
Attics 3,855


I bought a new bong off of, I didn’t do like any research into CaliCoastSupply I just bought it, and it came, I bought it because the glass in the picture looked thicker than the other bongs. I got the $33 dollar “phoenix drip” one, and I can only take one hit at a time it’s so strong, or...

Star Wars Dark Side VS Combine Overwatch Elite Soldiers 1920x1080 resolution image, High Definition Wallpaper, High Definition, 1080 wallpaper 1920x1080 234


I haven’t forgot about any of you guys. I have just been writing into a journal, so I guess I have forgot about you. Weird they had “Moo Deng” on SNL and all the lines “Moo Deng” said were things that align with like things that I think or say about something, except he’s saying them like a girl, I...

Showcasing the size of his gun 14

…Will go down on October 11th if I don’t find $15. I am fairly confident I can find the money, but it’s October 11th, wait let me check. Yes it goes down October 11th, and so if it turns out I cannot find the $15, then it will go down, but i’ll keep you updated. Some events have occurred in...

Showcasing the size of his gun 1,829

There Aint Nothin’ New To See Here

I was pacing back and forth as I always do, and something occurred to me, it was this: We must hold onto “this” and if we don’t, it’ll be taken from us again, and again, and again. What I mean by “this” is that I share this Trailer with my Mom, and I give her a hug every morning, and...


The Baldwin Brothers

I was just laying in my bed, and I was projecting a message to my old/current Priest. I was saying to him, “Baldwin The Leper” in hopes that he would be able to hear me, shouting from like 25 years into the future, see one thing really strange happened to me… I was walking down a sidewalk, well up a...


The Rise Of Nazi Germany

When Nazi Germany first rose into power, they thought, like we think now, that they would take power and generally take over europe, they never thought that they would fall, and especially not to the Americans/British. Today we stand on a relatively secure, solid platform, high into the air, and we think we can hack it, we think we can...


What Can You Do?

I was just in the bath tub, I take baths because it is the best place to think of this stuff, no place compares to the bath tub. I cannot stand taking a bath more than once per day however, and i’ve made it the way that I get clean. Just something about floating in the water causes you to...

Picture of me getting a blowjob 114

Last Stand

Something dawned on me while watching this, I realized where we were, in relation to the negative, and you’ll want to hear it but let me post what I was watching: For some reason I was comparing the Negative to various parts in the movie and I realized something.. “This” *IS* the Negative. Should we find a way to overcome...


The U.S. Intelligence Community

Everyone is saying that the battle has been lost, they are even having me play videos of like Hitler during World War II, when berlin was falling. These events, or, the event of everyone thinking that all is lost is not exactly true. We are still moving forward, we’re not even in a “paying” state, although some have come to...