really...