Super Mario World

What is of greater quality, a dollar store, where the items are all plastic, or a regular store? You might say, well obviously the value or quality is in the regular store? But if your following along, you may suggest that the dollar store is a negative, people get shitty items for cheap, but they are shitty items. So let me put it to you this way: What is of greater value to the shopper going into one of these stores? The answer is obvious, the regular store.
To pluck the biggest and greatest fruits you must have the biggest and greatest tree to grow these fruits on.

This is why items of extremely high quality, such as Central Processing Units, Graphics Cards, Cars, Watches, Jewelry, it’s why we are attracted to these things, you can feel their pull. Everybody knows someone without a job, who needs a better computer, and their life would have more value in it if they had the money to buy that computer.
Unfortunately, we cannot yet just print money and hand it out, because of the problems associated with doing something like that. I am not posing a solution to you, but something else entirely.

A high quality world, where there are no dollar stores. You might say well, mix it up, have some of this store and have some of that store. To have a dollar store, you have to have people with no money, or people who won’t spend money, there’s no other way to have a customer walk into one of those stores, unless their crazy. I am just saying that it’s something to consider, a high quality world.
Where everyone has what they need, so that they are “rolling” (rolling is what you think in your mind, or your view of reality in a sense) better rolls come out, because they are in a better mood, they’re not cursing everyone, getting into arguments, they are benefiting the cause. Generally rolling is considered of a higher quality like “when your rolling, the quality of your thoughts is high, or super high”

But that sounds crazy like, your almost suggesting that we just pass out money, well, I don’t have the solution to this puzzle I have suggested, merely one of the pieces.