Almalinux 9.4 New Install
This is not about installing Almalinux 9.4, but about what to do right after you install Almalinux, because it’s one of the easiest oses to install already I thought to not bother. You need to erase everything off a partition by highlighting it, and using the minus sign in the bottom left corner to delete it then click delete all that are alike. Make a root password and a user password, and set your computer for Workstation, select all the options for Workstation, and after you make a 16gb swap partition, a 30% of your drive root partition, 25% or 30% then the rest in a /home/your-username partition so mine would be /home/madness. without the dot
But before I said all that, I should have said that Almalinux uses the GNOME3 desktop environment, or “D.E.” for short. The GNOME3 instance can kinda be turned back into a gnome2 installation using the following commands:
sudo dnf install git cmake python3 python3-pip gcc gcc-c++ make bison flex gmp-devel libmpc-devel mpfr-devel texinfo isl-devel
JavaScriptthis will net you the necessities on Almalinux to build a gcc toolchain. Specifically I am building #15, right before it comes out as the official new set of the software.
Before I did that, I should have told you to enable the epel release repo, and a few other things before we get into compiling gcc…
sudo dnf install epel-release
JavaScriptsudo dnf conf-manager --set-enabled crb
JavaScriptThe first line (above this one) is a command to enable a repository. A repository or repo is just a link to a place that has programs. A “repository” of “programs”, many times they are operating system software. You must run these lines in order, 1st then 2nd.
The 2nd line is for developers, packages for developers.
sudo dnf install elrepo-release
JavaScriptThe next step to take is RPM Fusion because, your system can’t play videos right now I don’t think, at least mine can’t, without RPM Fusion.
JavaScriptOr you could just go to the following two links, and download for almalinux 9:
JavaScriptNow download the software from the newly installed rpm fusion repos;
sudo dnf swap ffmpeg-free ffmpeg --allowerasing
JavaScriptsudo dnf update @multimedia --setopt="install_weak_deps=False" --exclude=PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin
JavaScripttype in the next command to download gnome-tweaks:
sudo dnf install gnome-tweaks
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A massive 67% of Nigerians watch Football, which demonstrates how much the sport affects Nigerian culture. Football’s journey in Nigeria began over 100 years ago, forming the country’s sporting landscape.
Football in Nigeria go back to the early 1900s. British colonisers brought the sport to the nation in 1904. The first documented football match occurred that same year, beginning Nigeria’s rich footballing history.
By 1950, Football had actually ended up being Nigeria’s national game. Its fast increase led to numerous clubs and associations forming in the early 1900s. This growth increased Nigerian pride and assisted motivate political liberty motions.
Nigeria’s football legacy now reaches beyond its borders. Throughout the years, the nation has actually produced first-rate skill, and Nigerian youth teams have actually won the FIFA U-17 World Cup 5 times.
The Super Eagles, Nigeria’s national team, are a force in African Football. They frequently qualify for significant tournaments and make their mark globally.
The British Colonial Introduction of Football to Nigeria
Football showed up in Nigeria throughout the British colonial era. It rapidly captured the hearts of locals, marking the start of an abundant footballing tradition in the nation.
The First Football Match in 1904
The first football match in Nigeria took place in June 1904. It was in between Hope Waddell Training Institution and the crew of HMS Thistle. The Nigerian group won 3-2, sparking a nationwide passion for the sport.
Hope Waddell Training Institution vs HMS Thistle
I hope the Waddell Training Institution in Calabar played a key function in early Nigerian Football. Their victory over HMS Thistle’s crew revealed the skill of Nigerian gamers. This match set the stage for Football’s growth in the nation.
Early Football Club Formation (1906-1932)
After the 1904 match, Football’s appeal soared. From 1906 onwards, early football clubs started forming, and this grassroots movement spread out the sport throughout Nigeria.
The Lagos District Amateur Football Association (LDAFA) was developed in 1932. The LDAFA marked the start of organised Football in Nigeria and led the way for the sport’s future success nationally and worldwide.
Who Introduced Football in Nigeria
Football arrived in Nigeria in the early 20th century. British colonisers brought this beloved sport to the West African country. It rapidly ended up being a passion that formed Nigeria’s sporting landscape for generations.
Role of British Colonisers
British colonisers played a crucial function in Nigeria’s football history. The first recorded match happened in June 1904. Hope Waddell Training Institution faced the team of HMS Thistle.
The Nigerian team won 3-2. This success marked the start of a rich football legacy in the country.
Formation of First Football Association
The Lagos District Amateur Football Association (LDAFA) was established in 1932. It laid the groundwork for organised Football in Nigeria, which paved the way for the Nigerian Football Association (NFA).
The NFA was founded in 1945. It became the national governing body for Football and supervise its development throughout the nation.
Advancement of Local Football Culture
Football quickly settled in Nigeria, becoming the national sport by 1946. Its accessibility and easy guidelines assisted it spread rapidly. Regional neighborhoods embraced the video game, forming their groups.
This grassroots enthusiasm laid the structure for Nigeria’s future success. The nation’s passion for Football grew, leading to achievements on the global phase.
“Football ended up being more than simply a sport; it developed into an important Nigerian culture and identity aspect.”
The British colonisers’ intro of Football stimulated a sporting transformation in Nigeria. Football’s journey mirrored the country’s growth from the very first match in 1904 to the development of the NFA in 1945.
Today, Football remains an important part of Nigerian life. It’s a testimony to the sport’s long-lasting appeal and cultural significance in the nation.
The Rise of Nigerian Football Administration
The Nigerian Football Association (NFA) was developed in 1945. It played an important function in shaping Nigerian Football. In 1949, the NFA formed Nigeria’s first national football group.
In 1959, Nigeria joined the Confederation of African Football (CAF), which permitted it to take part in continental tournaments. Nigeria also became a FIFA member in 1960, joining the global football neighborhood.
The NFA, later on relabelled the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF), organised national competitions. They created the Nigerian Premier League and the Federation Cup, which ended up being the highlights of domestic Football.
Football associations throughout Nigeria flourished under the NFF’s assistance. They supported skill and promoted grassroots development. Professional Football began in 1990 with sixteen club sides getting involved.
“Our mission is to restore football development at the national level and repackage the league in line with worldwide best practices,” specifies the Nigeria National League.
The Premier League was implemented in 2003. This relocation aimed to enhance domestic football requirements and bring in more spectators and sponsors to national competitions.
Nnamdi Azikiwe’s Impact on Nigerian Football
Nnamdi Azikiwe, born in 1904 in Zungeru, Northern Nigeria, left an enduring mark on Nigerian Football. His influence shaped the nation’s sporting landscape. Azikiwe’s enthusiasm for sports originated from his diverse experiences and education abroad.
Facility of Zik’s Athletic Club
In 1938, Azikiwe established Zik’s Athletic Club (ZAC) in Lagos. This club became a symbol of African self-determination. ZAC played an important role in establishing Nigerian Football.
It offered a platform for young athletes to display their skills. The club promoted regional skill and promoted a sense of national pride.
The West African Pilot’s Influence
Azikiwe’s newspaper, the West African Pilot, played a substantial function in popularising Football across Nigeria. It thoroughly covered regional matches, group news, and player profiles. This limelights helped grow the sport’s fan base.
Football as a Tool for Independence
Azikiwe saw Football’s potential as a unifying force in the independence motion. He utilized the sport to break down ethnic barriers, and Football became a symbol of Nigerian unity through his advocacy.
Azikiwe’s efforts linked Football to nationalism, contributing considerably to the sport’s development and shaping its role in contemporary Nigeria.
“Football is not simply a video game; it’s a powerful national unity and identity tool.”
Nigeria’s Journey to International Football Recognition
Nigeria’s football journey took a significant leap forward in 1960. The nation gained FIFA subscription, marking its entry into international Football. This turning point coincided with Nigeria’s independence from British guideline.
FIFA Membership and First International Match
Nigeria’s very first worldwide match took place on 8 October 1949. They dealt with Sierra Leone and won 2-0 in a historical encounter. This victory stimulated enthusiasm for Football across the nation.
Early Continental Competitions
Nigeria debuted in the Africa Cup of Nations in 1963. The competition, hosted by Ghana, saw Nigeria dealing with difficult opponents. These experiences showed valuable for the group’s development.
Nigeria’s determination paid off in 1973. They clinched gold at the All-Africa Games, marking their first major continental success. 1976, they secured bronze at the Africa Cup of Nations in Ethiopia.
Nigeria’s football expertise grew in the 1970s. In 1978, they duplicated their bronze medal accomplishment in Ghana. 1980, Nigeria hosted and won its first Africa Cup of Nations title.
Development of Nigerian Football Governance
Nigerian football governance has seen significant modifications and obstacles considering that 1945. The Nigeria Football Federation has actually shaped the country’s football landscape, and its journey has actually been complex and transformative.
From NFA to NFF
The Nigeria Football Association started in 1945. It became the Nigeria Football Federation in 2008. This modification intended to modernise the organisation’s structure.
In 2019, a costs was passed to identify the NFF officially. It’s still waiting for governmental approval.
Advancement of League Systems
The NFF oversees 3 main leagues: the Nigerian Premier League, Amateur League, and Women’s League. These competitors form the backbone of Nigerian Football.
They promote skill and promote the sport across the country. However, obstacles like delayed seasons and place disputes persist.
National Team Formation
Nigeria’s Super Eagles national team was formed in 1949. They’ve qualified for six FIFA World Cups and won three Africa Cup of Nations titles.
These achievements have enhanced Nigeria’s standing in international Football. The Super Eagles’ success has put Nigeria on the global football map.
Nevertheless, Nigerian Football deals with continuous difficulties. A study revealed high levels of corruption in football governance. This affects agreement awards and player selection.
These problems highlight the need for reform. For the sport to grow, transparency in the Nigerian football administration must enhance.
Nigerian Football’s tradition showcases the nation’s resilience and enthusiasm. It started in 1904 with Hope Waddell Training Institute dealing with HMS Thistle. Since then, Nigeria has actually ended up being a powerhouse in African Football.
The sport’s development reflects the country’s journey from colonial rule to independence. It has actually promoted a sense of national identity and unity. Nigeria’s international football acknowledgment is undeniable.
The Super Eagles’ gold medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics is a highlight. Their outstanding FIFA World Cup efficiencies likewise stick out. Nigeria has received 6 World Cups.
In 1994, Nigeria attained its greatest FIFA ranking of 5th, strengthening its place on the worldwide stage. Nigerian Football continues to evolve with appealing potential customers.
Talents like Ahmed Musa and Kelechi Iheanacho shine in top European leagues. This bodes well for the sport’s advancement. The Nigeria Football Federation guides the game’s progress.
Football’s withstanding tradition in Nigeria influences upcoming generations and assures an exciting future for the sport. The lovely game stays a source of nationwide pride and unity.
Who introduced football to Nigeria?
British colonisers brought Football to Nigeria in the early 1900s. The sport quickly ended up being popular and woven into Nigerian culture.
When was the first football match played in Nigeria?
The very first recorded football match in Nigeria took place in June 1904. Hope Waddell Training Institution bet the HMS Thistle team. The Nigerian group won 3-2.
How did Football end up being Nigeria’s national sport?
Football’s easy guidelines and availability made it popular in Nigeria. By 1950, it was the nationwide video game, inspiring pride and freedom motions.
What function did Nnamdi Azikiwe play in Nigerian Football?
Nnamdi Azikiwe, Nigeria’s first President, was essential in establishing Football. He began Zik’s Athletic Club in Lagos in 1938, and his newspaper, the West African Pilot, linked Football to the self-reliance movement.
When did Nigeria sign up with FIFA?
Nigeria ended up being a FIFA member in 1960, the same year it acquired independence. This marked Nigeria’s main entry into international football governance.
What is the Nigerian Football Federation?
The Nigerian Football Federation (NFF) governs Football in Nigeria. It developed from the Nigerian Football Association, developed in 1945. The NFF arranges nationwide leagues and competitions, consisting of the Premier League and Federation Cup.
What significant successes has Nigerian Football achieved?
Nigeria has actually played in 6 FIFA World Cups. The Super Eagles national team has actually won three African Cup of Nations. They’ve likewise won gold in the 2nd All-Africa games.
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