The Last Fortress

When I was watching Doom Eternal yesterday, the ending is that the Dark Lord Of Hell is like a copy to the Doomguy. This was very strange but then this morning, as I thought about it, I was wondering if the REAL Hell was occupied by the same person as myself, one person, me, doing good, and one person, the Lord Of Hell, doing bad. Like a good/bad, light/dark, positive/negative.

Then I immediately thought, because of the knowledge of the happenings of Hell, focusing on it, that I had to try to stop it. I went to my computer and opened up a blank page. I was going to detail my plan to invade Hell to rescue the persons trapped within.

Then my computer wouldn’t work, I couldn’t see the home page of my website, TheSatellite.Org, and so until I fixed it nobody could see what I was going to write about the invasion of Hell, so I didn’t write anything, I worked on trying to fix the problem with my home page first.

Unrelated to this topic is the fact that I had to change the rules that the firewall of the entire server operated by. This fixed the problem, and if your following along just to try to break in, take note of that.

Then I realized, the likely hood of stopping Hell is pretty slim, like, they would just wall themselves in, and continue their dark work. There’s no way to physically stop them, we have to diplomatically try to stop them. For example,

Should we have attacked Hell, they would have ramped up their doings, and it would have A) caused alot of death of our soldiers, and B) MORE pain and suffering for normal people, and C) it wouldn’t have worked anyways, because of the fact that they could just barricade themselves in hell, I believe hell to be surrounded by like other things like hell, as if they branched out or something, so by the time we actually get to hell, they have had a week to prepare, and would just wall themselves in.

Now the weird part about this is that the people that are in hell are *not* dieing, so therefore this dark work could continue forever, the victims, or the material required to produce the pain and suffering that we are trying to stop, are in endless supply to the denizens of hell, the demons who call Hell home.

We’ve been here before, talking about hell. But this time we will try to resolve the situation diplomatically, with logic and reason. I still don’t understand why you can’t just blow it up?

Why can’t you just blow it up and end it? We don’t have all the finer points of the situation, we only know some things about this hell we are talking about.

And so this is my first attempt at a diplomatic resolution to the whole Hell thing. We only want you to stop the pain, and you should listen because there isn’t a consequence for not listening, we’re asking you out of reason and logic to stop this from continuing, we’re not forcing you to do so, nor could we even if we wanted to.

But you say that they are guilty, they only cause pain to those who have fucked up in life or something, we believe in other methods of, say, punishment. Like long periods of time in jail, something more humane. Remember, these people your torturing are probably not actually guilty, their just simple beings, they don’t have free will or anything like it, they didn’t really make a choice but rather were forced like a wave from the ocean pushing you from behind, they didn’t make a conscious decision to do these things, I don’t think. That is why you must stop this. Well, you dont “have” to, you could just continue it, but know that we don’t want it to continue.

You might say, if nothing else, we need the negative energy created by the suffering. In that case we have all the volunteers in the world to go through certain things, i’ve heard of soldiers taking “knife hits” to cause pain to themselves in an effort to cause negative energy to form, and thus, positive energy to form.

Okay, i’m out of pictures…

There’s nothing we can do to stop you, and i’m not going to try, but should you not agree to stop, perhaps you could save the people in place? Change the conditions a bit? So that, instead of like a lake of fire, there’s just people sitting in jail, in hell, sure, the fear would be what they are going through. I mean the fear would be the main event, in that case. Because sitting in a jail in hell, that would be enitrely scary with demons wandering about and such.

It’s really a long shot, but I do think that there’s a soul ruling over hell, you call him Lucifer, he is an exact copy of myself, bent on negative things, whereas I am bent on positive things, and we don’t see it the same way, where I see something negative happening as being oh no, the end of the world, he is causing the negative to happen, ordering his troops to do these things, ordering the demons to do these things.

Is it true? I don’t have any proof that Lucifer is an exact copy of myself bent on negative stuff, just the idea of it, the fact that it might be true. Why else would they make Doom Eternal end in such a way? It is one of my favorite games, and they know that, the people who create these things, the people that really create them anyways.

I always try to get 1920×1080 pictures that are 100% quality, but this time I couldn’t find those quality pictures. It’s odd, you would think Lucifer would have some quality shots of himself, right?

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