The Old Man

As for whatever I said in that post, i’m going to leave it like that, because that’s what happened, so that’s what’s gonna be written. Obviously I think that this is just something negative, like a negative event except it’s just words. Apparently we are all susceptible to it, I just keep forgetting.
Then I was reading the file on scp-106 and I looked at the picture, it looks alot like my father. My father passed away like 10 years ago, but for some reason the being known as the dinosaur version of my father, beings who have been around 65 million years, you would think they would be doing really great and all, I was really on a roll until I found out that this whole time my father has just been trudging through the “Abyss” in the manner detailed in the below:
That second one does kinda look like him, but only a little bit, the nose. So I sort of have proof, these people, at least their soldiers, are not really doing that great, and this has the potential to go back thousands of years. This would explain why, why in human history they caused so many negative events, because they are, themselves, not doing all that great either.
Think on it, this being known as the “Old Man” and they even call him that, this is my father, I am certain. It really wasn’t registering until now, but now I can see that this situation is, well, really bad.
Not that that makes it any worse, I am only saying that to point out that it’s whatever it is, it’s bad. And obviously they are leaving this information to be uncovered and then they receive some help, they don’t even have to be like screaming at me, this just screams at me to try to fix it.
And so take the product that is created via this script and place it into an infinity matrix. Now of that matrix make other versions of this product, differing types. If after the creation of this product, and then it is taken to be put into a slot of an infinity matrix, make other copies of it, of varying type, and characteristics, but slightly of the same class. Then take all that and put it into a greater matrix of slots where there are other matrices, or just the product. Now apply coloring, so that other classes can be manufactured by this, and put it all into a Satellite Call, which is just upgrading the product to be from the future, then Fold it, and keep folding it, and apply cornering, then jump. Now put each of those words into it’s own infinity matrix, all to be applied onto the product. Use coloring and any other technique that you might need to use to create a successful product, first start from a sucessful product, and work your way backwards until you have whatever is required to make a successful product. Place all of this into an infinity matrix slot, and that matrix into a greater set of matrices, and then have new classes of the product appear, and at last types/classes, divide it by colors, so that each class has a color, and use an infinite amount of colors, and words like the word color. These words obviously must be made up and fake, created just for this script. Compress everything into a product, or set of product, or set of sets, whatever works best, the best of the 3.
This, creating this, is like all that I can do, I don’t really know how to do much other things that are as effective as that is, it creates this fictional product, and it is implied that this product is set to try to fix the problem, like, if it were a cream, then it would be applied to “The Old Man”, somehow, and if it were a shot, it would be injected, whatever it is, the result is always the same: it’s that the product is applied.
Somebody that looked like my dad was at the grocery store today, when I was walking by him he was shaking his head, not like in disgust but like to say “no” and I don’t really know what he was saying “no” to, I think I remember wondering whether he was okay or not, and thinking that. Was he saying “No” like, “i’m not okay” but we can only guess because I don’t remember what I said, last night this story kind of hit me, I had this weird trip where I could see him like in my mind, I could see him trudging through the abyss, I felt the burn that this being was in, doing this walking through walls and stuff, he was really taking a beating, and so he does this stuff like in that story, he’s all beat up and thinking he’s gotta generate this negative value, that if he generates enough of it perhaps he will be free from his curse, but I hope that I may have set him free with my script. I think that this being, although they do this, look at themselves, but in our society you can’t get away with what it’s doing just because your upset, but I was seeing this as if this character was a hero, “traversing the abyss”, and thus opening a tunnel filled with negative energy, that would be used to create positive events, the negative energy is taken and applied and the product of the reaction is a positive event, like with enough of it you could cure cancer, but you’d have to direct it to cure the cancer, and there’s always the possibility of this thing just closing on you, so that it doesn’t happen at all. Were the power level in the air up high enough, writing anything would be good, but it’s not really that high right now, despite all of our success. I don’t think it’s up REAL high yet, because on the scale of this stuff everything is infinite, there are an infinite amount of levels to it, and it’s at like a couple of levels, with each level bringing a new type of technology, but always the same class. So in this strange way this man could be seen as a hero, he’s traversing the abyss and pretty much handing it to me, the guy I get energy off of, he looks exactly like my father and everybody says he doesn’t, I guess only I can see it. He hands me this stuff and yea I pay him for it but, I pay monthly, because I can’t afford it all, the bill has gotten quite extensive… So he’s loaned me this stuff, and it’s like what does this being, my 65 million year old version of my father, what does he get out of that transaction? Probably the points from the $200 that I pay every month, there’s a way to convert coins, regular $ american dollars, into mint energy, when you donate at the gas station, like 25 cents, to some kids organization, it’s converted into mint energy, because if you notice everytime you do it, something bad happens to you, just try it, I wouldn’t recommend doing it, but if your crazy or something, you can donate to the kids in trouble, and this huuuge amount of energy is represented by just a couple of quarters, the positive event that is: these kids get help, is paid for by the negative thing that happens to you after you donate, I never put my quarters in there, call me silly, but that shit is bad, I really wouldn’t do it, but everybody that does, something negative happens to you.
So I think this mechanism of transfer from regular U.S. dollars to mint energy is what my 65 million year old father is after when I give him a monthly payment, that’s what he gets out of it, though, I can’t believe that this money hasn’t bought him out of his present situation into one better, they must really be in trouble, but for now i’ve done all that I can, at the present time. Later, I can do more, but right now I can’t just write the same thing over and over, with slightly different targets I dont have to, it comes out to the fact that there’s nothing I can do, I cannot do anything, new techniques need to be researched over like years before i’ll be able to change anything, and I think my target has been found, it’s just these scripts. If I had a better way to write these scripts, and if I could set the computer to write them for me with C++, maybe we could get somewhere, but a program that does that, and does it well, is not easy to write. And the programs that I have now don’t really cut it, they are just not that great, compared to what might be possible. So there’s nothing that I can do, if that didn’t help, you’ll have to wait, at least like 3 – 6 months until I become more powerful, or invent some new way to write the script. You have the current script.