The Overwhat!

This was supposed to be posted before the previous post… And it’s not finished, and it’s not that great.

Some of these photographs on this page are not high quality, sorry, I was in a hurry.

Finally the scales have tipped in the favor of the Dark, in favor of the Combine. This was my doing. So you might say, this is just a trick, he’s only done a little bit, and it’s just a trick to get us to defeat negative energy. You can say that, and I cannot prove that i’m just of the spirit of joining you, in other words, all my intentions were, was to join the Combine Overwatch and by proxy things like the Dark Side, so I had that intention, but you can say that that’s not my intentions, that there is no proof.

But what would you say if the scales tipped even farther in favor of the dark? This is the subject of this post. The subject is: the scales tipping even farther in favor of the Combine. You might say, I _have_ to do this, I have to tip the scales in their favor even farther, and there’s not anything else you should do. Okay.

There’s so much that I can do, I mean there’s only so much you can do before it gets too hard, before it starts to bite back at you, and _not_ doing this, not tipping the scales farther, might be in my interest, because not doing it would make it so…

Anyways, I was thinking about the Stormtroopers, and I had this plan for them. It was that all of them would speak as little as possible, and this way they would sort of do what I was doing like 10 years ago, and then I came into all this power. However, the benefits from the scales tipping farther, and this thing with the stormtroopers, are mine to give, and you may have them instantly, and without any effort. You don’t have to “not speak” to get these things, i’m just going to give them to you.

Now we will see if we destroy the negative, if we scrape it off the tables of existence forever, I am confident we are at least going to gain some ground.

What I mean by “gain ground” is that these organizations are solidifying their continued existence forever, they are earning it now, it is being purchased, for example, by the stormtroopers working away, at whatever their working at, manning their posts, they are doing it.

But back to the Combine Overwatch. When aiding the Combine, I can only do so much, unfortunately, like, if I did too much the Light would start to attack me, and i’m not going to stand against them, but rather, I don’t know, not do anything. I do want to help them however, and I will give them whatever they might have gained from an infinite amount of sets of sets of those things like the stormtroopers were doing, and aid the stormtroopers in this manner as well (they both get it).

I am I believe vulnerable, or at least they make me think I am, because one time I was in a mental hospital and some kid punched me in the back of the head, he makes me think that I am vulnerable, and with my mission (destroying negative energy) that I have in mind, I cannot complete it without being alive, or not in a comatose state… So I cannot attract too much attention, I also believe that both sides, light and dark, are working away at this same idea of upgrading their armies, trying to benefit their troops, and i’m working away at it, as I develop new techniques they pick those up in addition to the ones that their side has developed. Then it becomes like an arms race, who can develop a weapon to kill the other side?

I wish you would see it for what it was, just something like your being forced to do this, and I think that I am choosing to attack negative energy, where you are being forced to target the other side, and there is no reason in that. There’s no reason to like just kill people, can’t you see TWO sides to the light and dark problem? I see two sides, light, and dark, and I see them as almost like they are the same thing, or very similar, though they may not appear very similar, the dark has different traditions than luke skywalker and the rebels, though they are, at the most, opposites, working away at something different, one life, one death, but that’s all it is, there’s no reason to try to be killing the other side but i’ll stop talking about it.

This photograph is low quality (you can’t use it as a wallpaper)

Another dimension, another dimension, another dimension.

That’s not really appropriate to put that song there, whatever. I’ll put another up.

And I haven’t posted this in awhile, youtube user “TheParryGod” posts videos, pro-combine videos, that he made with source2 film maker (the one that comes with half-life: alyx).

He also has videos on Dark Souls. I don’t play dark souls but I like the videos, they talk about “Fate of the undead” and things like that, some of it is hard to understand what they’re trying to do, here’s one:

That’s a strange video, the fate of the undead? You will know the fate of the undead, they do all the zombieing around and eventually you’ll fall I believe, look at people such as myself, like look what happened to me, they threw me in a room and told me that they were going to skin me alive, I heard all these voices, I call this “freezing” to death, where the cold is like, something negative, which is different for everybody.

Shit if you were really sick, you would like people telling you their going to do that to you, but that’s not my point. My point is that it’s getting progressively colder and colder cold, it seems like despite our efforts, it’s getting worse. This is not entirely true.

You perceive it as getting worse, where somebody might look at it and say something else about it, we are just perceiving it to be worse, when in fact it could be something as simple as debt. We purchase weapons, technology and tools with negative energy, that is the raw currency that pays for these positive things. (generally, if you have an army, better weapons and tools and technology is in your interest or viewed as a positive), we could just argue that it’s not a positive, that we’re just calling it positive. What exactly is a positive?

A negative or a positive could technically be subjective to the person that is the host of the parasite we’re talking about, some people could be sick and like these parasites, for example I tend feed on the cold “air” that’s floating about, but to me, if you stabbed me, that would be a negative to me, clearly a negative, a high degree of a negative, and that is where something manifests.

See, when you stab me, and I feel it, a negative forms as sure as the sun rising, and when you see that the thing that is forming wasn’t there until you did that to me, you can see how this whole process might work.

I will let you have that much, that you at least know it’s mechanism. How does a car get to some destination, it rolls down the road, but we were coming at this without even knowing how the car gets to the destination, so to speak.

This photo happens to be wallpaper quality!

It was said by the higher ups of the Combine Overwatch that they couldn’t have gotten a better partner, i’m trying, i’m really trying.

Now the issue is that these combine patrol squads, or even other types of squads, their units go out and some of them don’t come back, because they run into resistance fighters. Now in turn the resistance also takes hits, and they lose units, and neither side is willing to compromise with the other side. So how do stop the Combine from losing these units?

The obvious, a deal with the resistance, a peace agreement or something, isn’t going to go over well with either side, so that won’t work. And you can’t overpower the other side, because well, I forgot what I was going to say. So why can’t you overpower the other side? Why can’t the Combine continue and eventually win the war against the resistance?

I don’t know that much about the resistance, except that it only just formed, and the combine have conquered entire universes, they have so many units scattered in different places, see it won’t let you attack the resistance, and anyways I can not, I cannot do that.

The Emperor (Star Wars) is suggesting that there is a Conflict inside of me, there is a screaming in my mind, as a matter of fact, pulling me back into the light, dragging down, back into Hell. This conflict, it consumes me, and all while that is going, you guys are killing each other.

I don’t get what there is to see here, there’s a Light, and a Dark, how did these two differing sides form? The Light of Half-Life 2 formed by the provocation brought on with the invasion of earth, when the combine invaded earth, a resistance formed. The combine, we don’t know how they formed, we only know they’ve been here for a very long time, and that they’ve conquered galaxies.

I just see a “side” and not a “resistance” movement against the Combine. Everytime a Combine unit dies I say, damn, it didn’t have to be like that. But I seem to be getting nowhere with this, so i’m gonna take a break.

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