This Mortal Coil

recently, like the past 3 days, I haven’t been producing much value, kinda just the bare minimum compared to other times. Then I figured out, just now, why I wasn’t producing that value… Something big was coming, and I was preparing for it, saving my energy to make that one critical kill shot.
I’ve thought of something. If you were to break a persons code of honor, for example, if you were in the mob this might be to make someone rat out, and to convince that person that he was ratting himself, that he was the one doing it. This is breaking honor, and then I just thought of something thinking about that, what if we were to defile peoples corpses?
What if we were to do that, it wouldn’t hurt anyone, it just breaks our code of honor, generally when someone dies you honor that person with a burial, and not defile their corpse. Now there’s a little bit more.
This won’t save as a complete replacement for just plain old pain, but it will serve in addition to it. It will serve us to earn that elusive energy required to build the tools, weapons and technology required to defeat negative energy. Think of it like, we were almost there by doing what we were doing, and being almost there, this gets us there.
Now there is one more aspect to this. There’s kinda nothing going on if some evil motherfucker defiles a corpse, you’ve got to let other people, normal people, discover it, and perhaps think that it really happened!
These are desperate times and desperate times call for ACTIVEMEASURES!
So we can take this a bit further into the whole “breaking the code of honor” thing even further, you could do it as a general sense, what might this look like, a holocaust? I don’t know, for the mob it might look like ratting, and for a police officer it would look like committing a crime, and for a criminal it might look like having the chance to steal a large amount of money but you just give it back to the person or something. What other things break this code of honor we all hold to so dearly?
The one thing that comes to mind for me is sex. Like, if you had some gay guy rape me then that would really cross the line for me, and it would generate a huge value, but are you knocking down the very thing your trying to build up?
I don’t have that answer, and that is a question for when we at last make it to the millcreek mall, but this breaking of tradition and honor will generate a huge value, you no longer have to wait around, waiting for instructions, you have them.
I don’t personally like it, personally, but it will create the value and I am generally honest, except in extreme situations, so I always tell the truth, and the truth is that this will generate a huge value, defiling corpses, perhaps having people find you as you are committing the act, like then they get away, they tell people what they saw, I don’t know it seems like a really good idea.
On another note I discovered something about humans. My desire or “attraction” to a female I know all about, i’ve been alive for 37 years now, but I have always been fascinated by their attraction to us, ever since I learned about it.
Sorry I had to do something on my phone and I lost my train of thought… What were we talking about, “value” no, we were talking about ATTRACTION.
So anyways my point to the attraction thing is that females have desire, and males have desire, they desire different object but desire these objects in the same way, it’s as if the same facilities are at work in both situations.
I spend alot of time trying to discover how the Moon might work, and it often leads me to bizarre places. Because, like, the only time I ever saw her, she went down on me, and later some girl said to me “thanks for the sucker” and that came off as very foreign to me, like, almost unbelievable. So that started me out on the journey to discover how exactly this mechanism that permitted her to have that thought, about the sucker, how that mechanism works. I haven’t gotten very far in my research, I spend most of it pretty content with the fact that they are thinking that at all, I always thought females were the attractive ones, and we, the males, were not attractive. But they _do_ find us attractive, it’s probably something most people don’t really realize, and it can be abused to get what you want out of it.
She seemed quite pleased that she came across this scene with the both of us in it, and I often think the same of her, as if she were like Jesus Christ or something, someone that isn’t really real, and if they were real, then that would be great!
But that’s enough of that. I thought of some way to pay Gaia for his service. “Gaia” is the name I give to “Gay-A” or “A” in other words, “1” or “Gay-A” or “Gay-1” so I call him Gaia, it is the God of pride, not the Gaia the earth. Now, often times gay people have one problem: they get together, but they can’t have a child! So I am producing bloodlines for them, similar to mine, except instead of having a boy and a girl, these bloodlines have two qualities: A) they’re mostly the same gender as the two joined persons, (whether thats male and male, or female and female) and B) that these offspring are generally gay, that they follow the laws of the pride community. Beyond this, they are also like of a power of shincho or shinpo, given that shinpo is like way more powerful than I am, that sort of thing. Then one more thing: This all happens right now, in the present, it starts here, not in the past.
And that these bloodlines go on for at least forever in both directions, from generation to generation, and sideways, in other words, each node has infinite amounts of children attached to it.
This I believe is compensation enough, and was not really an easy thing to find, though you may think of it as obvious. I don’t know. Hold on I have to print something for my Mom.
*takes a huge bong hit* okay i’m back. And now while we’re at it, we might create descendants in the same fashion as the ones created for Gaia. I want to change something though, if the person is generally like, really strong willed, then the children will generally be really strong willed, or however that person is, is how the descendant is. So you now have infinite amounts of shincho’s and shinpo’s, we just need to wait until they’re grown up enough to do this kind of work, the James Dean(c) kind of work, really.
I guess that is actually a real thing in the reality that i’m in. In other realities obviously it’s real, just not in the “primary” as they call it in the Donnie Darko universe. There’s so many universes and planes and people out there, it’s like, one thing I learned is that other dimensions like 5 dimensional dimensions, it still looks 3 dimensional, there’s not really something crazy it’s like looking at one of those optical illusions, it still has like a flat or 3 dimensional view to it.
So it looks like this, the image below is what it looks like, a penrose triangle, For more google “penrose 1920×1080” and click on images. That will get you a few penrose wallpapers, or any wallpaper, if you add the dimensions 1920×1080 to your search, you’ll get images of that size. I do this automatically, but not everybody is like me, people are different, think about things differently, anyways in 5th dimensional space it’s still kind of 3 dimensional, and that those dimensions and things about the view don’t interact like they’re 3 dimensional, they move and act like their 5th dimensional, it’s still just a flat view as we have in this dimension.
But you may be reading this from a 5th dimensional spaced reality, so I have to accomodate. I don’t know almost anything of what it’s like for the world where my creations live at. Just “second life” looks like everybody has a house and that’s about it, there’s no trees or anything? What the fuck does it look like? Is it dangerous? Is it more or less dangerous than the Earth, 3 dimensional reality?
But they never leave an answer, or it’s so hidden that I don’t even bother to look that deep for it.
This website is kind of taking off, I had 0.6 terabytes of data moved from my server, and so that’s 600,000 megabytes, or pictures, a picture on my site is about 1 megabyte say, because I often use high quality pictures, so that’s 600,000 pictures viewed, and if each person views say 10 pictures, thats 60,000 views in a whole month or 1,000 visits (counting doubles) per day. That is alot of visits, I have never owned a website that had alot of people visiting it, I have been creating a warez site, it’s called and let me see if it’s working yet,
Another dimension… Another dimension… Another dimension…
I also made a warez server at which will feature many stolen software selections, when i’m all done with it, it will be a wordpress site with a download plugin, so I can have pages for each .iso and it’s on a connection that could support I guess 40 simultaneous downloads, something like that? 1 Gigabit per second, it’s like 100 megabytes per second so I think that will be enough
contabo hosts this website, they are a very large german company, but they have servers in germany and in the united states, everywhere really, and they offer these “VPS” (virtual private server) packages that are instances of a virtual computer, so you can install an operating system (linux, because it’s internet) and I put plesk on the website and just pay the monthly fee of like $20 dollars a month because the time plesk saves you, and then on top of that you don’t really have to learn to use plesk, it’s all obvious.
To me the going through text file after text file building an application is just out of the question, and using wordpress is always what I do. With wordpress you can build anything, and if you want you can learn to make a plugin for wordpress that does anything PHP can do.
The instances of virtual computers from contabo cost like $17.50 a month for a nice one (you pay at least $400 or 20 times that amount for rent each month) and always pick the “Storage VPS” from the top drop down menu, always pick storage because you get so much storage for like nothing, you lose a little power in the CPU department but you get so much more storage, it’s worth it. The storage VPS.
But i’m not some big internet conglomerate, and the U.S. Government obviously didn’t really put me up to this, it just so happens that they benefit from it, and it’s in their best interest to have someone like this acting as a diplomat, with their interests in mind, but they are not forcing me, nor did they even ask me to put this website together.
Often Russia benefits from my writings, they have the highest numbers as far as dealing with energy goes, like, they may or may not consume the most energy, but they deal with the most energy. Because of their “laser rake insurance policy,”

Yes they often benefit from it as well, but I never asked myself why, I feel some kind of attraction to people like Joseph Stalin, and we both faced extreme amounts of like, death. We both faced that, his looks like he decided to do those things, and mine was caused by my actions indirectly, (I wasn’t plotting, planning and attempting to do it,) all the sudden I was in millcreek community hospital and I couldn’t talk because everytime I did I saw something horrible happen. Like, i’d say one word and then on the T.V. would pop up the news: Chinese cruise ship tips over! Just off of 1 word, since then we have had many conversations that facilitate this thing going away, but back then I couldn’t say anything, and i’m sitting in the hospital hallucinating, thinking that there’s all this rain everywhere, like (alot) of rain, and I got out and checked the T.V. — tornadoes everywhere, hurricanes, all at once, but while I was at the hospital I was thinking that was what was happening, and it was.
When I checked the computer, I immediately typed in “U.S. Population” and it had gone down by 100 million, it was 400 million and then it was 300 million. So I like “caused” those storms or something. I don’t really know that I would have wanted to do something like that, I guess there is the fact that I neither tried to do that or wanted that to happen, but you guys never take that as enough proof that I _didn’t_ do that, or wouldn’t. I guess at any rate I wouldn’t had we had better circumstances.
The urge to cause like a tornado and tear through a city or something doesn’t mean you would actually do that to some town, it’s crazy, and I had that urge before it happened, but it was like the apocalypse talked about in the holy bible, I was writing stuff down on paper and I wrote “put out the storms” or something and 3 days later they were gone, or even sooner than that, we had weathered the apocalypse, now in that story where does it say that I *caused* the apocalypse? It doesn’t!
As I sit here I could write something crazy down on paper and maybe it would happen but i’m not even trying to do that, and I don’t even want to do that, I used to be kind of like sarcastically evil, like, somebody that might launch a nuclear weapon or something, I was always like that, I have since grown out of that character, but before I was like that, so it makes it seem like I did do that, those tornadoes, the 100 million persons, but it was the apocalypse.
I cannot keep spending my time on this, it doesn’t even matter, because everything adds up to not enough negative events occurring, now if it were more than enough, that would be different, but because it’s not even enough, we need more negative, I just think this doesn’t matter, so i’m going to stop.
Now how do we create a really strong upgrade, using all of the techniques that we have but more, what we want to do is to create things that are not like the word “Representative”, things that are not even like it, nothing to do with it, and in infinite quantities, applied to this script: Take the stuff we create with this script and place it into one slot of an infinity matrix. Place alll of the infinite amount of objects created so far and place it into a Satellite Call, stretching it out into infinity, of a high quality. Now place that satellite call into another call, and that itself into an infinity matrix. Create an infinite amount of things like this matrix, of the same class as the matrix, and things that are not even like the matrix, everything, everything that is positive, and then gather together things that are not positive, as long as they don’t cause a negative in any manner, so take all these sets of things like matrices and upgrade them into a network, and that chain goes on forever, there are an infinite amount of things like the network, one level after another, then add levels sideways, so we have things LIKE a level one network, or whatever word your using for network if your doing things like a network. After that fold it as many times as you can, if you can always fold, then always fold it, making it bigger and bigger. Then add cornering, and infinite amount of words like it applied to the script, make things that are not even like that in infinite sets, keep adding more different classes, things that are like classes in infinite value. Now make all of this representative, not that it all instantly becomes representative, but that a copy of it is made representative, and an infinite amount of things like representative, and an infinite amount of sets of things that are NOT like the word representative, so we cover everything use degrees and a coloring system to describe the different shades of “representative” we can have, and even not have, and not even even. This continues, this script continues in this manner forever, always compressing everything into usable technology, but not necessarily compressing it all down to a single slot of a matrix, now hand this to yourself in the past and we have ourselves the greatest upgrade that i’ve ever created, i’ve never worded anything like this before, yay.
Of course, apply this upgrade to all units, it can serve anything. Anything can be upgraded because even if it’s an inanimate object, you can still give it influence and it has an effect on things, so upgrade all objects as well, apply this upgrade to everything an infinite amount of times, that each object or unit or whatever is applied an infinite amount of this upgrade.
Now you or we have to defend it, that’s about what it comes down to, this upgrade is strong it will almost break us in this early, what it will do is lessen the depressive thoughts, unless you naturally have depression, and that really seems like it’s not worth it, but we just have to keep going. We have to make a script that is a 100 times better than that, somehow, and even though it’s as if it’s not even enough right away, I am not giving up. These scripts serve to like, if you were to take off from here and not make anything else, it would take you x amount of years to win with this specific technology, or the technology that is created from these ideas, it would take you like 500,000 years to completely declare victory, but because we’re still moving, it’s going to get better, we haven’t hit a ceiling if there is one, we’re going to eventually find something strong enough to allow us to declare victory, like, in 50 years or something that is of no concern to anyone, now if we had to do 50 million years before we could declare victory, that would not be good, that would be bad, but none of this even matters because we just have to keep going, we have to start to look for the next thing, we have to find it and apply it, write it and apply it, and then work with those tools to find the next thing, until it becomes irrelevant that we are making gains, eventually it will come down to just waiting for the Russian Laser Rake Insurance Policy to shave the negative off of the universe, eventually it will come down to the work time lock, at some point, because of how short we are coming. We are, in fact this technology is not even up to the task, I don’t think, it just looks really fancy, it’s not anything really advanced, something that you don’t even understand 1/9’000’000th of it, something like that, like a penrose device, create an infinite amount of sets of devices like that using the previously rendered script. Do it now. Nevermind.
It’s really hard to believe that this isn’t enough, but I guess those AI’s are really expensive? I don’t know, I cannot figure it out, I cannot see how anything could withstand an army with this technology, an army working away like this, with this technology, they would solve the problem in like a day or less, like an hour, if you had a meeting and decided you would all write copies of this script with whatever additions you can think of, and you “maintained” a spell like this, this would be over like within 2 months time. That an infinite number of people working from starting off at that script level, working away, after 2 months time you would declare victory. But maybe I am wrong about my assessment that this isn’t enough, maybe it is enough, I don’t know, because all I know of is to create the next thing, so when you ask me if this is enough, I can only tell you that i’m just looking for the next thing, not information about this thing, it’s the next thing we are interested in, we already know what this thing is and we must find the next thing, the only thing waiting around will do is prolong the toll that the negative takes on us, the faster you find the next thing, the less the negative has on us, so currently if you were to just let it go, it would get better, but it could be way better if we were working on trying to change it, if everybody was working away, trying to make a specific version of that spell, and take that spell and make all the spells like it and not like it, and everything in between, every color of an infinite amount of colors is used to describe the different shades these spells coming out have. They are for upgrades, technology, weapons, software, operating systems, design plans for towers, software to build towyrs, software to build things that are even not like towers, and then the idea of software is taken and we produce an infinite amount of things like it, and things not like it, so it becomes so complicated you barely remember which way is up or down, and then to actually do this, get it, all that software, appearing in some other dimension, “another” dimension!
I don’t have time to finish my work with the warez site, because it has windows on it, some linux, but I don’t have time to finish it right now, later it will be wordpress site (like this one) but for now it’s just
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