The Bowling Coach

The craziest thing I ever saw, was probably while I was on a computer. If you know what HTML/CSS is, it is used to make web pages, called .html files, and the system is broken into html and css files, with the css standing for “cascading style sheets” and html standing for “hyper-text markup language”.
I was editing the CSS, which is like how wide something is in pixels, or where it is in relation to another object, the type of that relationship, it’s not that hard don’t worry, and I had the CSS wrong, while I was opening up the HTML file that would show me the output of the CSS, I realized that I had the CSS wrong, like way wrong, I can’t remember exactly what way, but I knew I had it way wrong, and i’m sitting there staring at a perfect website.
That was kinda strange, I didn’t have the CSS values right. So I looked on w3’s website to see if I had them right or not, and they had changed in w3’s website, they had changed for the whole css standard, I checked books, printed after this happened, and it was still all correct.
Something had changed the rules of CSS for every website, everywhere, even when you looked in a book. It had changed it for everything, possibly even in people’s minds. And then I was just thinking about this, it was exactly what I needed to “fix everything” or to make the past not so bad,
This was the same type of thing that would edit everything in the past, to make it not so bad. I got out of central prison and was looking in a book in the county jail, waiting to leave. It was a book about the holocaust, and it was printed by “penguin” I can’t find the book now, but it gives an account of the holocaust and, it’s not as bad, in fact there’s like nothing happening there, they’re feeding the prisoners from gifts their loved ones sent them? That would never have happened in the holocaust that I knew!
This was like the last thing to happen, this CSS changing thing, was the last thing to happen before I stole a car and drove from Erie, PA up to Maine and back down into North Carolina, but that is another story. This was literally the last thing to happen to me before I was mock crucified, an event where you just think something really bad is going to happen to you, but it never does. So it’s like a “cold” crucifixion or something, but an event that happens right before that, the last event, somehow I have to make this happen, but it would be happening on a much larger scale.
To fix everything you would have to change things, and allow them to re-play out, fixing everything as you go along, it would be almost impossible, but so is the CSS thing, that too is an impossibility. But if that happened, then this too could happen, for as far back as we needed it to happen.
The energy required to fix everything instantly would be grand. It would be like this CSS thing, editing things in peoples minds, and changing them, right in front of them, so let’s not lie, we don’t have enough energy to cast it. That’s where debt comes in, we’ll be working in the future, maybe 10 years from now, and something won’t be working right, or something like that, and if anyone mentions this, then it will make sense, but it doesn’t really make sense to screw up your future, just to fix the past, but we’re talking about alot, and, the future will only be screwed up for 10 or 20 years, and this will fix hundreds of thousands of years worth of damage, dulling the blade and what negative energy has done.
It will be cast in the form of debt, that we will be paying for it in the future, because we can’t really pay for it now. Nobody has that much energy…
I was making a website for a “bowling coach” when this specifically happened, and he was sitting in the same room with me, all the sudden he starts masturbating, but I just kinda go back to what I was doing, there were other people in the room, my step father, and none of us are gay, he just starts masturbating, as if to say “what’s this computer good for?”. Anyways the who didn’t really matter, and this guy was like in his 70’s, I don’t know, I don’t get it.
Do I mention the holocaust in every post?