Category: Uncategorized

June 6, 1944 normandy the allies land on the beaches 198

Ultra Logic

I’m having one of those days where I think everyone is out to get me. I get this idea in my head that they can control how I feel, these beings that live outside of this universe, or somewhere else entirely, and because they could just press a button and i’d feel better, but they don’t, so I go on...


Justice And Crits

I often come to a point in my journey that seems to be critical, or more important, like it could determine whether we sink or swim. But, the only way to be sure it is a critical point is kind of strange. That is, if we could gain the ground at a later point in time, then it wouldn’t really...


Notorious Thugs

One of the crimes that I committed was the whole police thing. What I mean by that is, I never until recently really supported the police. As I was growing up I sold marijuana, and generally had an attitude that if the police weren’t there, I couldn’t sell marijuana, but I never took it to the point that I do...

Almalinux 9.4 New Install 191

Almalinux 9.4 New Install

This is not about installing Almalinux 9.4, but about what to do right after you install Almalinux, because it’s one of the easiest oses to install already I thought to not bother. You need to erase everything off a partition by highlighting it, and using the minus sign in the bottom left corner to delete it then click delete all...


Sauron, The

There’s a lady who’s sure, all that glitters is gold, and she’s buying the stairway to heaven… It makes me wonder, if there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed? It makes me wonder; We have held our ground up against impossible odds, and nothings going to change, we have received enough input to be sure that we can...


Evil Inc.

I’m trying to do all this stuff, trying to right the ship, and it’s like regardless of what you do, even when you consider into the equation the fact that there’s nothing you can do, you always end at the conclusion that it wasn’t enough. Anything I do is never enough to meet the standard that is the “Negative Energy”...


Profile One #1

I was going through the comments on this site and the vast majority of people speak Russian, I was translating some of the posts. One guy was selling bread, like some breadmaker over in Moscow or something that sells high quantities of bread is using my website to advertise to the other Russian population that visits my website. That’s okay...

Showcasing the size of his gun 43

…Will go down on October 11th if I don’t find $15. I am fairly confident I can find the money, but it’s October 11th, wait let me check. Yes it goes down October 11th, and so if it turns out I cannot find the $15, then it will go down, but i’ll keep you updated. Some events have occurred in...

Showcasing the size of his gun 1,918

There Aint Nothin’ New To See Here

I was pacing back and forth as I always do, and something occurred to me, it was this: We must hold onto “this” and if we don’t, it’ll be taken from us again, and again, and again. What I mean by “this” is that I share this Trailer with my Mom, and I give her a hug every morning, and...


The Baldwin Brothers

I was just laying in my bed, and I was projecting a message to my old/current Priest. I was saying to him, “Baldwin The Leper” in hopes that he would be able to hear me, shouting from like 25 years into the future, see one thing really strange happened to me… I was walking down a sidewalk, well up a...


The Rise Of Nazi Germany

When Nazi Germany first rose into power, they thought, like we think now, that they would take power and generally take over europe, they never thought that they would fall, and especially not to the Americans/British. Today we stand on a relatively secure, solid platform, high into the air, and we think we can hack it, we think we can...


The Battery Age

In a time long past, I was an automaton, an artificially intelligent robot tasked with the categorization of the many batteries that call my planet home. I wasn’t built on this planet, and I don’t know anything about where I actually came from, just enough to know to categorize the various sizes and shapes, usually long, of batteries that this...



Now we will explore the possibility that, you may not know this but I always ask for more energy, what about the possibility that they can’t give me more energy? It appears like they can give me more energy, but they don’t. This puts me in a bad mood generally, because they could just give me more, and then we...