The Sun God

Now that we are thoroughly rooted into the Dark Side, their obvious next request was that I target, The Light.
This is destructive, and it goes against well, everything! I generally don’t destroy things, or target anything for destruction, but they make this request anyways. Their first request was that I stay, and the second one was that I do this, but I cannot do that, it would be a very long process and I would probably die before it’s completion, it would, get me targeted for one of these spells. Not that I was implying someone do that, I was implying that that’s what would happen if I did do this, it seems to be a standoff, light vs dark.
I see that they didn’t follow my explanation that there’s no reason to attack the other side, it’s like a super-cold war, where the biggest and best weapons are in reserve. Me being one of those weapons, I would defend you if it came down to it.
And I would defend them, too. But you don’t see it that way, as you probably didn’t come from the Light side, you probably started off in the Dark, in the Shadows, after all, what does the darkness breed? Demons! Demons do not start off growing in the Light, they generally start off in the darkness. So I have this stipulation that you not ask me to knock out the light, and that it not be knocked out.
I guess it’s sort of keeping itself in business, the Light. And I wouldn’t detail or even think of a plan to do something like this.
You guys are going to go after one another, and all your doing is causing additional negative events to happen. How much men do you think that the Dark Side knocks down each _day_? The war in ukraine allots 1,000 soldiers between both sides, what does this inter-galactic conflict weigh in at, 20,000? An entire conflict based on something that isn’t really possible, it’s not exactly possible to knock out the light anyways, that’s not in the cards. But you guys go after each other, I don’t see it though.
This is no trick, I have aided the Combine Overwatch to the point that the fight is in their favor, and i’ve done the same for you! How could there be any trick to that, I let all these resistance fighters get rolled on and then secretly stop the war, where in that line is the trick? It’s not! So stop telling yourself that it’s just a trick, it’s not.
How is aiding the Combine Overwatch come to some trick, there is no trick, you would only save your own units, should you heed my laws, you will only save your own. So long as there are people there’s going to be Light and Dark, existing side by side, and this will just go on until we have the correct amount of Death to fuel our advance for forever, but we can stop the death right here, you can save your own.
They say it’s like a matter of pride or something, like amongst the Dark Side they try to knock down the Light, and on the Light side, they try to knock down the Dark, and sometimes you guys are so successful at it that things like the whole Death Star being blown up, or the Resistance knocking down the Combine Citadel, these are devastating, but when it’s all said and done, the wound heals, and yes some of these wounds are so bad that after it heals there is still a mark there.
What has the dark been victorious at, see The Holocaust, see the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, see all the murderers and serial killers, make it your duty to focus on something that’s going to benefit your side, and the benefit not be from the death of the other side. For example, you could technically speaking knock out the light, then there would be no light, and the dark would exist by itself, nothing to bump up against. Then, that system would degrade and deteriorate and perhaps your factions would split up, eventually going to war with one another, and thus we would have the same amount of dying, until we put a stop to it. The same thing is just going to keep happening until we stop it from happening, and the easiest way to stop it is diplomatically, the most obvious choice for stopping these engagements that result in just everybody dying is via a diplomatic means, by both sides agreeing to not attack the other.
Granted, for an order this tall to go through, we would have to both also be knowing that not all of the other side is going to agree to this, and there will be complications, so both sides have to be somewhat understanding in this department. They have to see that generally, the other side has stopped, and that we need not go after them, merely defend what we have. So you say, were we to stop going on the offensive, finding out secrets, spying on the other side, if we stopped all that, things that benefit us immensely, you would be saving more of your men had you agreed to stop all of that, and some end-all weapon of mass destruction that knocks your side out, you must defend against it, i’m not saying put your guns down, i’m just saying people engaging in these events where there’s battlelines drawn and your all just shooting at each other, it’s just a negative thing! There’s no magic in it, if you let this happen then perhaps the next thing could happen.
What would it be, electing a president that has the interests of both sides in mind, something like that, spying on the other side, making sure they’re not sabotaguing the situation. You would have a different purpose, if this ever did go through.
Your units would be then set to the benefit of your Empire, they would work away, to the benefit of whatever side you were on, and all those units that you were losing in this War which has no end, are now working away, to your benefit.
You say that this isn’t honorable, that standing down is like being a coward or something, you’ll need to make some adjustments, and sacrifice, and that all of that will pay off, for both sides, I guarantee you any sacrifice you make is going to pay off way more than continuing this pointless War.
But it may continue, it may be that this just carries on, forever, and we never really come to a conclusion, this war between the Light and the Dark has permeated everything, it’s become what people do, everyday, day after day. It may be that this is just what’s going to happen, but I have to try to stop it from happening, it’s in my best interest, it’s in your best interest, and it’s in your enemies best interest that this war ends.
I say if your reading this, take up the phone and call the other side just to perhaps make an offer, and you can try it out, you can always go back to killing each other, that option will never be taken off the table, but we can at least try to work ourselves and our friends away from that option, we can always work away from it.
Perhaps both sides won’t agree to like a ceasefire but maybe agree to something, some kind of rules that lessen the death, or perhaps keep the battle in a certain area, while other areas are free to grow.
It’s just a dark side thing to be killing the rebels, i’m not saying that you ally with them, and that they come over to your house for coffee, i’m saying that you cease your engagements with them. That you have less to do with them, and not more, more battle lines being drawn, more fallen storm troopers, more fallen resistance.
Add up the Storm Troopers lost like in a day, or in a week, and then really look at that number — it could be closer to zero.
I admit this wasn’t really about the Sun God but i’m just leaving everything as is and posting this as it is. Oh well.
Yes I don’t edit these posts, I just write them and then submit them, I don’t even really read what I wrote in the past, I just keep going, keep writing and it gets me nowhere
Whoops I didn’t publish this, I just woke up and I wrote this last night. But i’ve learned a little something, I have an opinion. Let’s say that you go up against the light, the best odds your going to get are less than double. For example, the light is 100% and you have 170%, that is the best odds you could possibly have. So you knock them out, and that takes out roughly, half your force. This is IF you had that 70% percent extra. Soo, half of you are going, in that scenario. We must press for a diplomatic resolution, and not this war that will take half of our troops.
Say your a captain of the imperials, and your troops, however distant from you, are dying. They are getting picked off, they’re making progress, but they’re getting picked and could possibly be outflanked. What are you going to do? Your going to do anything you can to save those soldiers, all bets are off, your hatred of the other side doesn’t apply here, your soldiers, who while not at war are always working hard, building your buildings, whatever. Your going to do anything to try to save them, and were they to be dying at the rate that we are dying…
You’d do anything! So I layed out for you the best possible scenario, the reason for it being only 70% better is because regardless of what you do, the other side grows as well, like your trying your best to grow your amount of soldiers, but they are still dying. The 70% is because when you gain an advantage, such as the “Death Star” we all know how that ends. How does the resistance continue to survive, despite what i’ve pumped into the Combine? They’re not, really. I see them die in these videos, and look at how many died in Half-Life 2. It’s all because when you gain some advantage, it is immediately, taken away. We see this over and over. For some reason i’ve managed to stay afloat, probably because of the efforts of my father, and what he has experienced. I also stay afloat because of the time that they have done, they have been around for a really long time, accumulating points for this very battle.
We are on the verge of a breakthrough where there isn’t a war, and your soldiers can build up. What’s happening while your soldiers are building up? The other side is scrambling, trying to find any means available to knock you out, and they are also building up as well. This could become devastating.
But when I do things for the Combine, the Imperials get the bonus, they are the other side. Only kidding. This thing doesn’t care what side your on, it doesn’t matter to some mechanism that was created long ago, possibly by beings that WANTED you to stay in combat today, and they created it with the knowledge that this wasn’t the only universe, that there was a land before this, and before that, they had knowledge of this, so they pitted light and dark against each other for all of time.
Don’t let this person who created this mechanism become the death of many of your units. We must find some kind of resolution to the war, even if it’s an agreement to be less violent, like less of this suffering, that is what we really need. Like an agreement to only use laser weapons, and light sabers. That would at least be a step in the right direction. If we could get some sort of agreement, less fighting, if you could just make it half as much fighting as there is going on, then that whole half that would have died in those battles, will be saved, you will still have use of them.
You say, but I have all these soldiers, all these guns, well, guess what the other side does too, we have to see what’s there. And the only thing that’s there is an endless, endless struggle to achieve nothing. What do you have when the Light is knocked out? You have only yourselves, and then that starts to fold on you, would you actually be able to knock out the light, then eventually you would divide and fraction, and then eventually turn on each other, there wouldn’t be that stick to lean on called the Light. That’s just if what you were trying to do was even possible, but it’s not even possible. I guess I could go on and on, i’ll end this here.