Category: TheSatellite.Org


Cracks In The Cloudspine

Wait that wasn’t the video I was looking for, this one is: If it were anyone other than soulblighter, i’m sure we would just wait outside until they had succumbed to the poisonous vapors.. It’s really creepy to be at this part in your journey. My thoughts are thus: At anytime an event that I just call “Crack!” could occur. This event is caused by extreme pressure building up from what everyone is doing, they are all working to further goal of the “Crack!” happening, at any time it could...

Picture of Police forming A line with riot gear on 873


This is my blog/newspaper/website The Satellite. Welcome to it. This is about the 6th or 7th iteration of this website that i’ve had, many times it has happened that I erase all my content as it is often sensitive, but as it builds up into like 50 posts, there’s so much sensitive information that I often, in a panic, delete all the content, and lose it. Thus this has happened 6 or 7 times, and each time I do get better, but alot has been lost, unless someone is keeping...