
This is a long story. When I was in prison in north carolina, all this strange shit was happening and one of the things was that I had a memory come to me of me being on a space ship with this little tiny alien, about the size of my head, and he was sitting on a chair. On the monitor in front of him was what appeared to be a video of some dinosaurs, and he takes his hand and slides this dot on the screen backwards, the scene changes to some other dinosaurs, maybe the dot was irrelevant, but I didn’t know really why this memory came to me. My friends dad suddenly appears on the ship, and his pants fall off. He says, “can I put my dick in there?” and points to the monitor. He walks over, naked, and puts his penis into the screen, suddenly the screen changes to like present day, and there is a beach, all the sudden this huge wave hits these people on the beach, it must have been 100 or more feet tall.
So the reason my friends dad was doing that was so that I wouldn’t think anything of this scene, obviously if some memory like that came to anyone, they might rightly assume there’s nothing to it, this is just insanity, somebody fucking with you or something. The reason for the memory was that I had later, like 10 years later, gained the power to place objects in places that i’ve already been in, and in the case of the dinosaurs, I placed a copy of my father, as well as a copy of groups that were fresh in my mind, like, the point is that these people were placed amongst the dinosaurs, and dinosaurs have been dead for 50 million years, so they’ve been here for 50 million years, saving up points.
We know that the negative of 50 million years time and the struggles that they went through during those times, we cannot really repay them, but I was thinking: What if we spent this huge amount of money they have accumulated, and in a critical time such as now, the worst case scenario is that this money changes the trajectory of the trajectory, that’s the worst case scenario. Of course, we also end up in debt to them, and would have to repay it by doing alot of time, but it may be now that is the time to spend these funds? I am not entirely sure.
Then I thought, this is the obvious way to save my father, who is trapped in a cell or something somewhere, and cannot get out. These funds could save him, and that made me think that I had to do this, that I should try to force this plan into action. Then I calmed down a little bit, i’ve got to include a mechanism so they can cancel it if they have to.
So how can I include this mechanism, while at the same time arguing that we should spend these funds now, that now more than ever is the time to spend them, of course they would be spent like over 5 years or something, but that push would be so great… It’s so tempting.
I cannot really see a downside to this idea, except for the fact that we would have to pay it back, but what would that look like? After spending the money, things would become easy, or so we think. The one downside that creeps up is that spending the money would generate a negative void, a vacuum of a lack of negative energy, and that this vacuum could…
It just seems like this was meant to occur, that these funds were meant to be here at this time, they could save the day. I don’t see any reason to not do that, but again i’ve got to include a mechanism so that they can cancel it if they have to.
It’s just an idea! The best case scenario? The best case scenario is that over 5 years it just ends the whole war, that there is nothing in the place of the negative anymore, so we are just free to print and spend money, it would give us a license to print positive energy, and we could do so free of a negative. That is the best case scenario. I am guessing that it might land somewhere in the middle of the worst case, that it only changes the trajectory of things, and the best case, that it ends the need for negative energy, but we don’t really know what would happen if we spent that much money, there’s no telling what could happen, anything is on the table, even negative things, we don’t have this huge list of experiences of dealing with that much funding, only smaller bits and pieces of funding that seem to gain us just a level or two.
It’s going well enough for me that I could say that I could survive without this funding. But it could save my father, the one who spent all these years saving the money, it would seem like the money is being spent already, because as he digs deeper and deeper into whatever he’s digging into, i’m doing better and better, and the two are very much related. But no it’s not really being spent, because if it were we wouldn’t be in this situation, or perhaps they are feeding it to me slowly, I don’t really know, you guys don’t ever say anything, yesterday or something Lord Vader said that “I did the same thing you did” and my instructions were, if you don’t have any better idea, to just copy what i’m doing through this whole process, and that that would at least amplify what I was doing, like a copy of it. It is a better plan than no plan, if you just copy what I was doing, and just then I had a really good idea:
It is this, that we spent _some_ of it, like 10% percent of it, and yes that is a heavy loss but there has to be some give somewhere, it just makes sense to spend 10% percent of it now, and that we would have to repay that, that they got us to where we are today means that we are indebted to them, so we have to pay them. They carried the cross all the way at least to this point, and are still carrying it today, see: my father.
There’s going to be all these people that say this is a bad idea, but we have to give up something, there has to be some loss, but in this case it will at least change our trajectory, or our trajectory’s trajectory, so that it just “goes faster” and would alleviate the pressures on my father, whom demands we not do this, and is just so set on digging all the way through hell, it doesn’t make sense to not spend some of it, but I will leave the choice up to those whom the money belongs to, but i’ll give you the chance to spend 10% percent of it now, and that we might repay it over half a million years, you would get your money back (because 10% percent of 50 million is 5, and so it would probably take half a million years to pay it back, as things are going faster, but they are the reason things are going faster, so that doesn’t really make sense, it’s like our speed is theirs, like a holy spell)