In A Time Of Great Danger

I was going to talk about mortals, and how they have this mechanism in them that, they might try to annoy someone without that someone entangling themselves first, in other words they’ll pick at someone of complete innocence, BUT! there are more pressing things to speak of than something like that, but I will say that these facilities that they operate on are kinda set up for failure, and I take it upon myself to try to correct them. I have a program running right now that adds layer after layer of upgrades to the 7.5 or so billion people on earth. First it develops the data, which takes like 15 minutes, then after that it applies the same dataset to each person on earth, one at a time, but a computer can do 50,000 things per second, so it goes pretty quickly. Each layer takes like, 45 minutes to get one upgrade on everyone.

I am hoping that from here we can hold them. Imagine 4 towers, one in each corner, and in the center is the earth, the “Pillars Of The Earth” it has been called, as if it were holding something. So we can now see that this security, or rather this concept of the Earth being held by towers is kinda like a security, and it enables the mortals to hold the entire operation, I always exclude them from these things well here they are at last included!

The security operates as though the whole population were just lined up in one huge formation, with the enemy attacking from the front, as though there was no notion of tactics or, anything like that. There’s no country divisions in this, it’s just a plane with all of the people of the earth on it, defending against an attacker, and I will give them all nice assault rifles that can double as sniper rifles, with perhaps a .3 bullet in them, so not everyone is going to be able to hold it while on full auto.

But this formation is interesting because up until now, there have always been some extreme complexity that negates the enemy, it would appear here that a mere singular giant or titan of some kind would just wipe down the whole of the security? Why is this explanation being given when we have moved far, far beyond something as simple as like a line formation?

For one, the thing walks into the earth as a giant but doesn’t get to keep it’s size, it’s shrunk down to the size of one of the civilians, and the magic of the security system is that it generally beats the attacker before they face this line formation. It is generally impossible to know whatever secret password it has, nobody has it, nobody knows how to trigger it, but it’s there, it could be a formation in a certain country, people standing in a checkered pattern, it could be as wild as the variations in something like that, how many ways are there to position a group of people in a country, all around that country?

Bjarne Stroustrup once said, “He is as likely to want to save the world as he is to destroy it” but how long now have we been in saving mode? When exactly was the last real attack? 2 years ago? Longer?

There was a time when it was fickle, going back and forth, and we had institutions such as, the FBI, the CIA, that were there when we needed them to be to block those negative events from happening.

The negative events i’m talking about were a series of hmm.. threats? Threads? Violent intentions? that happened around 2017… targeting aliens many times, these attacks were characterized by the usage of the developed technology to it’s fullest extent. That is, this technology that allows me to roll out upgrades and such for you guys was pointed in the other direction, as I was there in my Madness, I suppose that may be why they call me Madness, just from those episodes alone. The attacks were so bad that strange things began happening, although the attacks were blocked almost entirely, still it left a strange residue, harsher-than-normal hurricanes, extra tornadoes that just so happened to pick up a few extra people, but today all that is like non existent, we don’t face those threats, they have been entirely eradicated.

I spent alot of my time when I first started to become sane, I spent alot of that time trying to block these violent attacks from happening, which kind of shows what type of character we are dealing with, he was trying to block them, regretted launching them, but at the time it seemed that he had violent intentions, and these intentions can mislead us, the truth is much harder to grasp, does say some person really want to commit this crime, or that crime?

It obviously shakes our understanding of our world, and prisoners in the meantime deserve rights, because we don’t even know if they are actually guilty, or caught up in some after-the-world-ends sort of plot! And since we can’t rightly tell if they are guilty or not, then we cannot really apply any punishment, for someone innocent to receive some life-ending punishment is not who we are.

Below is my last album.

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