
Who was or is this great king?
I am Saladin, the Marshall Of Islam, and I am as great as my armies!
I have rolled onto you 1,000 curses, and all you did was endure them, what are you seeking to do? Run a race against these things. In an instant all the curses stop moving, and then drop to the floor. Their effects will disappear over time, time we don’t have.

What can I gleam from the small amount of actions that I know that he has taken? He is seeking to rival me, and you know what they say, be careful what you wish for. It is not all fun and power, much time is spent rather, , in pain.
Like some of your Units, you were told of in Myth, and I have seen you on the battlefield. You are worthy of this title Marshall Of Muslims, however you wish to word it. But I have many miles to travel before my journey ends, and this is only one of them, unless you dare to break your ranks and so choose to follow me, we may part here.
But for all of my Greatness, I am in need of Allies, and your armies are mighty. I am not a chooser!!

So you see like the way you pray, in one moment you are fallen, and the next — standing! It is like for all that he has taken from us he has returned a hundred times over, but I don’t really keep count, it’s all the same to me, I only make marks for you, as you keep track of such things, or rather, it will register with you that I have stood you back up, on your feet, and ready for the next game!

They are only just assembling, you will see! Not that I mean you can’t see now, we have been over that argument a thousand times now, literally, and I don’t intend to have it a thousand and one.

They are assembling!

What would you write here, Saladin The Great? What would you write, right here? That is the question you must answer. We do not seek a path for your people of any particular suffering, or anything like that.

You can tell them I said so! We do mean to lift your curse now, that you are standing, or kneeling, kneeling upward, and then in a moment you are back down, and the next you are back up, but does it mean you may face some trial coming in the future? We hope not. We are pressing very hard to reach these points, to arm ourselves with the greatest of technologies, those greater than what we have now! We cannot really ask for anything more than something greater than what we have, can we? At least, so long as it wasn’t taken from us, before.
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