Combating The Threat

Well I will post this as content is at a premium, but it could just be a crash… These are the kinds of things I call crashes, where there is some supernatural-quality threat being faced. This post kind of makes up or takes as a given that there will be something much worse than the california wildfires recently, and it’s not a given, the evidence presented in this post doesn’t prove that there is going to be something more than what is being faced now, it’s probably not going to happen like that.

I was watching the news this morning about the wildfires in california, and I was thinking “man all those rich people lost their homes” and I thought, you know, that sounds alot like the stuff that I write down when i’m in a frenzy, often taking these uncontrollable actions against humanity. I actually just wrote that. In the “chaos” and the “madness”, I have written numerous different threats, but not every possible threat that exists. Anyways my point is that I believe that the “flip-out” that caused the wildfires has a much bigger brother… I think that we are facing a threat that is like really bad, almost like saying “it’s a sure thing that world war III is going to happen” but now I didn’t write that so that it would happen, I just wrote that so that you would know the severity of the threat, there’s virtually no way around these things it would seem.

Because before this we had spent months doing positive things, trying to secure the situation, trying to make something good happen. Now as I was watching the california wildfires, I realized that I had probably written something like that down on paper, in like a frenzy where you don’t have control over your actions. Not to say that i’m guilty or not guilty, i’m just saying in these states that cause this stuff you can generally only do negative things, with the positive things just being things that happen automatically. And i’m not saying that this is a definite thing, i’m just saying that it’s severe enough that we must take it seriously, and at least mount an attempt to stop it from happening.

Basically while I was writing the threats that caused the california wildfires, if that were true, then there are bigger threats still in the pipeline, because that specific case of threats containing the wildfires wasn’t the largest set that I had participated in. So we must act to at least attempt to stop this bigger threat from manifesting, and, I don’t know how to do that because i’ve never really been in this situation. Obviously sporting the biggest and greatest possible block would be a place to start, but what is the right answer here? I am clueless. Again, i’m not writing these threats up in a sane state, and “frenzy” “chaos” and “madness” all accurately describe these events, there’s no logic or reason behind it.

SO! How are the threats caused? We believe they are caused by a void of negative energy. That we do so many positive things that it weighs on the system, there is no negative to go with them, and it causes something bad to happen in the form of the operator losing control, wigging out and the result is that there is a new threat looming over all of us, from the shadows. Seeing that these things are actually happening caused me to write about it, so that perhaps somebody, somewhere might read this and then act to block the threat from happening, kinda like going through “all possibilities” or something. There’s alot of people out there, and alerting them to the threat may cause somebody to do something that will block it from occurring, but we are not even sure that it’s blockable at all, we just don’t know anything about it.

For example, the united states department of defense could get this message, and decide that they’re going to do something just as crazy as the threat that they are facing. So they load up a bunch of mortars, and off the coast, all over the united states coastline, they launch mortars off into the ocean. This, imagine if there were strings attached to the mortars, and the mortars, as they fall, pull the united states UP, the landmass is being “proverbially” pulled UP by the mortars, like an elevator or something, and thus the united states becomes stronger than the threat, we have done something of equal craziness to the threat, but this is only an example of something that they could do upon receiving the information that there was a threat. Just an example, their actual decision that they make could be in the range of pretty much anything, we don’t know what’s going to work. So maybe they could start by listing all of the things that COULD work, because we don’t really need anything thats not going to work, and, have an AI go through all the possibilities and gauge the strength of each one, then from that the top 100 or so are chosen from, and the result is something that will probably block the threat.

Also this whole post is just describing a bare-minimum kind of scenario, like the threat is probably much worse and, possibly has multiple periods of time as it’s target, blocking all of it may seem impossible and that’s because it probably is impossible, given that we have already thrown a lot of positive energy on those fires and they still happened, what could additional positive energy thrown at a much larger threat hope to accomplish? It may seem hopeless but, it also seems like it’s possible to defend against it, given that this warning could be up to 5 years in advance, and at least a couple of months in advance.

But that’s not to say that all is lost, in fact, this is much better than actually getting hit with the threat, and we haven’t yet been hit by it so, we haven’t lost the fight against it, yet! We haven’t lost that fight, we haven’t won it yet, but haven’t lost it yet either.

While I will apply the standard block that I apply in the form of the fact that we “dont want this to happen” it will be up to you all to combat the threat in it’s entirety.

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