Author: admin


Negative Energy

I was on a string of thoughts, let me see if I can remember how it started… I was thinking about the data I produce and how it doesn’t correct the problem, so therefore the conclusion is just that it doesn’t work, but I think something else is going on, I think there is more than one thing going on too. I believe that the data is there, it’s there, on each person, but one thing that is an impossibility is that it changes them all into gods, the data...


The Overwhat!

This was supposed to be posted before the previous post… And it’s not finished, and it’s not that great. Some of these photographs on this page are not high quality, sorry, I was in a hurry. Finally the scales have tipped in the favor of the Dark, in favor of the Combine. This was my doing. So you might say, this is just a trick, he’s only done a little bit, and it’s just a trick to get us to defeat negative energy. You can say that, and I cannot...


The Matrix

When I first created “James Dean” type data, and that probably needs some introduction, it’s an object in the computers memory, it’s basically a box with the words “This Is Magical” written on it, literally that’s what it is, except it serves to upgrade people, the box actually *is* magical. The first time I created that type of data, it was a very big event, even the prime minister David Cameron, who knew that I was going to crash, said “If Your Out There Working, Keep Going! We Won’t Let...


Actually No

Sometimes I work for my step-fathers company, making their website and we go on a wordpress instance, he has two sites, (made when I was 15, i’m 37 now) and and that one is a blog like this one, except he picks a bad theme… Anyways wordpress (the software that runs this website) doesn’t let you change certain things, like, if text is white on a blue background, you can’t change either color, but you can change the text. So I tell my step father, I cannot change...

High Quality image of Nintendo Characters 0


I never thought I would have made it this far. Saying that reminds of the Celcigng guy, from this video: This is also highly educational: Here’s a lifehack: When you leave dishes sit out, food hardens on the plates and bowls and cups, and when you wash it, it comes off, but not all of it comes off, so when you go to use the dish or plate or bowl there’s invisible germs on them that weaken your immune system. They’re not enough to make you get sick or anything,...


New Links

I’ve created some new links in the top bar menu, and in the header menu (the header is the image of the metal masked guy) and so you can operate ProfileGrid, the communcation or “social media” software that I have installed on my website. You can communicate with each other via the ProfileGrid. Look for the link in the bar, search the page for “ProfileGrid” or look above the word “Follow Us:” (next to the facebook icon) and you will see above it, you will see the words “ProfileGrid” it...


The Last Fortress

When I was watching Doom Eternal yesterday, the ending is that the Dark Lord Of Hell is like a copy to the Doomguy. This was very strange but then this morning, as I thought about it, I was wondering if the REAL Hell was occupied by the same person as myself, one person, me, doing good, and one person, the Lord Of Hell, doing bad. Like a good/bad, light/dark, positive/negative. Then I immediately thought, because of the knowledge of the happenings of Hell, focusing on it, that I had to...



If your paying attention, after I send this post i’ll get on there and setup the community plugin I have for wordpress. WP is the software that runs this website, and it has plugins, like firewalls, community, filesharing, and you’ve gotta kinda work at it to get them working on your website, so I will put it together, look around for the controls. I have I think found something incredible. I believe to be in possession of the very first, nobody’s ever experienced it until now, positive energy. We always...

penrose triangle TheSatellite.Org 1920x1080 wallpaper quality image 1

This Mortal Coil

recently, like the past 3 days, I haven’t been producing much value, kinda just the bare minimum compared to other times. Then I figured out, just now, why I wasn’t producing that value… Something big was coming, and I was preparing for it, saving my energy to make that one critical kill shot. I’ve thought of something. If you were to break a persons code of honor, for example, if you were in the mob this might be to make someone rat out, and to convince that person that he...


Chinese Poker

Can we move away from the 70’s and 80’s, when the cold war was in full swing, and not be always thinking that the other side is trying to blow you up? We are all citizens of Earth, Humans, God’s Creation, we are all in the same super-group, and yet we can plot and go after each other like we’re trying to pay! I was just in the kitchen and thinking about, what might the Gods have been trying to tell me by having the Mayan and Aztec pyramids constructed?...


My Name Is

The real slim shady! Unfortunately, I am not the drunkest motherfucker in here, my father holds that title. He used to get drunk twice in one day, everyday. He would be at the bar at 11 am, drink til 3, lay down from 3 – 5 and be at the bar at 6 again. I don’t know what was going through his head, if anything. He was always drinking. And same thing with both of my grandfathers. So I got the impression that men are supposed to drink, so I...


Negative’s Last Stand

I pondered not writing this, but one thing that concerns me is that while I was in prison, I kind of learned that people could take, but not give. I called it being selfish (adolf hitler would call this “being jewish”) and I studied it, became obsessed with it. I think I was so obsessed with it is because it was like my way of cursing these people for hoarding all their stuff in prison. Often somebody in prison from a wealthy family would have enough money to buy $60...



When I was just on the toilet, I was thinking how might we have arrived at this point? I thought to myself, something must have designed us to have to use the bathroom, because the substances coming out could have just been burned up by a stronger stomach. Did the God that designed this mechanism of going to the bathroom have a choice? Here’s where it gets really weird: I think he did. This certainly comes to mind, “A God For Pigs” which is an entity that I ascribe to...