Category: Crazy Experiments


Super Mario World

What is of greater quality, a dollar store, where the items are all plastic, or a regular store? You might say, well obviously the value or quality is in the regular store? But if your following along, you may suggest that the dollar store is a negative, people get shitty items for cheap, but they are shitty items. So let me put it to you this way: What is of greater value to the shopper going into one of these stores? The answer is obvious, the regular store. To pluck...


The Watch

it is no secret that the combine overwatch wipes their soldier’s memories from their minds. However, they did it to me, and we suddenly enter into a fight over these memories. The most successful, humane thing that you can do is wipe your soldier’s memories. I told them this, and they ran with it. But then they wiped my memories as well — specifically, the ones about the last 5 years, most of my work with the combine. This has one possible benefit, aside from the points you earn from...


Negative Energy

I was on a string of thoughts, let me see if I can remember how it started… I was thinking about the data I produce and how it doesn’t correct the problem, so therefore the conclusion is just that it doesn’t work, but I think something else is going on, I think there is more than one thing going on too. I believe that the data is there, it’s there, on each person, but one thing that is an impossibility is that it changes them all into gods, the data...

The Hopeless Battle 865

The Hopeless Battle

A long time ago, say, 2 years ago or 24 months, I realized that what I was applying to nerf negative energy wouldn’t be enough. It wasn’t going to work. Then, I realized that, I just had to try, I had to do the best that I could do, whatever that may be. I thought on this because, if I made progress, perhaps it would save 1 or 2 more lives, so I deemed that I must do this, and that not doing it would be something like a crime...


The Satellite Annual #2

And here’s to another year, I purchased another year of this domain, and it cost $14.50 or something, my mom didn’t want to give it to me but she did. I have purchased this website before, a year ago I can barely remember doing it. I didn’t know how I was going to pay for it, but I found $20. I was wondering what if I just let the website shutdown, with all these users and everything, it’s just picking up speed, and then to shut it down all...


Facility North

It would almost be a crime of me to look at what’s going on in America’s prisons and say to myself, “well, we’re making alot of progress here” because these people being deprived of like Medical attention, food, sometimes in cells that are so cold that they die on the floor, in a puddle of their own piss and feces, that would be like a crime to do that. Except, I was one of those combative persons inside these Jails, not for very long, but I experienced the beatings, lack...


Cracks In The Cloudspine

Wait that wasn’t the video I was looking for, this one is: If it were anyone other than soulblighter, i’m sure we would just wait outside until they had succumbed to the poisonous vapors.. It’s really creepy to be at this part in your journey. My thoughts are thus: At anytime an event that I just call “Crack!” could occur. This event is caused by extreme pressure building up from what everyone is doing, they are all working to further goal of the “Crack!” happening, at any time it could...