Currently, I'm learning QThread and QProcess, so I want to create a process monitoring demo. However, I encountered two issues that I couldn't resolve. Issue: QProcess can successfully start a process (e.g., cmd.exe), but when I call stopProcess(), I get two errors, or sometimes the main process crashes. Errors: QProcess: […]
int* array = new int[5]; array[0] = 65; array[1] = 66; array[2] = 67; array[3] = 68; array[4] = 69; char *arr = (char*)array; So in the above code I'm trying to cast the int array to the char array, Does it's make 4 byte in each index in int […]
I've been using Visual Studio for over 20 years and I've never seen this one. I need to create a new dialog with some tabs out of some existing dialogs. I hand edited the resource file as I've done in the past and created some new dialogs with new IDD_ […]
I am trying to return a string from my custom class and running into issues. I realize I do not necessarily need to do any of this in a class but am trying to learn and experiment. Can anyone tell me why it is trying to convert to an int […]
The problem is to check if it is possible to get a given targetSum from the elements of a given array. Each element should be included once only (if included). The code is a brute force approach using recursion. I wanted to implement the idea that if the current element […]
My goal is to create a hollow Window like the screen recorder capturing window. With the following code, I can almost do it: #include LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { switch (uMsg) { case WM_DESTROY: PostQuitMessage(0); return 0; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC hdc […]
I am trying to get language-specific text for some file properties. This question is related to an earlier question "How can I get file properties in different languages?" Most file text properties are read-write and are not affected by the current thread language. However, some are read-only, or innate, and […]
Consider the following Eigen code snippets: Option 1 Eigen::MatrixXf A (m, n), B; B = A; Option 2 Eigen::MatrixXf A (m, n), B (m, n); B = A; In option 1, I assume B starts off having size (0, 0), and then gets dynamically allocated to have a size that […]
I wrote this small peice of code to test the problem. This is the code I have: #include namespace stdx = std::experimental; using vfloat4 = stdx::fixed_size_simd; using vint4 = stdx::fixed_size_simd; inline void print_vint4(vint4 vi4) { printf("%i %i %i %i\n", vi4[0], vi4[1], vi4[2], vi4[3]); } int main() { vint4 _v = […]
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