Category: Combine Overwatch


The Watch

it is no secret that the combine overwatch wipes their soldier’s memories from their minds. However, they did it to me, and we suddenly enter into a fight over these memories. The most successful, humane thing that you can do is wipe your soldier’s memories. I told them this, and they ran with it. But then they wiped my memories as well — specifically, the ones about the last 5 years, most of my work with the combine. This has one possible benefit, aside from the points you earn from...


The Overwhat!

This was supposed to be posted before the previous post… And it’s not finished, and it’s not that great. Some of these photographs on this page are not high quality, sorry, I was in a hurry. Finally the scales have tipped in the favor of the Dark, in favor of the Combine. This was my doing. So you might say, this is just a trick, he’s only done a little bit, and it’s just a trick to get us to defeat negative energy. You can say that, and I cannot...


One thing that the Necrons who constantly threaten an ally have failed to realize is that I can bring them back from their death, I can give them their souls back, in an entirety. So now I give them the most basic of pieces of it back, I guess you might call it a shell, instead of a core. Here is that piece now. No tricks. Everytime you say you will “Bring Me To My Knees” or something like that, I am just thinking… I’m not really out to kill...


Must Be!

I was just sitting here, installing the latest round of technology for the Combine Overwatch. I always include them in my work, but I get the feeling that what i’m doing isn’t quite enough. Like, they would tell me that, except, i’m trying so hard, and I just can’t do anymore, I don’t mean that I can’t do any more like ever, I mean I cannot provide higher quality tools, techniques and information. The Combine Overwatch knows this, and they know i’m trying to aid them, because maybe their units/some...