Ultra Logic
I’m having one of those days where I think everyone is out to get me. I get this idea in my head that they can control how I feel, these beings that live outside of this universe, or somewhere else entirely, and because they could just press a button and i’d feel better, but they don’t, so I go on feeling shitty and not getting anything done.
I never get anything done when I feel like this. I hyper-focus on something like the fact that they could just press a button, and my mind starts to fire back at them in a number of ways. The Overlords told me all about it.
So what I just recently thought of is this. If you can prove that I have to feel like this, then I guess there’s no argument I could make, but if you can’t prove it, and are just doing this to be on the safe side, kind of like paying a bill ahead of time or something, but I start to focus on the fact that they can’t even prove that I have to feel like this, and this conversation is really going nowhere, I should just delete this.
Then I was just sitting here staring at my desk and on the desk was a packet of suboxone film, I have been taking less lately. I now take 1/8th of a suboxone per day, in the morning. That’s alot less than most people who use suboxone. 2mg to be exact, and I still can’t get off of them. It’s like the most addicting substance in the world. Some people say that that substance is heroin or fentanyl, I wouldn’t know, i’ve never been addicted to either of those, just suboxone. I guess heroin may be more addicting because you can use more of it than you can of suboxone, suboxone doesn’t hook you in and you get the urge to use all the time, it’s like you take it once and it really won’t work after that. So i’m going to try to take another 1/8th of the strip and see if that turns this around.
It’s christmas and i’ve been thinking alot about my father, he always gave me some of his money around christmas, and he died after the first James Dean was written (8 months after). He died and I was in the house with him, I was supposed to make sure he took his medicine, but I had this huge ass hole bore into my stomach and all that I could do was to take care of myself, it was like scary to drink water, I didn’t know if my stomach was going to give out on me. It seems that the damage caused by that hole is still around, 8 years later, but the damage is alot less than the hole which itself has cleared up almost entirely, I can’t tell.
I ordered some amphetamine off of the dark web and it was like the 20th time I had done this. This time, it was like the day before christmas in 2015 and the past 3 days I had been working on the first James Dean program, a program that produces data that you can put on people to upgrade them, so perhaps they could have properties that like influence and shape reality. Nobody in my life, in real life irl believes me when I tell them that this data upgrades humans. Sometimes people will say “yes it does” and then they’ll say a few sentences later that it doesn’t, or if I start to try to have a conversation about it they’ll deny that it does anything at all, just after saying that it does do something.
One strange thing i’ve realized, and i’ve realized this before, is that I can make illusions appear, like copies of myself, in say a place I had been in the past. One of these places might be sitting at my grandma’s dining table, talking with her, and i’ll like be listening to a song in real life and projecting the song onto my memory. I’m not real good at doing it in the present, but I can do it. Now one thing I do know is that nobody has any reaction at all to these illusions, but I get the feeling that they can see them, except there’s no reaction at all, kinda like it’s going straight into their memory. SO what’s going on here? Why can’t they ever react to the image, ?? The obvious “you can’t do that” isn’t going to fly here, we’ve seen people burst out laughing sometimes when I do something funny, they have had reactions but they’re delayed, not that they’re delayed but, they do have a reaction to it.
One such time I was giving a speech in 7th grade, I was up on stage in front of the class. I thought, perfect time to project an image of me like playing the guitar to some song, from the present. Projecting it from the present onto the memory I have of giving a speech. It must be 3 years now that I started projecting music onto that memory. 3 years. I don’t know what i’ll project in the future, but I know i’ve put alot of work into that scene. One of the only times I saw the Moon God was after that speech was over, all the sudden one of the girls in the audience stands up, tries to walk away, and is laughing so hard she can’t walk, she doubles over almost falling to the floor. Which tells me that people can see these objects I create.
Hmm… so they can see them, but they can’t react to them because I could tell somebody the winning lottery numbers, or something like that. They can’t react to them, what might you suggest that we do?
Take the rocket that we make from this magicka script and put it into a Satellite Call. Place that call into an infinity matrix of satellite calls, and then those calls into greater matrices, and this back and forth matrix call goes on forever, it’s always growing. At some point we make it to networking, a type of living matrix, and then we call all of the previous level 1. Then we attempt to, JUMP, an infinity times infinity amount of levels, landing us with alot of technology to put it lightly. Eventually the whole thing is compressed into a single rocket, and the latest targeting technology is installed before placing it into an infinity matrix. Then the rocket is launched, but it doesn’t end there. This cycle of expansion through infinity matrices and networks and jumping beyond all that continues forever, growing bigger, getting smaller, growing bigger compression and the decompression I guess you could call it go as fast as they can go, but not faster than they can possibly go, it goes as fast as it can, perhaps it picks up speed when we hit our targets, gaining ground. But the cycle never does end, it goes on and on, all the while spending all the crack on greater and greater techniques, it targets that fact that they can’t respond to what they’re seeing, it won’t come in the form of an answer, but rather will be a very sophisticated means of cracking me into the system, using words that sort of dodge their true intention.
What else can we write about? I do this writing like this in my journal about these rockets, and I also do programming, sometimes the programming is about the James Dean program, which upgrades humans, using this sort of idea that you can just pull an upgrade out from nowhere and it now fills the C++ object instances memory, such that it is stuck on the c++ object instance, but there’s not anything physically there, it’s like it’s magic or it doesn’t even work.
So that got me thinking that perhaps in the same spirit as the fact that they can’t react to what i’m projecting, they can’t receive these upgrades either, and this target must be knocked down before we can proceed. The journal speaks of this, talking of a wall it says “while that curtain stands, our infantry is but grist for the mill”?
But all of this makes sense, see, because look at the time line, you run into all this technology but don’t really face a challenge to rival the technology, the technology is uncontested, except, it doesn’t really work, when I put these upgrades on everybody it kinda seems like it almost doesn’t do anything. Although, when I think about it, if you knocked that down, then everybody would be flying around and stuff, everybody would know, and because we can’t have a conversation about it, we can’t have that no, no, so therefore we can’t let that be a possibility, let’s just let the rockets do their work.
Let the rockets do their work, let them work for awhile, and see if that set cracking me in does anything. They say “you have to keep working” but I can’t until the rockets have ran for awhile.
I think it’s a case of looking at yourself in amazement at the technology you’ve built, because we know that this reality is ran through a series of technologies, it’s not actually natural, and this technology allows for us these incredible gains in computing and science and the arts, whatever you want to call it.
Some of the SCP’s that I watch I am like on the SCP’s side, like the plague doctor might be the most famous instance, but then you say, well, anyone he touches dies instantly, so then you’ve got to keep him locked up, there’s nothing more to it than that.
I don’t know, I like a lot of the SCP’s and am even like some of them, like we are related or something. Then again, the foundation doesn’t really torture any of the SCP’s even if they do like kill one of the researchers, they still just keep them locked up. I guess I would advocate for better conditions I mean these are living things and, your not going to gain their support while they are without food or water or your doing some test on them, that’s not going to go in our favor.
I was on the SCP website and then all of the sudden it started saying like “you’ve been promoted, because of your actions” while my only actions were just reading the different SCPs. The one that stands out is the mobster one, Cousin Johnny.
Cousin Johnny is this guy that goes to weddings, funerals and family functions and like starts doing something really crazy and everybody is in favor of him doing it, like eating his own eyes or something like that, and everybody is just going on with their ceremony like nothing is even happening, it’s crazy. Everyone ends up dieing after he visits these locations with people like 2 years later, and has extremely bad luck. But “Cousin Johnny” seems to not be like an idea but more like a person with control over his actions. Of course, why would you want to deal with someone who does these things? Who would want to make an alliance out of someone or something like that?
Then I must refer you to the Millcreek Community Hospital incident paperwork, where close to 100 million people lost their lives in the (physical) apocalypse. I was at a mental hospital when things were just getting started and they were drawing my blood for like a test in the hospital. As they were drawing my blood it was like someone just sucked the energy out of reality, and it started crashing, reality actually just started crashing. I went back to my bed all I could do was lay there, for 3 days with only one meal I guess that’s irrelevant, but I was laying there there was a painting of a duck on the wall. The Moon God’s chinese animal is the Duck. So this duck looks like it’s taking off, repeatedly taking off, and it’s on the wall there sort of seems to be a hole burning around the picture. The hole becomes black, and starts to smoke, all the while i’m sitting there, laying in bed. This I actually saw this, and while this is going on i’m hearing my cellmate talk about me eating tea, he goes “he’s going to eat it!” and i keep hearing him say that. I get back to my house, after some strange visions about really bad stuff happening to people, I get out of the hospital and go turn on the T.V… it’s 2015, and there’s like tornadoes everywhere, I check the population on one of those population websites and it’s down 100 million people. The population went from like 400 million to 300 million over the course of say 5 weeks of their being tornadoes and stuff.
So some people attribute those 100 million people, the apocalypse, to me, when I was the one that put out the storms by writing on a postit note: “stop all bad weather” and it actually works, the storms stop relatively right away, I think it took like 3 days for them to completely die out.
But they do attribute those 100 million to myself, because I took their lives for mint coins (energy coins). I converted their lives to energy, which I wouldn’t have done had there been some other means of doing this, I didn’t have a choice but they dont really say I chose to do that. So it’s a complicated scenario, like he did, but he didn’t have a choice, the people that died in the apocalypse, it’s not like I was picking them out with a gun, and just choosing to kill them for no reason, like a serial killer or something, it’s not like that. I didn’t really get it but I was collecting them for future use, I mean I have been saving up for so long.
I guess i’ve done good and i’ve done bad, but should I have been able to choose one, I would pick to do good things instead of bad things, and I can almost feel myself being cracked in it’s weird, like my hands are disconnected, my arms are disconnected, but I don’t even know that this reaches anyone, nobody leaves comments except the robots, or people trying to sell something, and it really feels like i’m out here just posting this nonsense to nothing, they don’t have the power, like i’m the one or something from the matrix.
So it’s really hard, and I don’t think it needs to be that hard, but I don’t have any choice, and to affect anything it takes me pushing on it for months and months, and even then it might not change. It’s not because I don’t have the power, it’s because of that crazy locking mechanism placed on reality that everyone seems to have a piece of except myself, it makes it so generally speaking, you are taken care of like a sheep or something, always receiving water and food, your like cows. But then I must regress because calling people cows is some form of thought that we’re not really allowed to have, like I can’t choose to even do bad stuff even if I wanted to, I guess…
It’s time to do something bad? We don’t have any points, victory is dependent upon it, what are we going to cause. Another hurricane. Somewhere, could be the united states, maybe maybe not, and this will be like a super hurricane. Not really a tornado kind of guy, so we will go with the hurricane…
That’s about all I have to do how much do you want to bet that there’s a hurricane this next coming season, in like 4 or 5 months the season starts I think. Well, maybe later in the year. But the points generated from this event will be put to good use, although I can’t really see causing death beyond 100 million people, again it’s not me it’s the negative energy that we are battling against. It requires us to do these things, and I guess this was a required one. This was definately a required one, I wasn’t even close to being in the mood to do something like that, but I did the math, and it came out as we are void of negative energy, so you’ve got to cause some kind of havoc.
In fact I had no intention of doing that. Or have, I have no intention, of doing anything like that, and that’s probably why you don’t really see me butchering the populations to get to my goals, I only do it when it’s like, we are backed against the wall, you might say we had our balls to the wall, and really didn’t have any other choice. And if you look at that, the whole situation, you’ll clearly be able to see that this was a requirement, and I don’t often give explainations like that.
I used to cause tornadoes when this stuff all just started out, I would be in prison watching the weather channel hoping for a tornado like it was my favorite team, let’s throw that in there too, tornadoes, I feel like i’ve paid so much that i’m like allowed to do this stuff.
Well, it doesn’t appear that anyone living reads this website. Maybe some hackers over in russia, trying to gleam some information off of it about Vladimir Putin, but other than that I don’t get any other comments. Just russian people.
After a minute i’ve got to go back to programming, but to explain to anyone wondering how you “could be so cruel” or something like that, I don’t have any other options. It’s like, yea, that would be the case except we need negative events to cause negative energy to build up, and that causes positive energy to form. There’s no way around it, and we’re just starting out in this journey, and while we do have a position thanks to Commander Bill and the Dinosaurs, we have that position and we must now use it. Just as we have the technology, or the position if you will, and must now USE the technology. I am not a cruel person and probably wouldn’t ever do something like “cause a hurricane” except that I don’t have any other choice, if you want something positive to happen, you’ve got to cause negative energy to build up first. If you do it the other way around then something really bad happens, and we have learned from our mistakes, being obliterated in a hurricane is not nearly as bad as some things I won’t mention here.
My uncle just called on my mom’s phone and I answered, he said he wanted me to invent a time machine, but I told him that I can’t because then you could like kill yourself before you were born, so reality won’t let you do that. He didn’t say anything, but we’re getting closer, closer and closer.
June 6, 1944
Amazing Post, We waiting your next post, we we we we we are still waiting…
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США могут ограничить продажу широко распространенные сетевые устройства TP-Link из-за сложностей с безопасностью. Как информирует [url=https://hassandesigns.top/blog/ssha-mogut-zapretit-populyarnye-routery-tp-link-akczii-konkurentov-rastut/ ]Источник[/url], регуляторы США изучают возможность запрета распространения роутеров TP-Link на территории США. Главным основанием называются вопросы госбезопасности и причастность оборудования компании с многочисленными кибератаками.
По информации издания, продукция китайского производителя часто поставляются с брешами безопасности, а компания не демонстрирует должного усердия в их ликвидации. Особую тревогу вызывает тот факт, что роутеры TP-Link используются не только в домашних сетях, но и в ключевой инфраструктуре, включая оборонное ведомство США.
TP-Link контролирует около 65% рынка Соединенных Штатов маршрутизаторов для частного применения и малого бизнеса. В компании отметили, что готовы к диалогу с властями США и планируют доказать соответствие своих подходов обеспечения безопасности установленным требованиям.
Финальное решение о блокировке может быть утверждено в 2025 году.
Источник: [url=https://hassandesigns.top/blog/ssha-mogut-zapretit-populyarnye-routery-tp-link-akczii-konkurentov-rastut/ ]https://telegra.ph/Riski-kiberbezopasnosti-analiz-situacii-s-zapretom-TP-Link-v-SSHA-12-18 [/url]
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Добро пожаловать в мир удобства и стиля с миской Luxstahl объемом семь с половиной литров! Эта миска станет незаменимым помощником на вашей кухне, идеально подходя как для домашних кулинарных экспериментов, так и для профессионального использования в ресторанах и кафе.
Когда вы выбираете посуду для приготовления пищи, важно учитывать не только ее функциональность, но и эстетическое восприятие. Миска Luxstahl, выполненная из нержавеющей стали, сочетает в себе современный дизайн и практичность. Благодаря зеркальной поверхности, она не только красиво выглядит, но и легко очищается, что значительно упрощает процесс ухода за ней.
Одним из главных преимуществ этой миски является ее большой объем. Семь с половиной литров – это идеальный размер для приготовления различных блюд: от салатов и запеканок до теста и соусов. Вы сможете без труда смешивать ингредиенты, не переживая о том, что они выльются за края. Миска также отлично подходит для маринования мяса или рыбы, обеспечивая достаточное пространство для равномерного распределения маринада.
Luxstahl не только практична, но и безопасна. Нержавеющая сталь не взаимодействует с продуктами, не впитывает запахи и не портит вкус приготовленных блюд. Это делает миску идеальным выбором для тех, кто заботится о своем здоровье и качестве пищи.
Кроме того, миска Luxstahl отличается высокой прочностью. Она устойчива к механическим повреждениям и коррозии, что гарантирует долгий срок службы. Вам не придется беспокоиться о появлении ржавчины или других дефектов после многих лет использования. Даже в условиях интенсивной эксплуатации, она сохранит свой первозданный вид.
Благодаря гладким краям и удобной форме, миска легко помещается в кухонные шкафы и на полки. Вы можете без труда использовать ее в сочетании с другими кухонными принадлежностями. Миска Luxstahl станет отличным дополнением вашей посуды, гармонично вписываясь в любой интерьер.
Миска Luxstahl – это не только практичность и надежность, но и стиль. Она станет ярким акцентом на вашей кухне, привнося в нее нотки современного дизайна. Это отличный вариант для тех, кто ценит качество и эстетику в каждой детали.
Не упустите возможность сделать свою кухню более функциональной и стильной! Миска Luxstahl объемом семь с половиной литров – это идеальное решение для приготовления и сервировки ваших любимых блюд. Заказывайте прямо сейчас и наслаждайтесь качеством и удобством, которые она приносит!
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Вам нужны увлекательные [url=https://xn—–7kcbae1dikm5axn7i.xn--p1ai/search-tours/ekskursii]экскурсии иркутск байкал[/url] – мы собрали неповторимые экскурсии, которые включают прогулки по уникальным пейзажам, катание на льду, посещение островов и другие уникальные развлечения. Зимой вас ждут заснеженные пейзажи, прогулки по прозрачному льду и катание на собаках, а летом — поездки на катерах и экскурсии к ключевым достопримечательностям. Наши туры рассчитаны как для семейного отдыха, так и для парных поездок или корпоративных мероприятий.
Наша группа специалистов обещает, что отдых будет организован на лучших условиях. Мы думаем о каждом клиенте и предлагаем только надёжные варианты. Планировать поездку с нами очень легко: воспользуйтесь понятный интерфейс сайта, чтобы подобрать тур мечты. Ваш Байкал ждёт вас!
Хотите [url=https://krs.sushi-holl.ru/catalog/rolly]где заказать суши с доставкой красноярск[/url] легко и с удовольствием? Бренд sushi-holl предлагает вам отведать изысканными блюдами японской кухни. В нашем меню вы сможете заказать только что приготовленные суши, сочные роллы и выгодные сеты для всех ситуаций – от домашнего вечера до шумного праздника. Мы готовим из только качественные ингредиенты и готовим блюда по вашему заказу, чтобы они восхищали вас своим вкусом. Доставка в срок и понятный интерфейс делают процесс заказа простым и удобным.
Попробуйте востребованную [url=https://krs.sushi-holl.ru/catalog/rolly]суши недорого красноярск доставка бесплатно[/url] от sushi-holl! Мы готовим многочисленные комбинации: с курицей, мясом, морепродуктами и овощными добавками. А необычные соусы добавляют каждому блюду особенный аромат. WOK – это прекрасный вариант для тех, кто любит сытные и яркие блюда. Заказ можно сделать через сайт, и уже совсем скоро ваш заказ будет у вас на столе. Не упустите возможность насладиться известной азиатской кухней, не выходя из дома.
Мы стараемся о своих клиентах, предлагая не только вкусные блюда, но и первоклассный сервис. Мы постоянно обновляем акции и выгодные комплекты, чтобы ваш заказ был доступнее. Насладитесь японской и азиатской кухней с sushi-holl – просто, быстро и всегда вкусно!
Хотите [url=https://krs.sushi-holl.ru/actions/16873]заказать суши на день рождения красноярск[/url] быстро и вкусно? Бренд sushi-holl зовёт вас отведать восхитительными блюдами японской кухни. В нашем меню вы найдёте свежие суши, сочные роллы и специальные сеты для разных поводов – от небольшого застолья до шумного праздника. Мы готовим из только качественные ингредиенты и готовим блюда по вашему заказу, чтобы они удивляли вас своим вкусом. Оперативная доставка и удобный сервис делают процесс заказа максимально комфортным.
Попробуйте востребованную [url=https://krs.sushi-holl.ru/catalog/rolly]купить роллы[/url] от sushi-holl! Мы готовим многочисленные комбинации: с курицей, свининой, морепродуктами и овощами. А необычные соусы добавляют каждому блюду яркость вкуса. WOK – это отличный выбор для тех, кто любит насыщенные и насыщенные блюда. Заказ можно сделать в несколько кликов, и уже совсем скоро ваш заказ будет у вас на столе. Не забудьте насладиться популярной азиатской кухней, прямо дома.
Мы заботимся о своих клиентах, гарантируя не только свежую еду, но и отличное обслуживание. Мы постоянно меняем скидки и выгодные комплекты, чтобы ваш заказ стал ещё выгоднее. Попробуйте японской и азиатской кухней с sushi-holl – легко, быстро и гарантированно свежо!
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Вам нужны насыщенные [url=https://xn—–7kcbae1dikm5axn7i.xn--p1ai/search-tours/zima?tour_type=excoursies]экскурсии из иркутска на байкал зимой[/url] – мы предлагаем увлекательные экскурсии, которые предполагают прогулки по живописным местам, катание на льду, посещение заповедных мест и другие необычные развлечения. Зимой вас порадуют заснеженные пейзажи, прогулки по чистейшему льду и езды на собачьих упряжках, а летом — экскурсии по воде и экскурсии к самым известным достопримечательностям. Наши туры подходят как для путешествий с семьёй, так и для парных поездок или командных выездов.
Наша команда гарантирует, что отдых будет подготовлен на лучших условиях. Мы думаем о каждом клиенте и рекомендуем только проверенные варианты. Планировать поездку с нами очень легко: используйте простой интерфейс сайта, чтобы найти тур мечты. Ваш Байкал ждёт вас!
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