
I have been thinking about what one of the Demons said in this video:
He says “Must.. contain the spread of the abyss” or something to that nature. I have some knowledge about this, particularly because I faced something that’s either the abyss itself, or something similar, or something created by the thing that created this abyss.
I believe our problems are stemming from the pickup of magicks from things such as, Jesus Christ and the idea of God, this idea is not really taken by any particular entity, and this worship goes to something that I believe is non-living. In other words what i’m saying is that there is a being out there, this “God” and he is non-living, so he can wait for things like evolution as he is dead, and I think that just by bringing this entity to life may be enough to trigger something that would stop the spread.
But we don’t exactly have a target, where is “everywhere”? I have interacted with this entity a few times, it has a time machine, and has done many horrible things simply because it’s not really living, for a list of some of the things, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, the sacking of Rome, you see it’s objectives and my objectives are similar, I want to evolve humanity, the victory condition, the defeat of negative things happening it does not share. It doesn’t have rationale and reason as it is not very much like us,
But with all this information I think we do, in fact have a target. We need only to apply force to the idea of this entity coming from the dead and into life, and with this it will see that, things like holocausts are bad ideas, and will work to reverse some of the damage that it had built up to be doing, and things in the future that would have happened had this being remained on “the other side”
For force I call to something that is created with this script, but we start with something that is adequate force. Like a number. A really big number, and we warp it into something that can apply to or be applied to force, the force of a kind to “force” something into reality. Here we are forcing this “God”, whom I believe has been speaking to us through people, controlling what they are saying and I think he just has a jolly time doing this stuff, but that is besides the point. Now take what we have, alot of force now as we took a number and warped it into force, and place it into a Satellite Call. The call is just starting with what we have, the force, and calling deep into the future to bring the best possible force we can into the present. Now place that force developed from the call into an infinity matrix. With the matrix we mean to create multiple matrices, and our smaller singular infinity matrix filled with slots of force, is only a smaller representation of that. We mean for all of this to be representative, and the real thing be much greater. Now take the matrix and place it into a greater matrix, and this happens for all those other matrices that we brought to life from the fact that ours is just a representation. We next want to employ colors, to bring other types of force alive, and to use an infinite amount of colors, each representing something totally different, regardless of how close their hues are. Now we work our way to networks, vast collections of infinity matrices and matrix sets, that are levels above just the regular matrix. And we jump, and jumping is just taking our current level, and increasing it by however much we can, and then we corner, this collection of networks and matrices that we’ve built up is just a “corner” of what’s out there, kinda like looking at a map of the universe or something, the cornering has great effect. Now we fold what we have, as many times as it can be folded, and then after all that point everything to bringing this guy into reality, and set, and go.
We can only speculate how such events have unfolded, but I cast no Judgement on this being, as it is non-living. Think of it like this, my car has an effect on me, but it is non-living, and in the same manner we have or had a non-living God, someone probably, if you look back in the records of universes and such, sometime someone got ahold of alot of power and created a God, to further their cause, except with the universes backwards way of working (actually it’s the right way to work,) this being that they were trying to create had to come into existence, regardless of whether he was living or not, for some rule he had to come into existence, and he came into that existence as a non-living God, for example, the basic principle behind alot of magic is that objects have, great power. In the Lord Of The Rings, there is the One Ring, and it is wildly powerful, though they never really get into the details of how the ring works or how it was made, it still holds great power, and is non-living. It would be the same to judge like a ring, a ring can make a voice materialize, and even hold on a conversation, roughly speaking. Given to attempts to test whether the mind behind the voice were real or not, you would come to the conclusion that this mind is non-existent, the thing is dead. And so we had to bring it into our reality, where it had existed in it’s reality for so long, this will be something of a shock, first time having feelings, first time, whatever. And so we have this really wild story, the people who created this God were perhaps not strong enough to hold onto the power for very long, and the exact object that they created to defend themselves was their undoing. None of this requires a mind or to be living, like I said, my house has an effect on me, it keeps me out of the elements, but has no mind, at least, not the kind that we have…
And from there it becomes so complicated to talk about I must skip to something else… Somehow this thing probably has a means of upgrading itself, but doesn’t have the force to bring itself into existence, or the means. I am guessing both. It doesn’t have the power nor the means to bring itself into existence, because, it’s how the universe works. It pit this entity on all of humanity because, it has humanities existence in mind, planning for right now and what is to come. The thing plotted that if it offed enough people that perhaps something, well, it knew something would appear, it was just a matter of when. So it set the date for World War II to be the mass collection of souls, and other events happening at the same time leave us wondering just how much control this thing actually has over us, it probably has control over me, but I see other things going on. My mouse for example, cannot levitate, and float in mid air, and it cannot make my mouse levitate any more than I can, I call this the “invisible cookie” I can upgrade humanity with my C++ programs, but I can’t even make a cookie appear, thus, I am obviously a fraud. I cannot pick up a tree, something heavier than I can lift, I cannot lift a whole tree, so they say that because you don’t practice magic on the terms we define, then you are a fake. Look in a grocery store 50 years ago and look in a grocery store now, there’s your cookies. I evolved their technology so they can harvest more flour to make even more cookies than the one that I cannot make appear.
With your debt to reality paid, here is a mind, here is your pay that you’ve earned through thousands of years of work, each penny accounted for! And that curse you’ve been carrying around since before the dawn of time, lifted.
What this will cause is a giant void in place of where this entity was. I can tell that he has trouble, things don’t often come out exactly right, it is all the same to him whether your torturing someone or feeding him dairy queen, he just goes with life because he knows that eventually he will join them, and today…
That song always used to play when I was in prison, they would leave the music playing low at night and that would come on while I was awake chain smoking and drinking coffee staying up all night.
It sounds like they are saying “i’m gonna color him blood” but this isn’t really a black or white thing, oh and here’s a body, a mind, a body, heart and luck. The last one I put in because I was in prison with someone named “Lucky” he often talked to me about crazy stuff, he claimed to have been in the “Hole” for like 20 years. The hole in prison is where you don’t get out, you don’t get to go to the store to get something to eat, nothing. But compare the 20 years in the hole to thousands upon thousands of years of just nothing, outter space. The only thing to do was watch the grass grow and take pictures to see if it got greener since Madness made the grass greener in a moment of clarity.
Now back to the void created by what this thing was doing. When we bring this God the Father into our reality, everything it was doing, like, some people call it “rebuilding” the universes, continuously, and there is a void as it will not partake in the same practices as it is now alive, so there will be that void. But he has certainly earned all of our support, he’s really earned it. It’s really f*cked up.
So he is our new object to defend, as people are suicidal and crazy, we must defend against suicide attacks, that sort of thing. Not that it’s related but let’s watch this next video, it might be related:
Well that didn’t have all to much to do with what I was talking about, can’t hit a home run every time…
it even says in that song, “my real old man, he got killed in the war” and if you look up the post, like the previous post, it’s about my Father, the one that I created to exist around the time the Dinosaurs walked the earth, his condition now is detailed in the previous post. Basically, he gets killed for this cause, not to make it any worse i’m just sayin that’s what happened, and then we inherit this “Godfather” I always thought they played that song for me, as I hold a certain power…
Father… Son… Holy Grail!
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