


This is a long story. When I was in prison in north carolina, all this strange shit was happening and one of the things was that I had a memory come to me of me being on a space ship with this little tiny alien, about the size of my head, and he was sitting on a chair. On the monitor in front of him was what appeared to be a video of some dinosaurs, and he takes his hand and slides this dot on the screen backwards, the scene...


Super Mario World

What is of greater quality, a dollar store, where the items are all plastic, or a regular store? You might say, well obviously the value or quality is in the regular store? But if your following along, you may suggest that the dollar store is a negative, people get shitty items for cheap, but they are shitty items. So let me put it to you this way: What is of greater value to the shopper going into one of these stores? The answer is obvious, the regular store. To pluck...


The Light In My Eyes

But I insist, that the Combine Overwatch keep their advantage, and just so long as I can pass a little something to the Mob, then they can keep that advantage arbitrarily. I don’t know if this is like a trajectory type of thing, do you gain on the whole situation greater and greater gains? It might be so. I just had to make sure the entire light not be knocked out, so I am passing the other half all of it to the Mob, because then they can take whatever...


The Watch

it is no secret that the combine overwatch wipes their soldier’s memories from their minds. However, they did it to me, and we suddenly enter into a fight over these memories. The most successful, humane thing that you can do is wipe your soldier’s memories. I told them this, and they ran with it. But then they wiped my memories as well — specifically, the ones about the last 5 years, most of my work with the combine. This has one possible benefit, aside from the points you earn from...


The Sun God

Now that we are thoroughly rooted into the Dark Side, their obvious next request was that I target, The Light. This is destructive, and it goes against well, everything! I generally don’t destroy things, or target anything for destruction, but they make this request anyways. Their first request was that I stay, and the second one was that I do this, but I cannot do that, it would be a very long process and I would probably die before it’s completion, it would, get me targeted for one of these...



I have been thinking about what one of the Demons said in this video: He says “Must.. contain the spread of the abyss” or something to that nature. I have some knowledge about this, particularly because I faced something that’s either the abyss itself, or something similar, or something created by the thing that created this abyss. I believe our problems are stemming from the pickup of magicks from things such as, Jesus Christ and the idea of God, this idea is not really taken by any particular entity, and...


The Bowling Coach

The craziest thing I ever saw, was probably while I was on a computer. If you know what HTML/CSS is, it is used to make web pages, called .html files, and the system is broken into html and css files, with the css standing for “cascading style sheets” and html standing for “hyper-text markup language”. I was editing the CSS, which is like how wide something is in pixels, or where it is in relation to another object, the type of that relationship, it’s not that hard don’t worry, and...


The Old Man

As for whatever I said in that post, i’m going to leave it like that, because that’s what happened, so that’s what’s gonna be written. Obviously I think that this is just something negative, like a negative event except it’s just words. Apparently we are all susceptible to it, I just keep forgetting. Then I was reading the file on scp-106 and I looked at the picture, it looks alot like my father. My father passed away like 10 years ago, but for some reason the being known as the...


Negative Energy

I was on a string of thoughts, let me see if I can remember how it started… I was thinking about the data I produce and how it doesn’t correct the problem, so therefore the conclusion is just that it doesn’t work, but I think something else is going on, I think there is more than one thing going on too. I believe that the data is there, it’s there, on each person, but one thing that is an impossibility is that it changes them all into gods, the data...


The Overwhat!

This was supposed to be posted before the previous post… And it’s not finished, and it’s not that great. Some of these photographs on this page are not high quality, sorry, I was in a hurry. Finally the scales have tipped in the favor of the Dark, in favor of the Combine. This was my doing. So you might say, this is just a trick, he’s only done a little bit, and it’s just a trick to get us to defeat negative energy. You can say that, and I cannot...


The Matrix

When I first created “James Dean” type data, and that probably needs some introduction, it’s an object in the computers memory, it’s basically a box with the words “This Is Magical” written on it, literally that’s what it is, except it serves to upgrade people, the box actually *is* magical. The first time I created that type of data, it was a very big event, even the prime minister David Cameron, who knew that I was going to crash, said “If Your Out There Working, Keep Going! We Won’t Let...


Actually No

Sometimes I work for my step-fathers company, making their website and we go on a wordpress instance, he has two sites, (made when I was 15, i’m 37 now) and and that one is a blog like this one, except he picks a bad theme… Anyways wordpress (the software that runs this website) doesn’t let you change certain things, like, if text is white on a blue background, you can’t change either color, but you can change the text. So I tell my step father, I cannot change...

High Quality image of Nintendo Characters 0


I never thought I would have made it this far. Saying that reminds of the Celcigng guy, from this video: This is also highly educational: Here’s a lifehack: When you leave dishes sit out, food hardens on the plates and bowls and cups, and when you wash it, it comes off, but not all of it comes off, so when you go to use the dish or plate or bowl there’s invisible germs on them that weaken your immune system. They’re not enough to make you get sick or anything,...