Category: The Dark



If your paying attention, after I send this post i’ll get on there and setup the community plugin I have for wordpress. WP is the software that runs this website, and it has plugins, like firewalls, community, filesharing, and you’ve gotta kinda work at it to get them working on your website, so I will put it together, look around for the controls. I have I think found something incredible. I believe to be in possession of the very first, nobody’s ever experienced it until now, positive energy. We always...


Negative’s Last Stand

I pondered not writing this, but one thing that concerns me is that while I was in prison, I kind of learned that people could take, but not give. I called it being selfish (adolf hitler would call this “being jewish”) and I studied it, became obsessed with it. I think I was so obsessed with it is because it was like my way of cursing these people for hoarding all their stuff in prison. Often somebody in prison from a wealthy family would have enough money to buy $60...