The Dream Master
I have finally got a program running that upgades “7.951 billion” people. It does this at like 3 people per second, so it won’t ever finish, maybe I programmed it wrong. Anyways its the usual “James Dean” type of program but slightly simplified, it has only a random number set addition, basic data_id, type_id, and class_id, and that’s about all there is to it. It doesn’t do any fancy, make 40,000 “positive hex’s” and then add them to your data, so that there’s this kinda aura around everyone they are giving off a force that blocks negative things from happening. I think we have mastered negative things from happening, physically at least.
Just 3 days ago I was sent spiraling downwards, because I tried to get everyone to attack the “normal people” of Earth, I was trying to get everyone to see that they needed to be neutralized, and so we must do that before they repeat what they did. That slowly evolved into something like, this weird anger towards my Mom, and that finally turned in to an attack, that was pointed at people the attack had this form: I asked you for energy, and you said no, I said that that was unacceptable. Next, a year later, I told you that I couldn’t get rid of the “Threat” facing us all, and I had pressed on that door as hard as I could, and it wouldnt budge, but you said that was unacceptable. I said I would have gotten rid of the threat, had you given me enough energy.
SO this is what i’m thinking, we call it a “crash”, and at this time I don’t feel or think that way, it is generally understood that I am content with my situation, just so long as my partner The Moon gets a really big check then this is okay, it’s almost a fact that I think that this is okay, everybody knows that, it was my thoughts before and after this “hill” that I am generally okay with this, and can understand that you can’t do any better, that is literally what i’m thinking right now. However I don’t exactly like this situation i’m in, but I do like it because it makes it happen, it gets us the energy that we need, we make progress, there’s all these benefits and to weigh one or the other sides of this coin, you’ll just end up with your brain twisted into a knot, I can understand that there are much worse off situations that people are in than mine, or what you have provided for me…
SO why did I think those thoughts, the thoughts about the “Threat”? It’s because there is a void of negative energy, there is so little negative energy on the field that these things, everything just spins out of control, rather quickly, and we’re left with our minds in a state of say, “Compulsion” that we cannot get out of, and can’t even reason our way out of, we become so other person, with all the intentions of hurting people, stealing, whatever. This was one of the worst crashes, usually they last like 4 hours, I wake up the next day and it’s pretty much gone, this lasted for 3 days, perhaps even longer, when you consider time is often stretched out to the limit, it ticks by so slowly, maybe that is a good thing.
THe lack of negative on the board of life causes these things to occur, it is a puzzle that we have yet to be able to solve. We have tried to pay for it, we’ve tried gathering up a bunch of points, giving it to it, nothing seems able to solve the equation, so we are left to ride out these incredibly dangerous situations, this person with all this power sliding out of control, wielding whatever kind of power with the intention to kill or cause confusions. What does it take to stop that person? We must stop negative energy, we must stop it before it strikes again, but if we can only minimize it, then we will take that too, so we’re putting into the equation we’re going to take it if we can only minimize it, but if we can erase it entirely, then we want that even more.
So make a Satellite Call, to call in materials that will form either an upgrade, a tool, printing something out of a printer, a set of notes, like a paradigm, whatever these materials will aid us in stopping it from crashing, and we’re placing these materials into an infinity matrix, with that matrix part of another larger matrix, this continuing on forever. SO we have our materials. Then we do the same thing for Books, CD’s, CD’s with infinite data on them, computers, technology, computer technology, things that build towers that represent computers, computers that go beyond the speed of infinity, and their speed is measured in the amount of times you’ve leveled the speed, so 1 is just regular, then 2 is 2x the number infinity, and this continues, and this is only part of network of computers, these towers stretch off into the distance in every direction, whether that’s up, or down, or west, or left or right. They are always gaining speed, because someone is always adding an additional modifier to it’s speed, always adding something to it’s cache, hard drives that can hold infinity to the power of infinity, RAM that is way beyond infinite gigabytes.
I’ll just stop. There’s no point in doing this stuff, it never works, but to bring some computers online that might defeat negative energy, that would be really cool, I would like to see that.
Well i’m off to try to write the Satellite program, but before I go, here’s a copy of the C++ that I was talking about:
(it doesn’t work yet, it takes too long to apply the data to the citizen at the moment…)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <bitset>
// random include
#include <random>
#include "random/pcg_random.hpp"
#include "random/pcg_extras.hpp"
class james_dean_data_component {
signed long long int local_system_id = 0;
signed long long int local_data_id = 0;
signed long long int local_type_id = 0;
signed long long int local_class_id = 0;
std::vector<signed long long int> local_random_vector;
std::vector<signed long long int> local_mod_vector;
void set_local_system_id(signed long long int system_id_input)
local_system_id = system_id_input;
void set_local_data_id(signed long long int data_id_input)
local_data_id = data_id_input;
void set_local_type_id(signed long long int type_id_input)
local_type_id = type_id_input;
void set_local_class_id(signed long long int class_id_input)
local_class_id = class_id_input;
void set_local_random_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> random_vector_input)
local_random_vector = random_vector_input;
void set_local_mod_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> mod_vector_input)
local_mod_vector = mod_vector_input;
void call_set_local_system_id(signed long long int system_input_int)
void call_set_local_data_id(signed long long int data_input_int)
void call_set_local_type_id(signed long long int type_input_int)
void call_set_local_class_id(signed long long int class_input_int)
void call_set_local_random_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> random_int_input)
void call_set_local_mod_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> mod_int_input)
class james_dean_data : public james_dean_data_component {
class earth_citizen {
signed long long int citizen_id = 0;
std::vector<james_dean_data> data_install;
void set_data_install(std::vector<james_dean_data> data_install_input)
data_install = data_install_input;
void set_citizen_id(signed long long int citizen_id_input)
citizen_id = citizen_id_input;
void call_set_data_install(std::vector<james_dean_data> install_input)
void call_set_citizen_id(signed long long int citizen_int_input)
std::vector<signed long long int> return_random_vector();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
std::cout << "--+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ \n";
std::cout << "\tMadness Presents...\n\t\t\tThe\n\t\t\t\t\tJames Dean\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tProgram!\nVersion: 002\tRevision: 01\n";
std::cout << "--+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ \n";
bool production = true;
signed long long int class_id_total = 0;
signed long long int type_id_total = 0;
signed long long int data_id_total = 0;
signed long long int master_data_target = 2'000;
signed long long int data_id_target = master_data_target / 10;
signed long long int class_id_target = master_data_target / 40;
signed long long int type_id_target = master_data_target / 18;
signed long long int master_data_current = 0;
signed long long int display_ticker = 0;
std::vector<james_dean_data> james_dean_vector;
signed long long int local_system_id = 0;
std::vector<signed long long int> local_random_vector;
std::vector<signed long long int> local_mod_vector;
signed long long int total_random_number = 0;
signed long long int display_count = 0;
while (production == true)
std::cout << "top of production\n";
for(signed long long int current_class_id = 0; current_class_id < class_id_target; current_class_id++)
for(signed long long int current_type_id = 0; current_type_id < type_id_target; current_type_id++)
for(signed long long int current_data_id = 0; current_data_id < data_id_target; current_data_id++)
james_dean_data local_james_dean_data;
local_random_vector = return_random_vector();
local_mod_vector = return_random_vector();
total_random_number = total_random_number + 8'000;
master_data_current = master_data_current + 1;
if(master_data_current >= master_data_target)
production = false;
goto production_over;
display_ticker = display_ticker + 1;
if(display_ticker > 99)
display_ticker = 0;
display_count = display_count + 1;
std::cout << "================================================================================\n";
std::cout << "class_id_total: " << class_id_total << "\n";
std::cout << "type_id_total: " << type_id_total << "\n";
std::cout << "data_id_total: " << data_id_total << "\n";
std::cout << "\ntotal_random_number = " << total_random_number << "::" << total_random_number / 4'000 << " sets generated" << "\n";
std::cout << "\n\n";
std::cout << "master_data_target: " << master_data_target << "/" << master_data_current << "\n";
std::cout << "\ndisplay_count: " << display_count << "\n";
// here add all the data that was created to each person on earth...
signed long long int citizen_id = 0;
signed long long int total_population = 7'951'000'000;
while (citizen_id < total_population)
earth_citizen new_local_citizen;
std::cout << "citizen_id: " << citizen_id << "\n";
citizen_id = citizen_id + 1;
std::vector<signed long long int> return_random_vector()
pcg_extras::seed_seq_from<std::random_device> seed_source;
pcg64_k1024 pcg64(seed_source);
signed long long int random_number = 0;
std::vector<signed long long int> random_number_vector;
signed long long int number_target = 4'000;
signed long long int current_int = 0;
while (current_int < number_target)
random_number = pcg64();
current_int = current_int + 1;
Incredible points. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the great effort.
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