Category: Brandon Sanderson


The Bowling Coach

The craziest thing I ever saw, was probably while I was on a computer. If you know what HTML/CSS is, it is used to make web pages, called .html files, and the system is broken into html and css files, with the css standing for “cascading style sheets” and html standing for “hyper-text markup language”. I was editing the CSS, which is like how wide something is in pixels, or where it is in relation to another object, the type of that relationship, it’s not that hard don’t worry, and...


The Matrix

When I first created “James Dean” type data, and that probably needs some introduction, it’s an object in the computers memory, it’s basically a box with the words “This Is Magical” written on it, literally that’s what it is, except it serves to upgrade people, the box actually *is* magical. The first time I created that type of data, it was a very big event, even the prime minister David Cameron, who knew that I was going to crash, said “If Your Out There Working, Keep Going! We Won’t Let...


Dark Bargain

“Eventually, The China Man Will Save Me” This is not true, in fact, this will go on even longer if you operate under this saying. I was in a mental hospital and some guy had this dark blue, Mi6-colored shirt that said “keep calm, and let god handle it”. I do not know if they actually think that, or if the message is supposed to be read in reverse (meaning), but it will only take us longer if you just give everything up to God, or chance, or Luck, because...

Navalny 2,945


So that we don’t lose anything, communicating with any Russian person is like communicating with someone from the United States Navy. The greater Russian Person is also maintaining a message, that states that Growth for Russia, in a number of ways. A greater russian signal, I suppose. I am told I am to approach the anomaly, and that means continuing to work. If they say that, that means alot of work is ahead, years at the minimum. I do not understand how this can’t be re-routed or something, why would...


The Eye Of The World

I was sitting there thinking, how are we judged? We are sometimes judged and sometimes we are the judger, but in these roles is there some common ground? What significance can our “value” play in the coming days, where there still remain spots open, places to join us, as we tend to judge the spell, and not the person. The spell is what the person has created, or at least cast, he at least had to write it down, or say it audibly, and if he were really, really powerful...