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- by William HughesI am working on an assignment for my computer science course. The goal is to make a program that simplifies a very generic instruction set for tuning a harp to more readable terms. Example: ATB+3 would become: ATB tighten 3. Or: ATB-6 would become: ATB loosen 6. My plan was […]
- by Guy MeirsonI am learning right now about generic programming in C++ and I am trying to figure out how to forward reference an array of items. I have managed to do perfect forwarding for regular items: template void do_something(T &&item) {...} And I have managed to pass an array reference to […]
- by Alan SanchezSo i am using the windows form graphical editor in Visual Studio 2022 using the .net framework. I have a list of data that i have put into the Items property for a ComboBox. I would like to have a limited number of items displayed and then be able to […]
- by Marcus HampelI want to embed a Google V8 (v6.8) in a C++ program. Since this program uses a lot of stack, I want to configure the V8 to use the entire available stack. To do this, I need the smallest permitted stack address that the V8 can use. uint32_t *base; // […]
- by Ramneet SinghI have the following C++ code that returns a std::tuple. My question is about copy elision and named return value optimisation. As I understand, since C++-17, the standard mandates that the return value will be copy-elided. So no temporary tuple will be created and then, (I assume) std::tie will directly […]
- by KatarinaI am writing a library for CubeMars motors that use the CAN communication protocol. The library uses 2 threads: the main thread does almost everything, while the second thread is a listener that listens to the CAN bus (= to the motors' answers and confirmations) and saves those information. The […]
- by ChrizZlyBearI am trying to include LibEigen to my Project. In my main Project I do have a lib Folder with another library of mine. I do want to use LibEigen within my main project and within my own library. Including libeigen in my mainproject works by simply adding include_directories(lib/eigen/Eigen) to […]
- by Yukitemplate class BinaryTree { ... public: void traversal(void (*callback)(T &, int layer), Order o = Order::preOrder) { _nodeTraversal(_root, callback, 0, o); } void traversal(void (*callback)(const T &, int layer), Order o = Order::preOrder) const { _nodeTraversal(_root, callback, 0, o); } template friend std::ostream &operator
- by user2078621I have the need to call a function with a given interface, in the following I'm trying to give an oversimplified example of the problem: #include #include std::string f1(std::pair a, int b) { int result = (a.first - a.second) * b; std::string s = std::to_string(result); s.append(" is the result!"); return […]
- by dmeltzAfter a computer crash and reinnstallation of C++Builder 12.2 on a new computer, some code doesn't compile any more. For example void __fastcall TSynCustomExporter::CopyToClipboardFormat(UINT AFormat) ... line 206 try { PtrData = ((Byte*) GlobalLock((HGLOBAL) hData)); if(ASSIGNED(PtrData)) { line 211 try { fBuffer->Position = 0; fBuffer->Read((void**)PtrData, (TNativeCount) (hDataSize - 1)); // […]
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Ритуальные услуги в Краснодаре и Краснодарском крае. Организация похорон и кремации, установка памятников. Транспортировка «груза 200» по Краснодарскому краю и…
隴西ろうせいの李徴りちょうは、皇族の子なり。隴西(甘粛省)の李徴は、皇族の子孫であった。末次が好きだった 社会学的皇室ウォッチング!大学授業再開(6月30日)。名鉄という中核企業が発足した愛知・認知症の人と家族の会は「どの項目も介護ある暮らしが破綻する心配を増幅させる」と批判。 「鉄道記録帳2003年9月」『RAIL FAN』第50巻第12号、鉄道友の会、2003年12月1日、22頁。則ち、了念御坊を師とし、猶当山の首祖しゅそと仰ぎて日夜聞法奉事しける寺務は、当山第二世了把りょうはより了祐りょうゆうへ嗣法しほうしけると。
就職活動中の留学生の約4割がインターンシップに参加し、そのうち4割が実施期間1日のみのごく短期のインターンシップに参加していたことが、特定非営利活動法人国際留学生協会が行ったアンケート調査で分かった。 サンリオピューロランド サマーパラダイス(6月12日 - 9月2日) - SPL初の夏季期間集中イベント。間も無く細君も奥の方から出て来て、其処に酔倒れて居る敬之進が復た/\丑松の厄介に成つたことを知つた。流石(さすが)に丑松の手前もあり、音作兄弟も来て居るので、細君は唯夫を尻目に掛けて、深い溜息を吐くばかりであつた。
この日から証券会社も第二土曜日は店を開けず、東京証券取引所の株取引も休みになりました。 "18歳の藤田真央さん優勝 スイスのハスキル国際ピアノコンクール 日本人3人目". "グアテマラ、不正調査の国際団長「追放」で混乱". "カンボジア政府、米NGOの追放決定=総選挙前に締め付け強化". "兵士襲撃テロ、男を射殺=2人軽傷-ブリュッセル中心部". "誤爆で市民14人殺害=サウジ主導軍認める-イエメン".
My journey as a first-time homebuyer was smooth thanks to an amazing Commercial real estate agency who guided me every…