Tagged: positive energy


The Watch

it is no secret that the combine overwatch wipes their soldier’s memories from their minds. However, they did it to me, and we suddenly enter into a fight over these memories. The most successful, humane thing that you can do is wipe your soldier’s memories. I told them this, and they ran with it. But then they wiped my memories as well — specifically, the ones about the last 5 years, most of my work with the combine. This has one possible benefit, aside from the points you earn from...



I have been thinking about what one of the Demons said in this video: He says “Must.. contain the spread of the abyss” or something to that nature. I have some knowledge about this, particularly because I faced something that’s either the abyss itself, or something similar, or something created by the thing that created this abyss. I believe our problems are stemming from the pickup of magicks from things such as, Jesus Christ and the idea of God, this idea is not really taken by any particular entity, and...


The Bowling Coach

The craziest thing I ever saw, was probably while I was on a computer. If you know what HTML/CSS is, it is used to make web pages, called .html files, and the system is broken into html and css files, with the css standing for “cascading style sheets” and html standing for “hyper-text markup language”. I was editing the CSS, which is like how wide something is in pixels, or where it is in relation to another object, the type of that relationship, it’s not that hard don’t worry, and...



If your paying attention, after I send this post i’ll get on there and setup the community plugin I have for wordpress. WP is the software that runs this website, and it has plugins, like firewalls, community, filesharing, and you’ve gotta kinda work at it to get them working on your website, so I will put it together, look around for the controls. I have I think found something incredible. I believe to be in possession of the very first, nobody’s ever experienced it until now, positive energy. We always...


Facility North

It would almost be a crime of me to look at what’s going on in America’s prisons and say to myself, “well, we’re making alot of progress here” because these people being deprived of like Medical attention, food, sometimes in cells that are so cold that they die on the floor, in a puddle of their own piss and feces, that would be like a crime to do that. Except, I was one of those combative persons inside these Jails, not for very long, but I experienced the beatings, lack...


A Twitter

Not feeling really great, trying to get out of this ditch i’ve found and back to casting. It’s really hard because i’m trying to quit using like 3 things all at the same time, it’s been so long taking suboxone and other drugs, i’ve been on suboxone for like 3 or 4 years, I wake up to it, and half my day is ruined by it. So I saw this Elon Musk video; I saw elon musk speaking and where he says, “zero sum” attitude is not right. Zero sum...