The Satellite Annual #2

And here’s to another year, I purchased another year of this domain, and it cost $14.50 or something, my mom didn’t want to give it to me but she did.
I have purchased this website before, a year ago I can barely remember doing it. I didn’t know how I was going to pay for it, but I found $20. I was wondering what if I just let the website shutdown, with all these users and everything, it’s just picking up speed, and then to shut it down all over $14, this website may do some good, and I just forgot what I was going to say.. the weed is so strong, there’s so much THC on it it’s like a white puff balls, i’ll take a picture hold on…

So you can’t really see it’s white properties, but it looks like it’s white where it’s not red, so it’s like all white with these red veins, it gets you really high, I always say to myself I can’t tell that i’m even high, it’s so clean.
Then it burns you like a mother fk’r, it’s like you can’t move or do anything, anyways..
I’ve made more progress while writing in my journal, called “The Necronic” you may be able to search this site for “necronic” and you’d… you know what thats funny, right when I come out with “The Necronic” journal I start smoking marijuana, after a 4 year break. Anyways I made progress in the journal, I have been primarily focused on the last few pages were about this Hurricane Milton, that’s set to hit florida, but like today, now this is like the biggest hurricane in 80 years or something, I found out my cousin is right in the middle of it, and like, he’s refusing to move, I dunno it’s really crazy he says his house is built of cement, and he doesn’t need to go anywhere, like this hurricane is going to be 15 foot high water, the systems haven’t been tested for this type of thing, the last time there was a hurricane like this was like 1930 or something, and we don’t have much record of it.
So I haven’t personally talked with him, but he’s right in like Sarasota, and he’s saying that he’s not moving, he’s fine with his concrete, but this will blow out your windows, you’d almost have to leave the house, I don’t know the whole story, but perhaps he’s kinda suicidal, I dunno, why would you stay in that kind of a hurricane, I can see staying when it’s not that bad, like 1 foot of water or something, but this is 15 – 20 foot high walls of water, so you can’t go outside when you like need to go outside, you almost would have to have a boat and be bailing water to survive in the hurricane like this one is.
Below is an account from another person, about this hurricane, you don’t have to read the whole thing, I just picked it out because of the title of it, it’s “Why i’m not leaving” and I did a google search for hurricane milton “we’re staying” (with quotes) to find this page, anyways;
It’s 11pm at night and we’re pouring ourselves some bourbon; both to take the edge off the stressful day we’ve just had – and to steel our nerves for what is to come. We’re hearing news reports about Hurricane Milton; warnings that it will be the “storm of the century” that will smash into Tampa – where we are right now – within hours.
Our city mayor has put out dire warnings that people who are refusing to leave the zones that have been told to evacuate “could die in their homes”. She’s even said that houses could become “coffins”. But I can’t help but try and be optimisic, rather than the opposite – which doesn’t bear thinking about. Our local news hasn’t sensationalised the dangers, either – it may be that they’re trying to not freak everyone out here because you need to stay as calm as possible to prepare.
But there is an electricity in the air. Winds have started to pick up and now we are settling inside. The news is on 24/7 and we keep getting regular emergency messages come through – the screen goes bright blue and lets you know whether your zone has to be evacuated or not. Our house is about two miles north of downtown Tampa and our neighborhood is directly on the Hillsborough River. We haven’t been told to evacuate, so we’re staying put.
I also need to stay calm because the house is crowded: as well as myself, my husband, our two-year-old son and our dog; we have our two friends, their teenager, their two cats and a bearded dragon staying with us. After their home was destroyed during Hurricane Helene just a few days ago, they had no choice but to leave.
Everyone feels anxious when storms are coming, especially since they’re so unpredictable. You do your best to stay calm and try to find silver linings or make jokes about it. We had a little hurricane party last night – those are common. When you feel helpless – and, let’s face it, we’re completely helpless in the face of a storm like this – it can be an opportunity to hang out and help each other get through it together (unsurprisingly, we’ve also had quite a lot to drink!)
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The last time Tampa had a direct hurricane hit was 1921. It’s crazy – no one here really knows what will happen. We joke that Indian burial grounds protect us around here, because there have been a lot that have been heading this way and veered off at the last moment. We’re hoping it holds true again, but don’t wish it on anyone else either. I think Helene was a great wake up call – it was 100 miles offshore and broke all of the local storm surge records, so most people are thankfully taking this one seriously.
But I’m already running out of ways to entertain Cameron, my two-year-old. Kids don’t understand – they can’t – so we have to make it seem like a game. For the most part, we are working on keeping the atmosphere as calm and positive as we can. We took him and our 90lb Catahoula American bulldog, Cooper, out for a walk around the block yesterday afternoon, knowing that soon we’d be unable to go outside. Cooper is a gentle giant and a huge chicken – he’s deathly afraid of loud noises, including thunder. I got him plenty of dog CBD treats to get him through, but he definitely has that sixth sense and knows something is going on.
The main concern is our son right now. The potential danger is scary, but it’s also a challenge keeping a toddler entertained inside for such long stretches of time. There’s only so much Bluey parents can take.
Stephanie and Chris Schwartz with their two-year-old son Cameron
Stephanie and Chris Schwartz with their two-year-old son Cameron (Stephanie Schwartz)
I heard a meteorologist describe waiting for a hurricane to hit like being stalked by a turtle, and this analogy really resonated with me. They take so long to form, striking when and where you least expect it. All you can do is brace yourself, prepare and hope for the best – and, boy, have we prepared...
My husband spent most of yesterday boarding up the windows of the house with special hurricane shutters. We have a two-storey house and it is a new-build, meaning it was designed to be much more resilient than some older buildings. But we’re worried about the top floor, which will be much more exposed when the winds pick up.
We also took the opportunity to pop to the grocery store yesterday to stock up. Our local Target was surprisingly busy – barely anything was left on the shelves. Although some food was left, things like toilet roll, alcohol and bottled water were completely gone. We tried to get as many essentials as possible – and some of our toddler’s favourite snacks to keep him happy.
A lot of Americans in hurricane-prone areas offer help and support, because you never know when you’ll need them to return the favour. There’s a real sense of community – even during the worst times – and that’s really reassuring; to know we’re all in it together.
I grew up in Boston and my husband is from LA, so hurricane prep is relatively new to us. We moved to Tampa in 2007 and 2014, respectively – the space and sunshine became especially important as we grew our family – before settling into our current house in Hilsborough River in 2016.
But even then, we knew a big part of living in Florida was accepting that it is often in the path of serious storms. So far, we have experienced at least one tropical storm and one hurricane every year since we’ve been here – and according to experts, that’s set to increase.
There’s still a lot of debris on the streets from Helene, which is going to cause issues as this new storm approaches. Milton is said to be so strong that it’ll be a category 6 – a brand-new category that does not yet exist. And so with the high winds and flood waters, the debris could prove to be very destructive – perhaps even lethal.
For our part, we feel safe enough at home for now. And to be honest, evacuations can sometimes be more dangerous and stressful than staying put. There’s often gridlock traffic and gas stations run out of fuel – so it can be a real pain, unless you absolutely have to do it.
Of course, we try to adhere to the local government’s advice and help clear the streets when it is safe to do so, to help reduce the potential damage. And if push came to shove, we would definitely evacuate to stay safe.
We are also aware that in the wake of a hurricane the likelihood of looting increases. Our friends said they had “pickers” go through some of the debris on their curb after Helene. They don’t necessarily mind when people are being courteous and taking only what’s needed, but it can definitely be jarring to see your things being rifled through – especially after suffering so much loss already.
JavaScriptAnd they are like right in the line of this storm, in Tampa and in Sarasota, and many other places, they are right in line with like the whole thing, the eye of the storm, so he’s sacrificing himself maybe, I don’t know, what if he’s like doing this because of the whole we need points, it’s really a desperate situation, and so he’s decided to do the only way we know of to make points, and thats… Well, I had better try to print up some points. See it’s alot more complicated than i’m leading you on to believe, Points are the product of turning the energy from a negative event into something you can use, for like human energy, or energy to purchase technology, it is divided out in points.
So he is going to make all this energy, especially when he’s in the middle of this huge ass hurricane, and that is perhaps why he’s doing this? I don’t know, because what I mean by the points is that basically negative energy converts to positive energy, and that transfers into events and actions taken in reality, a negative event causes a positive, and too much positive will cause negative things to happen.
Why do I get the feeling that this is something popular like all across america, this blog, and they’re like hiding everything from me, that would be like them to do something like that, but maybe not, I know that like the statistics for this website range in at like 2,000 persons per day, viewers per day, something like 2,000 on a good day, and on a bad day like 400, but that’s only what’s reported to my webserver, that is only Physical requests..
Requests from another dimension are not counted in this toll, so we’ll not ever know that it’s a popular or not website, the situation is really frustrating and shitty, but i’m not allowed to say stuff like that, always have to keep a smile on, I wonder where… I forgot to produce the points.
Take the material generated from a negative event, the stuff you use to make a positive event, and convert it into a version of points specific to the type of energy it has become, so it’s “points of energy”. Now these points may be more than just any type of point, it is perhaps, infinite in angles, but route it into a satellite phone call, and put that call itself into another call, now place these calls, the whole system, into one slot of an infinity matrix. Place that matrix into a matrix of matrices, that part also of another matrix, and it goes on forever, always expanding, always discovering some new set, and then we forge those matrices, after placing them into networks, and then networks of networks, and then the next thing, and all of this now down to one unit of positive energy, that is positive energy of a very, very high quality, it is of a potent kind of material, now create for each person some high amount for each, like a collect, infinite upon infinite values of this positive energy, for each person to spend as paid for events that are positive, they are positive events that do not require a negative counterpart, now if you know of something else to do with the energy, your also free to do that, no b.s., no contract, no laws, only the idea that I wouldn’t want you to create unnecessary negative events, because that’s what the creator of this type of energy is desiring… But that doesn’t really go into the product, that’s just something that I would personally want, especially to happen with this products usage, it will be used and there will be less negative, as it is unnecesarry.
They should make this automatic, applied to everything, that you don’t need a negative, we’ve produced enough positive energy for lifetimes upon lifetimes, we don’t need any more of it.
Well that was my 2nd Annual Satellite Show, and I really do hope that you liked it, because if I don’t get enough votes for it we won’t be able to do it next year, and we’ll be outside, homeless, but still writing in our blog, so you don’t have anything to worry about!
If your in florida right now, leave it behind because there’s nothing there for you, if it’s there now it won’t be there when that hurricane hits
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Электроизмерительная лаборатория
Для наружных и внутренних работ по всем видам поверхностей, а также для окраски обоев
Как защитить древесину
Основными требованиями являются:
В линейку универсальных эмалей для дерева ВГТ входит краска “металлик”, предназначенная для дизайнерской отделки поверхностей
Базовые цвета продукта – золото, бронза, серебро, аквамарин, аметист, изумруд
После застывания на дереве краска выглядит фактурно и реалистично
Материал, практически, не имеет запаха, легко наносится на основу с помощью кисти, валика или краскопульта, быстро высыхает
Быстрое высыхание
Наносить второй слой или выполнять другие виды работ можно уже через несколько часов
Использование акриловых красок сокращает сроки ремонта
фабрика кухня — Надежная фабрика, создающая кухни на заказ по вашим пожеланиям.
Используйте бесплатные шаблоны резюме для устройства на работу. Пустые бланки резюме для устройства на работу представлены в 35 вариантах оформления. Шаблоны представлены в формате PDF, используйте для работы с файлами PDF-редакторы — Ваш надежный партнер в выборе кухонь на заказ. — Воплощаем мечты о кухне в реальность!
tetsdjjhd – Сделайте шаг к созданию кухни вашей мечты.
кухня на заказ — Индивидуальные решения для вашего дома, созданные с учетом всех пожеланий.
кухни москва — Большой выбор современных кухонь в Москве.