Category: 6 OR 7 Iterations



This is a long story. When I was in prison in north carolina, all this strange shit was happening and one of the things was that I had a memory come to me of me being on a space ship with this little tiny alien, about the size of my head, and he was sitting on a chair. On the monitor in front of him was what appeared to be a video of some dinosaurs, and he takes his hand and slides this dot on the screen backwards, the scene...


Dark Bargain

“Eventually, The China Man Will Save Me” This is not true, in fact, this will go on even longer if you operate under this saying. I was in a mental hospital and some guy had this dark blue, Mi6-colored shirt that said “keep calm, and let god handle it”. I do not know if they actually think that, or if the message is supposed to be read in reverse (meaning), but it will only take us longer if you just give everything up to God, or chance, or Luck, because...

Navalny 2,945


So that we don’t lose anything, communicating with any Russian person is like communicating with someone from the United States Navy. The greater Russian Person is also maintaining a message, that states that Growth for Russia, in a number of ways. A greater russian signal, I suppose. I am told I am to approach the anomaly, and that means continuing to work. If they say that, that means alot of work is ahead, years at the minimum. I do not understand how this can’t be re-routed or something, why would...

Attics 5,253


I bought a new bong off of, I didn’t do like any research into CaliCoastSupply I just bought it, and it came, I bought it because the glass in the picture looked thicker than the other bongs. I got the $33 dollar “phoenix drip” one, and I can only take one hit at a time it’s so strong, or maybe because I smoke cigarettes all day, I don’t know which it is. So I take one hit, then set it down for awhile, and it wastes all this weed...


The Satellite Annual #2

And here’s to another year, I purchased another year of this domain, and it cost $14.50 or something, my mom didn’t want to give it to me but she did. I have purchased this website before, a year ago I can barely remember doing it. I didn’t know how I was going to pay for it, but I found $20. I was wondering what if I just let the website shutdown, with all these users and everything, it’s just picking up speed, and then to shut it down all...

Picture of Police forming A line with riot gear on 876


This is my blog/newspaper/website The Satellite. Welcome to it. This is about the 6th or 7th iteration of this website that i’ve had, many times it has happened that I erase all my content as it is often sensitive, but as it builds up into like 50 posts, there’s so much sensitive information that I often, in a panic, delete all the content, and lose it. Thus this has happened 6 or 7 times, and each time I do get better, but alot has been lost, unless someone is keeping...