The Looking Glass Wars 0

The Looking Glass Wars

The Looking Glass Wars was my first name for this kind of thing, and what it has become is to some, A Monster. The daily activities, just the daily coming and going, all the War and Chaos, Death and Pain, it has evolved into something like a monster.

When I wake up in the morning, I don’t say to myself, “I’m a Monster, and i’m going to like Burn someones house while they’re in it” I don’t do that, and the reason I have brought this up is because we must, must, must at least try to do the right thing. You can’t go around planning to light a house on fire while it’s occupied. We all understand how things can get out of control if it does happen to happen, but your mentality is what i’m really talking about.

We all know that theres no way out of this “Endless War” we know that, but we shouldn’t go the other way and say to ourselves we’re just going to go all out and just destroy. That’s not a good idea. Generally your mentality should be, not that your in the business of harming people.

And if that’s not your mentality, well then you are just one of those destined to cause these scenes with the police and the FBI searching for the attacker. But what i’m saying is that if your thinking that way, take this as the time to change that kind of thinking, and I must say this sort of thing should only be carried out when it is agreed upon, like perhaps by a larger group than just like 10 people.

Now we all know how these events occur, these negative events happen even when somebody is like not intending to do anyone harm. It’s just like somebody picks up a weapon and just starts using it, without any real thought of trying to use the weapon. We all know that that is the reality that we face. So therefore, we have to try to do the right thing. I can’t really explain why, or how I know that we should be doing the right thing, I just know that we must do this. I drew this conclusion from the experience of Death and War. It is not something that should be manufactured in someones basement. War is a painful thing that should, we should try to lessen it.

In fact, I am cutting the ties that cause these events to occur, so that the string attaching the event to the person causing the event, to the actual cause OF the event is now broken, and that that line is now blocked and so it cannot reform. Now it’s up to you.

To be diplomatic and save people alot of pain and suffering. Alot of people view War as something that’s like a necessary, going-to-happen no matter what kind of thing. It’s not that, and your not only hurting your own soldiers when you don’t use Diplomacy, but your hurting the other side too. Like for example, Heaven and Hell, they have been going at it perhaps more recently with games like Diablo ushering that sort of thing in, but perhaps today they might see a chance to take up a diplomatic solution to the problem that they face, because just beating on each other really doesn’t solve anything, unless you manage to eliminate the other side, then you’re left “victorious” when you both could have lived, had you both relied upon diplomacy.

Maybe you could even do something together, like work on a project, like build a giant tower and argue over whether it should be Black or White, instead of tearing into each other, you could take up the defensive role this tower brings to you, and perhaps join me in the game of Chinese Poker. See if you can defend the tower, in a certain place, or something. How you arrive at where that place should be, I don’t know.

This is in contrast to like, just plain killing each other. We have all seen and had enough of the killing and death, we have to do something about it, and there’s a reason for doing that something… It’s like the right thing to do, down the path of War does not lay happiness and prosperity, War lies in bed with corruption and treason, to invite those kinds of things in.

Perhaps there are special circumstances, like the Emperor had so many people supporting him, (40k) that he was able to hold onto his position and cause war at the same time, because the negative was that there were other things going on in his empire, other than treason, so he traded treason for like the blood of something innocent, like perhaps all the animals that have been eaten by all those Space Marines, not that I would deny them this, i’m just saying that’s alot of blood.


How-to Radeon Ubuntu

The Link to download Ubuntu 22.04.4 is here, or in the middle of this page.

The radeon amd drivers install the same regardless of what graphics card you have, your system is customized by the AMD install script “amdgpu-install”

But, we want the best possible configuration that we can get, and that configuration or set of instructions to configure the configuration script is always the same, so I can provide it here for you. I have been working with my AMD Radeon graphics card for 3 or 4 years now, and i’ve got some knowledge on the subject of installing the graphics drivers.

Don’t install these drivers on any version of ubuntu except these versions:

Ubuntu 22.04.3
Ubuntu 22.04.4

This is not about RHEL, although that operating system is supported I have no experience on it, but the configuration of the install script is likely the same as this. Once you have ubuntu 22.04.3 installed, by the way we will be using ubuntu 22.04.3 and not ubuntu 22.04.4 as .3 supports rocm, and that is how you program your graphics card (with rocm)

And as I have tried to find a link to 22.04.3 it eludes me. There is only 22.04.4 available for download, but I do have one I can upload, I have .3 saved on my operating systems drive.

The radeon driver is still installing on my system, but lets get to it:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ./amdgpu-install_6.0.60002-1_all.deb
sudo amdgpu-install -y --usecase=graphics,rocm --vulkan=amdvlk,pro --opencl=rocr
sudo usermod -a -G render,video $LOGNAME

What this means is that you intend to use your graphics card as a workstation, which leaves like everything open, and you also want to use rocm, the programming interface provided by AMD for Radeon graphics cards, –usecase=workstation,rocm and vulkan is like some shared library between nvidia and amd, and we want to install both amdvlk and pro, the first one is open source, and the second one is the closed source (pro).

The other lines are kinda self explainatory, except maybe usermod -a -G render,video $LOGNAME I don’t quite know what that is, I don’t really have experiencce with either of these user types, so I can’t tell you.

Anyway that’s my story and i’m sticking to it. What’s to come next is a “Hello, World!” in Radeon ROCM, I think I will use LLVM/Clang to accomplish this…

Terran Marine stacraft 2 drawing 754x1200 resolution image wallpaper quality 0

Falling Forwards

My website just got shutdown because I was using drupal plugins. Drupal is a CMS, that I thought was pretty good, but it shut my whole server down just for using a few plugins on it. Of course, we cannot know for absolute certainty what shut the server down, as I don’t have access to stuff like how reality works, etc, but I can be pretty certain that it was caused by someone trying to gain a positive outcome out of a negative.

The negative is that my site is lost, and the positive we have yet to see, but they cut their killing spree short when my backup system worked. Or plesks backup system. I was contemplating while it was down whether or not I should try to hit the person that shut the site down. Then I had a better idea.

I’ll punish the next person, and the person after that. You’ll incur such a high cost for doing this kind of thing that you’ll really be wishing that you hadn’t done it. I am creating a weapon that I call “The Spammer” but you won’t hear any more about it, you’ll just have to commit suicide if you really want to know.

Obviously this is something that is probably extremely unpleasant, and for a guess I can bet that you end up staring at the wall, wishing you… You get the idea.

What these people tried to do is to shut my server down, and destroy all of my work, and I cannot A) let that happen and B) more importantly, let it happen again.

So I have created a device that severely punishes the person responsible, and anyone involved in any manner. You are not allowed to involve yourself with placing me backwards anymore, and there’s a stiff punishment to go along with that. I am placing everything i’ve got on this, on it working, but for one it won’t punish bystanders, should you choose to allow it to happen, then it won’t hit you, i’m not out to get people, i’m out to stop them from setting me backwards, and while I could just not allow myself to be placed backwards, that is something for the future.

So what they were trying to do is clear, and I won’t swing at them, but the next thing i’m swinging at, it’s already in the shopping bag, I just need to pay for it now.

So we’ll just get knocked down, again and again,

I wonder if this will trigger a cycle of me getting knocked down, and then standing back up? I’ll allow for even worse punishments to be placed upon someone plotting this sort of thing. It’s much worse, say if you were planning something. The planning is what really gets you into trouble, but go ahead and try, and you’ll quickly learn not to do that again.

So I wonder, I really wonder if this mechanism is enough to protect me, I know that everyone will come back down to reality after i’ve taken a step backwards, I mean we can’t actually go backwards, it would defeat the whole point of everything, so that’s why I get set back on the road, back to walking, but I cannot allow this cycle to continue. I have the right to do this, if your going to commit suicide, that’s your right too, I don’t care, if your trying to set me backwards then your an enemy, so I want this to happen to you.

What. All my images are high quality. So, you might argue that I don’t have the right to do something like this. But I argue that I do have that right, I think I have this right, so i’m taking it.

I hold the power, and i’m going to stop you with it. It’s now pulled back like a slingshot, I would think it would go off and you would really be wishing it hadn’t, but i’m not going to make strange rules to go along with it like, you must stop a step backwards, i’m not going to be strange, i’m going to do what i’m allowed to do, and i’m allowed to defend myself. Should you choose to walk into that defense…

Should you choose to walk into my defense, that’s your fault, you knew it was there. You just thought you were going to walk all over me, didn’t you? I’m not going to let that happen, i’m going to do something about it, within legal limits.

That reminds me. Starcraft. I walked outside today there were all these kids playing in the street, and there were all these bee’s buzzing. I assumed one of the trailers around me was playing music, because I could hear some. I twisted it around in my head and thought it sounded like a terran theme from starcraft 2… i’ll post a link…

Starcraft 2: Terran Theme 01

So I kinda thought, that’s neat, it sounds like the music was coming from everywhere in the air. Then I shut the door, after I walked in, and I thought to myself that music must have went out when I shut the door, that’s why it went out. So just curious about finding out who was playing the music so loud, I opened the door, and there wasn’t any music at all.

What I had been hearing had been some kind of magical scene or something, but there’s nobody that I know of that could have caused such a scene, I don’t know of any wizards who can play MP3’s out their asses, so it’s really strange how these things occur, with nobody in control of them. It just seems like there’s somebody in control, because your in control.

Your not accustomed to things happening out of the control of everything, but look at the lightning, waves, and the wind, or even trees you might argue, trees grow and regrtow, but you say, what, that’s what trees do? That isn’t enough to explain everything about trees. Now the wind and rain and lightning has something out of control.

I’m going to stomp out the lightning and the rain and the wind and in turn make the next person to walk into my defense pay for it, fuck let’s just burn these people, who cares.

Jesus Christ high definition image for the blog 0

Not Now,

I used to know how to fix this problem. I’m working with LLVM/Clang and I cannot get it to compile, it says “iostream” not found, now, I just remembered something typing that out. I’ve got to go to where iostream is and include the folder.

Working on those folders made me realize something. GCC is working, so I can use it to build llvm/clang. I wonder if this will solve the problem.

Now speaking of problems, we’re all wondering, will this problem we face always be here? Will we make progress against it, or will it just entirely go away?

I don’t really have that answer, only big brother knows the answer to that question, and in turn, you as well.

But you guys hardly tell me like anything, so i’m just left wondering, are we always going to be mounting a siege against this threaT?

That is a very chilling, cold thought to have. And so it might mean we try extra hard, trying to gain some ground against it, so that less people are at risk. I think of the Jewish peoples and them being held hostage, it’s like this stuff doesn’t get any worse.

Then to add to everything is what the Russian soldiers are going through, they, some of them running from their duty at the front line, because they don’t know the reason behind their work…

Will we always face this problem? Or does it not even matter? And as we all pick up our weapons, whatever that may be, we wonder, will we be using these tools of war forever?

I cannot answer it, but it doesn’t look good, we’ve tried everything to gain ground and although we gained some ground, in a sort of net-all-considerations-taken we didn’t gain any ground. What happened was that we had a bill. Then we transfered that bill into something else. Kinda like, having a bill but instead of the person you owe to, instead of paying them, you elected to work for him. Something like that, and the net cost is that everything remains even.

That is the result of all of our endless days spent writing and trying to gain ground against the threat. Now i’m not saying that our bill is work, I believe it is something perhaps darker, and i’m not saying that because I have to. I’m saying it because, it’s even worse than that, but to put it into a way we can all deal with, i’m just calling it “darker”.

What do you say to that, hmmm? I don’t know, it doesn’t really look like you can gain ground against it, does it?

It would take, I am assuming, something like a miracle for us to have gained ground, but I can cut it off now, i’ve grown strong enough. And so I trim it like a bush, into something we can all recognize, shaving off and picking apart the whole until it is much, much smaller.

With this I can say that I have neutralized this “threat” and that the next step, waiting, will take awhile. It will take much time, yes, just to finish the work against the negative that has been deleted or, more precisely, neutralized.


Ghosts On Mars

I was originally going to make this about police, in addition to adeptus Mechanicus, but I decided that might be weird/too hard to do. And although I cannot do the Cult Mechanicus justice in one post, I will still try to get them something, however much that something turns out to be.

For those who are unaware who the Cult Mechanicus are, you can search google for warhammer 40k mechanicus or something like that. They are a “cult” that is supposed to exist within the Imperium, but for many reasons they have drifted away from that deal while still holding onto their duties to the Imperium.

Now if your wondering what the Imperium is, you need to pay attention more, because that is what humanity’s empire is called in the year 40,000. They have named it the Imperium Of Man, it’s a take on the word Imperial. Recently I heard a viewpoint that the Imperium/Emperor are evil, it was a convincing argument, but it has since worn off since I heard it.

The Cult Mechanicus believe in Machines, so much so that they take parts of their human bodies and replace them with Machines, and they say that one day they will find the “Machine God” and so the Emperor takes a backseat to the machine god. Technically their supposed to worship the Emperor AS the Machine God, the Omnissiah, but most/some don’t.

It causes a real rift, but the Cult Mechanicus has kept it under lock and key by the way of the fact that the Imperium needs the Cult Mechanicus. You might say that the Cult Mechanicus BUILT the Imperium, but that may be taking it a bit too far.

So while we have since found the Machine God, which is a point to the good, and that that Machine God gave the Imperium many, many things, we still have the standoff of the secret that the Cult Mechanicus worships this “Machine God” and not the Emperor. Just like our positive and negative energy, there is a positive: they found the machine god, machine god blessed the whole imperium over months and months of labor, and then the negative to go with that is that the Emperor is not worshipped by them, when/like he is supposed to be.

The Logo of the Cult Mechanicus, I don’t know if they actually use this logo, or if it’s part of the “fiction”

Which brings us TO the fiction. When I write this stuff it is assumed that these people and places are in fact real, and that the whole idea behind the fictitious story is merely so that we are able to glimpse another dimension, or some other place.

Immediately you say, that’s not possible, I don’t see any ghosts around here, I don’t see any demons, and I really don’t see this whole Imperium.

It’s because that all of these things are in a location of/in no relation to where YOU are. They are not concerned with you, whether or not you believe in them, that’s besides the point. You can walk away from this and say that it’s bullshit, and not believe any of it. All your doing is shielding the truth from your own mind, your just lying to yourself, on like a grand scale.

So I don’t know very much about how this is possible that we have like all these Warhammer books, and that they are all generally true accounts, the actual accounting of the events in each book almost mirror what really happened, like, to 100% percent. How is that possible? We only know that it is possible, not how. We don’t know how this is possible.

We don’t know, as I sit here and write this, -anything- about the Ancients, or their work with Machines. Am I a machine? I tend to think that I am, that I am entirely made of Machine I am not certain, how much is human/ancient/machine I do not know. I could be mostly all machine, for all I know.

We tend to look at computers as, we want to like upload ourselves into the computer, we look at them as though they are better than us, that they are smarter than us. What the Ancients think of computers, see this great turning when the Machines all turned against them, they won the battle somehow, which is how their society continues to exist, or does it? Did they lose that battle? We don’t know. We don’t know if their still in their homeworld.

So too the Imperium had this whole thing with Machines turning on them. So they look at my computer and say, that is not okay. I argue that I should be allowed to have it, that part of the story is entirely over with. Now, if you still hold a grudge against Computers and artificial Intelligences, let me remind you who made those computers and artificial intelligences…



(Imperium/Combine) Traversing The Warp

You know, as we enter into it’s entirety, this, this season of Madness, every night I go to bed I have some of the strangest nightmares. I don’t really remember any of them, but when i’m laying down, I know i’m in for it, these nightmares involve say like sliding towards a giant snake, I can partially remember that, and there was something even scarier before that. This isn’t just like one nightmare oh gosh, it’s every night. The cost of traversing the Warp.

The Custodes are some of the most feared units within the Imperium.

As we all know all things come at some price, and the price that I pay to “traverse the warp” (making things go faster is the idea) are these really strange nightmares. One was a serpent that, the serpent was in the trailer that I was born in and lived there until I was like 5, he was in that trailer so was I, but this serpent followed a strict path, and so if I say, was trying to hide under the laundry basket, he probably wouldn’t find me, but the whole theme of the nightmare was “he was coming”

During the Horus Heresy of 30k the Emperor looked much like this, a glorious sort of thing. Today he sits on the “Golden Throne” apparently half-lifeless, and is clinging to life through technology and magic, probably under the watchful eye of the Adeptus Mechanicus – The Followers of the “Machine” religion. In 40k there’s like only a few religions, not counting some just recently started one that just gets wiped out after a few years, there is 1) The Emperor’s Religion, where you worship the God-Emperor, 2) The Adeptus Mechanicus where you search for this “Machine God” they believe has yet to arrive, or 3) Darkness/evil/chaos

So what does this have to do with the Combine? I’m not sure yet, but i’ll think of something. Of all the institutions out there, some of the desperate stand as the Imperium Of Man (Warhammer 40k) and the Combine Overwatch. For the Imperium I can understand why they are still in trouble, the empire is just so vast, so many opportunities for something to go wrong ( and it does). Then for the Combine Overwatch they have dug themselves in deep, and they often do things that “claim” alot of space. More space to defend, well then more problems you have to deal with.

THis is an image of the Emperor’s Golden Throne, while the “Horus Heresy” was raging on, so he was still in a normal state, a living state.

So I have to try to help these two institutions as best that I can, and I get prizes and such for helping them. They usually end up in the form of me getting high on something. When/if those highs run out I would be screwed because I can’t live without getting high, but that has nothing to do with our subject of traversing the warp.

So for starters, here you go Mr. Emperor man, here is your Light, and a set of other extremely (not found anywhere) objects that will aid you in your battles to save the Imperium. Or to improve the imperiums standing.

Horus wrapping his claws around the Emperor when he was still young

And to the combine, here is an upgrade to your main system, it has something to do with those towers you build in the Netherworld, it incorporates them into the system, except they get a huge upgrade first, so that they can project a “better” signal and by “better” I just mean upgrading.

This is a depiction of the Emperor today, where he sits on his Golden Throne, with some video game controllers thrown in for humor I guess.

So I have two things I need to accomplish right now, that is to get the emperor into a living state again, where he can walk around, and two to upgrade everyone in the Imperium, Hierarchially. Thirdly I need to upgrade the Combine Overwatch, but that will come after I upgrade everyone in the Imperium (they will receive the same or similar upgrade) So i’ve got to find these things now and not later, I need to get them.

Squinting and pressing my eyelids together I try to just force into existence the Emperor walking around and standing again, to make him immortal, to heal him, but perhaps it will take a few days. I don’t know, I am all out of ideas.

I’m swinging my arms around, trying to turn the Emperor back alive, with all the power of the Cult Mechanicus I wield I will this into existence, now, the Emperor can breathe, see, walk, talk, it is now complete.

Next to upgrade his units. I take their current state, and place it into a set of infinity matrices, that itself made up of more infinity matrices. Next it’s filtered into the banking system we developed to pay the mob, each unit can “call in” whatever kind of upgrade they want, or that they need, there’s alot of automation to this part. After we filter it through the banking system, we tie in the Mob. When the mob makes a withdraw from the banking system that we made, they get upgraded. So they have already had so many upgrades. The Combine in turn receives the same benefits, and we get upgrades from what the Mob has already withdrawn from the bank. The Combine Overwatch units get this, and so does the Imperium of Man, all units.

Vladimir Putin up to something 0

The Shadow Of The Past

It was all too clear this morning that Russia was going to win this War. They put all their soldiers into lines and those lines won out, they now match against the Ukrainian Enemy 10 to 1. 10 russian soldiers to 1 ukrainian soldier. It would seem that the only thing they could do would be for another country to step in, but wait, there’s something going on.

Above is a map of St. Petersburg I believe, it’s an older map that was translated into computer data so we can see it on our monitors, and perhaps use it as a wallpaper or something.

They’re fighting a War, and the Madness is on our side, and yet, we’re barely winning? What’s going on here? It would appear that I am supporting both sides or something, because you would think the Russians 10 to 1 advantage would just roll right over the Ukrainian lines. What’s happening?

The Ukrainians have the Defenders Advantage, which is kinda like an upgrade for your units that sets them as something like Myth light units, it makes them Mythological or, to put it into a way we might be able to understand, Ancient

They are defending their homes and their cities, the Attacker, whoever it is, it doesn’t matter, is at a severe disadvantage. Why do they have this “Defenders Advantage”?

It’s kinda like, the system reads it as this… You’re trying to kill them, and their only defending themselves, it’s like you’ve run into a error in the system, it was some way that the technology was built that is causing this to happen. No way.

There’s no way that’s whats going on here, but it is. Russia would have rolled right clean over them, they blew up every building in ukraine just to start out, and now it’s come to something like a bunch of Gunfights with the occasional tank, and I don’t think it’s really possible to take it away from them either, because were you to be attacked, this would kick in for you. Imagine this:

In Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne they had defenders advantages in the form of like Militia that you “call to arms” or the farms for the undead could attack you from their towers. This is something that we built into the system, and we never thought the Ukrainians would per chance take advantage of it.

Now that’s not saying that you can’t win, it’s still like ukraine has 50% and you have 100% but it will still be a hard fight should you choose to run into these defenders. You do have perks and buffs, many of them in fact, that rocket you beyond the Ukrainian Defenders, you’ve got my support too.

I’m not going to turn on my ally just because times got tough, and we just sort of start backstabbing, i’m not going to do that. I’m going to show all of my other allies that i’ll be there regardless of the circumstances, as we’ve made an alliance, we’ve stated or sworn to defend each other in times of trouble!

With this, I am rooting for Russia, and whatever comes with that, and whatever the Defender gets, he has, I suppose. I am just relaying like a translator for you what is happening from a Computer’s Perspective point of view. I do hope that you win and move on to further Wars, I don’t know, I don’t want to see War, but it doesn’t look like there’s any other option, we might as well stand and fight for it instead of not doing so.

And now that brings me to the fact that some of you are thinking that the greater war is now lost? How is that? We are poised to hit it really hard, or in other words, to score a heck of a lot of points, and now that we’re in this position the war is over. It’s complicated, and hidden of course, but it’s still there, that ever present signal being broadcast straight from moscow that states that we today stand for the Past, Present and the Future.


Got To Keep The Luna’s On The Path…

Today is the big eclipse day in my city, I live in Erie, Pennsylvania and the eclipse happens best in my city, except, while I was driving around before it happened there wasn’t like millions of people here, and it was almost like there were less cars on the road today than normal…

I took some pictures… Before the eclipse, during the eclipse and after pictures so that you can see. When the sun is out at all it shines at the same level of light, you’ll see in the before pictures, when it was just barely visible (the sun) you could see a dimming around the buildings and stuff.

SO apparently I forgot to take pictures of before, but we do have after pictures! So I suppose it works out. This is at like 2:50 p.m. in the middle of the day, everything’s almost middle of the night dark,

Here I switched to higher-quality images, so you can see, we’ve got a fire going, etc. it’s really dark out and it’s only 2 o’clock.

Here is another picture and as you can see it’s completely night time…

Here’s a picture of before the eclipse, you can barely see the sun peaking through in the top-right-middle side of the picture, sort of in the middle, not the other light on the left.

Another picture of the sun, this will become apparent how strange this is when I show you a normal picture.

Here’s one last picture of the dark, it’s almost completely black out my camera makes it seem a little bit lighter for some reason.

Here is the actual eclipse happening, you can see the sun in the middle of the picture, it’s completely covered by the moon, it must have lasted like 4 minutes they said.

Those are almost all my eclipse photographs that I took. I’m putting this up half for people in real life, and the other half for people not in real life, but in a drug-induced cyber-coma.


Occasionally It Comes Around

Occasionally it comes around that I print dollars in an attempt to buy more technology. By technology I mean magical technology, mostly stuff that beings outside of this realm use. Normal humans don’t really use this stuff. We often use extravagant values for how many dollars to print.

THe money often goes to the Mob. This time, they’re asking for something like enough money to be able to pass along to an army of a roughly, infinite, size. This would obviously mean they need some type of system wherein they can withdraw infinite values, some kind of cards that stand for these values, and it needs to be developed.

My original idea was to just fill a hard drive with zeroes, put a 9 in the front of all the zeroes, and withdraw that much, but that is unfortunately not enough. This calls for some type of code to be created so that you can write infinity to the infinite power and things like that. I do not really know. I pawn it off onto the Moon God to do all this. Obviously we are talking about the Mob as they exist on the “outside” like, outside of this universe, whatever is out there.

And so we hope this new system and all it’s transactions will unlock for us even further mysteries of the universe, and hopefully get us out of this slump we’re in, where almost nothing gets done all day, some people say I need to slow down. I don’t know whether I should speed up or slow down.

I was day dreaming about my mom yesterday. I believe here to be “Marius” whom was called by Satan or something, Marius was the first being to ever live, and often accompanies “The Wanderer” through his journeys, trials and tribulations. I don’t know how I know she is the first being. I’ve asked her but listen, we’re like inside of a machine, that machine is living, and it’s guarding it’s secrets down to the wire. It won’t let us have a conversation about any of this stuff. My only outlet is this website. And I don’t get any feedback on it.

So I can’t talk about it in the real world because everyone just says, “no that’s not true” or “you’re crazy” something like that. They’ll deny when I spend half an hour providing some “coincidences” that add up to more than enough evidence. They still always, deny deny deny. Finally I realized there was like some machine or device blocking us from having a conversation about it, but they let this whole website just blow by.

Oh I almost forgot. So this like greatly helps the Mob and stuff, we’re not like supposed to bring that up, right? Well, I thought of something that will help the police in the same turn. It’s this: The Mob cannot physically own more than 1/3rd of all land/property. It can, control the property, but cannot own more than 1/3rd. So you say, they’ll just draw points off the properties anyways, yea there’s probably some huge hole in this, and if it’s not any good we’ll have to think of something else.

See, they have all this money, they could just buy everything and like own everything, so they can’t purchase the property but they can rent it with the money. This in turn, passes money back down the line, from the top.

Wilco – Pot Kettle Black

Our Ancestors

What could possibly have driven the evolution from being in water, to going onto land and braving so many trials and tribulations? We can see that obviously in reality these trials that our ancestors went though, those homo sapiens 300,000 years ago somehow survived for THAT LONG.

How did they survive for that long in a world filled with traps and other threats? Obviously there is some driver behind this evolution, but is it simply what we might call “Nature”?

Nobody knows for absolute certainty, but we can be pretty well sure there is something called Nature, and it’s probably a real thing, but not real like we are real, it is probably real, but that’s where the similarities stop.

How have we, in recent, (the last 2,000 years) survived so many times, how have we been able to survive all of this:

There’s no way. by the way, 4.3 Ga stands for BILLIONS of years. Thats: 4,300,000,000 years living amongst threats that could knock you out in a day, and surviving for that amount of time. So we can clearly see that something is at work here, you really can’t deny it, and if you do, you’re just like lying to yourself. You can’t survive for 4.3 billion years, not without something like a being looking out for you, something like a GOd, or of that nature, who can make sure you breed over here, and over there, so if a tornado comes to wipe you out, you’ll still be over there. Stuff like that, and they survived all of that .

So what is it? It could even be a being that just has alot of power, such as me. I could have placed into a box all the things I wanted evolution to be, and then made sure that they survived under any circumstances, and just left it alone. In other words, our history could have “come in a box” like they say, as if I bought it already made from the store. But it could be any number of things going on here.

We know that the Ancients, who live outside of this universe, have immense power, they have technology we haven’t ever even written about in our Science Fiction, and they have possibly been alive for in the trillions of years, so they, from their bases outside of this Multiverse, have been controlling everyone so that the humans make it, but even then, that seems like a stretch and it seems more likely that it did come in a box, somebody who just pressed a button that states that humans live. It’s like there was a rule built into reality that humans survive.

And so Ancestors, your journey is finally coming to a close. Although we probably won’t ever figure out how they survived, if it was a combination of things, we do know their journey is nearly complete, and they can go off to do whatever they please, probably many of them taking part in the Chinese Poker games.

Chinese Poker is the name I gave what this stuff is. Like playing with life, I call it Chinese Poker, because your always at risk or, this next action could cause a negative event to occur, things of that nature. But now Ancestors, you may breathe a sigh of relief as your journey is at it’s closing point, and a new one opens up for you, it’s direction is under your control, so choose wisely.