

Other Negatives

When you hear me talk about negative energy, I didn’t know that anyone else talked about it but look at this: It’s strange because not only do we both talk about negative energy, he was talking about the pestilence, his word for “death”. That is what i’m talking about all this time, I didn’t know there was even other words for it. This changes everything, but I don’t know how. I’ve never gotten some guidance information from another source other than myself, I “program” these weapons to try to target...


Dreadnought Cascade

One thing you have to remember, Overwatch, is that I cannot see you, I don’t have access to your news stations of your world, I have only two things: the video game Half-Life 2, and the videos provided by TheParryGod. That is all I have to go off of, and the videos from TheParryGod suggest that your often in firefights with the resistance. There’s almost no way to fix this, how do you stop firefights from breaking out between the Combine Overwatch and the Resistance? At some point, both sides...


The Race Chuck Ran

Thousands of years ago, trillions of years ago, there was a place with many familiar characters from today, but not such familiar workings of reality. You may have nothing somewhere one day, then a new species appears, two total population, and they didn’t evolve, there was no law, and there were just a few characters at first, first was my Mother, the firstborn, who was actually just a head, and she would almost swim around in the air, finding nothing, finding nothing to interest her, as nothing really made sense...


Force Drivers

When The Man came into existence it wasn’t some… some… murder… it’s murder on the dance floor It wasn’t some grand sceme, he didn’t exactly decide, like the rest of his race, that he was to be here, nor did he logically give in based on some stipulation, it was all something else deciding these things. Alot of information is out there about being able to control the past, whether we have control over the past, but who was controlling things before I got here? All that information about time...


The Necronic 2

I have been writing mostly in my journal, which is why I only post here like once every 10 days. I write in the journal more because it’s not like out here, on the internet, but one of the concepts I ran into, I have ran into it before, is the “pension” of the survivors of the 65 million year+ journey to get us from there to here, they made that journey, and they all deserve something for doing it, like a pension. Perhaps we’ll make it divided up so...



I was pacing back and forth in my living room and my head got light, I started to envision demons running down the road, but when they got any distance at all, they were met with these apparitions or ghosts or something, one moment the person would be on his left side, the next he would be behind the demon. They cut with a certain, familiarity, but the cuts were instant and deep and wide, with their shortswords, a mark of nobility is to carry a shortsword to a longsword...

my two favorite communist people, Mr. Putin and Mr. Jinping 39

The Mountain Of A Thousand Whispers

This was also foretold of, in Myth, it states we would come to a mountain, the cloudspine, and it was erupting and it was near the end of the game, that the dark soulblighter was gathering power to destroy the world, and you had to stop him or something, they never really said. Anyways it has come to my attention that Jewish people may not be as free as the rest of us, and so I must try to persuade you to grant them the right to life. It sounds...


Positive Void What?

Sorry about the last post, these things happen though, as we all know. Anyway what if the solution were so complex that we had to speak like this: “Positive Void Coefficient” or other such lingo. What if we had to? What if our simple, high-force, high-power tactics are not going to blow the door down because it’s something much more complex that we have to match? Throughout history there have been many catastrophe’s, the fall of the roman empire, the dark ages, medieval torture stuff. All of that and this...


Wicked Witch Of The…

I don’t gain anything by reporting what i’m doing, what i’m thinking, my findings, outcomes, I gain nothing by doing that. It may spark in you some drive to attempt to solve the same problem, or a similar problem, but other than that, I don’t receive any compensation for doing this. On the data, or even without the data, during my lifetime, i’ve seen some acts that seem just coincidental but at some point in my journey I started adding up coincidences, and it amounted to the fact that there’s...

Maybe Data 8

Maybe Data

I wrote the following over the last two hours, then i’ll tell you what it’s missing from other versions of the “James Dean” program; (it’s 400 lines long) Missing from other versions is the save mechanism, where the previous 50 or so data are put into the memory of new data. Another thing it’s missing is the “positive_hex” and “data_buff” which are just ways to squeeze more computing power into basically casting a positive_hex or placing a data_buff on a piece of data so that it’s buffed even further, including...


Combating The Threat

Well I will post this as content is at a premium, but it could just be a crash… These are the kinds of things I call crashes, where there is some supernatural-quality threat being faced. This post kind of makes up or takes as a given that there will be something much worse than the california wildfires recently, and it’s not a given, the evidence presented in this post doesn’t prove that there is going to be something more than what is being faced now, it’s probably not going to...


At Your Funeral

When I was little, I always wanted a girlfriend the most. When it came to programming, I didn’t much care beyond a simple curiosity. Now I have two things in my life, the Moon God, and the project that I work on to develop an Artificial Intelligence that can “think” about producing data that upgrades humans, it is a very important step for humanity to get it done, and completing it will result in a serious benefit to all of humanity. It’s pretty important if you think about it, I...


Walk 2

I make no reservations about you two killing each other, slowly, but what would become the Combine Overwatch should they not have the resistance to shoot at? Would the light be pushed off the board of the dimension that they exist in? Would it be pushed into another world, or another dimension, an endless system or hierarchy of worlds and dimensions that maps out how each other, each holding each other in their hands must fall? These questions are to complicated for me to answer myself, and only big brother...