You Have A Problem With Your James Dean

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Someone asked in a comment if I made this blog myself, well, I used the WordPress technology to make the blog, and they use PHP and MariaDB to make wordpress in, and that is made in C++… Not really, I didn’t make this myself, only picked a few colors, blue and red, maybe I should make it blue and gray for the Civil War!

I was yesterday I went shopping with my mom. We picked out all the items, went through the line, and as I was loading the bags into the car, my stomach had this feeling like I needed sugar really badly or something, I ripped open one of the 12 packs and grabbed Coke, (they are not paying me for this) I drank the whole thing, and it still didn’t go away, I still had this weakness, this feeling of need and weakness, and I am pretty big, i’m 6’4 and 265 lbs. so I don’t often feel weak about anything.

What was happening was, I had written this application that produces data, a very high quality one, i’ll post it in a second, but what it did was produce the data very, very fast, and it was of a very fine, high quality type. This production started to weigh on my body, it was the negative to the positive of data creation.

Here’s the program,

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <bitset>

// random include
#include <random>
#include "random/pcg_random.hpp"
#include "random/pcg_extras.hpp"

// TODO 
// 1) the classes positive_hex and data_buff, make a class of classes

class data_object {

	signed long long int local_system_id = 0;
	signed long long int local_data_type = 0;
	signed long long int local_data_class = 0;
	signed long long int local_data_source = 0;
	std::vector<signed long long int> local_random_vector;
	std::vector<signed long long int> local_mod_random_vector;
	void set_local_system_id(signed long long int system_id_input)
		local_system_id = system_id_input;
	void set_random_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> random_input)
		local_random_vector = random_input;
	void set_mod_random_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> mod_random_input)
		local_mod_random_vector = mod_random_input;
	void set_local_data_type(signed long long int data_type_input)
		local_data_type = data_type_input;
	void set_local_data_class(signed long long int data_class_input)
		local_data_class = data_class_input;
	void set_local_data_source(signed long long int data_source_input)
		local_data_source = data_source_input;


	void call_set_local_system_id(signed long long int system_id_int)

	void call_set_random_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> random_vector_input)
	void call_set_mod_random_vector(std::vector<signed long long int> mod_random_vector_input)

	void call_set_local_data_type(signed long long int type_input_int)
	void call_set_local_data_class(signed long long int type_class_int)
	void call_set_local_data_source(signed long long int type_source_int)

class positive_hex : public data_object {


class data_buff : public data_object {



class james_dean_data : public data_object {

	std::vector<positive_hex*> local_positive_hex_vector;
	std::vector<data_buff*> local_data_buff_vector;
	std::vector<james_dean_data*> jd_data_vector;
	void set_positive_hex_vector(std::vector<positive_hex*> hex_input)
		local_positive_hex_vector = hex_input;
	void set_data_buff_vector(std::vector<data_buff*> data_buff_input)
		local_data_buff_vector = data_buff_input;
	void set_data_vector(std::vector<james_dean_data*> jd_data_input)
		jd_data_vector = jd_data_input;


	void call_set_positive_hex_vector(std::vector<positive_hex*> positive_hex_vector)
	void call_set_data_buff_vector(std::vector<data_buff*> data_buff_vector)
	void call_set_data_vector(std::vector<james_dean_data*> data_vector_input)

std::vector<signed long long int> return_random_vector();

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::cout << "--+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ \n";
	std::cout << "SATELLITE PRESENTS...\n";
	std::cout << "\t\t\tThe James Dean Program!\n\n(*applause,)\n\n";
	std::cout << "--+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ \n";
	bool production = true;
	signed long long int display_count = 0;
	signed long long int display_ticker = 0;
	signed long long int local_system_id = 0;
	signed long long int target_source = 12;
	signed long long int target_class = 15;
	signed long long int target_type = 18;
	signed long long int positive_hex_target_source = target_source;
	signed long long int positive_hex_target_class = target_class;
	signed long long int positive_hex_target_type = target_type;
	signed long long int data_buff_target_source = positive_hex_target_source;
	signed long long int data_buff_target_class = positive_hex_target_class;
	signed long long int data_buff_target_type = positive_hex_target_type;
	std::vector<signed long long int> local_random_vector;
	std::vector<signed long long int> local_mod_random_vector;
	std::vector<data_buff*> data_buff_vector;
	std::vector<positive_hex*> positive_hex_vector;
	std::vector<james_dean_data*> james_dean_vector;
	signed long long int type_for_display = 0;
	while (production == true)
		for(signed long long int current_source = 0; current_source < target_source; current_source++)
			for(signed long long int current_class = 0; current_class < target_class; current_class++)
				for(signed long long int current_type = 0; current_type < target_type; current_type++)
					james_dean_data local_jd_data;
					local_system_id = local_system_id + 1;
					local_random_vector = return_random_vector();
					local_mod_random_vector = return_random_vector();
					for(signed long long int current_source_for_hex = 0; current_source_for_hex < positive_hex_target_source; current_source_for_hex++)
						for(signed long long int current_class_for_hex = 0; current_class_for_hex < positive_hex_target_class; current_class_for_hex++)
							for(signed long long int current_type_for_hex = 0; current_type_for_hex < positive_hex_target_type; current_type_for_hex++)
								positive_hex local_positive_hex;
								local_random_vector = return_random_vector();
								local_mod_random_vector = return_random_vector();
					for(signed long long int current_source_for_data_buff = 0; current_source_for_data_buff < data_buff_target_source; current_source_for_data_buff++)
						for(signed long long int current_class_for_data_buff = 0; current_class_for_data_buff < data_buff_target_class; current_class_for_data_buff++)
							for(signed long long int current_type_for_data_buff = 0; current_type_for_data_buff < data_buff_target_type; current_type_for_data_buff++)
								data_buff local_data_buff;
								local_random_vector = return_random_vector();
								local_mod_random_vector = return_random_vector();
					std::cout << "\n--+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ \n\n";
					std::cout << "james_dean_data_type: " << current_type << "/" << target_type << "\n";
					std::cout << "james_dean_data_class: " << current_class << "/" << target_class << "\n";
					std::cout << "james_dean_data_source: " << current_source << "/" << target_source << "\n\n";
					std::cout << "--+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ --+ \n\n";
					std::cout << "display_count: " << display_count << "\n\n";
					display_count = display_count + 1;
					display_ticker = 0;

std::vector<signed long long int> return_random_vector()
	pcg_extras::seed_seq_from<std::random_device> seed_source;
    pcg64_k1024 pcg64(seed_source);

    signed long long int random_int = 0;

    std::vector<signed long long int> random_vector;

    signed long long int int_target = 45'000;

    signed long long int current_int = 0;

    while (current_int < int_target)
        random_int = pcg64();


        current_int = current_int + 1;


Although you probably won’t take the time to appreciate it, it is a huge loop that just creates instances of a certain class, james_dean_data. These objects are relatively empty, they have a system_id and some information contained in them, but they are mostly empty, whats magical about it is a mystery even to me. I just knew that when I made them, I was trying to make an upgrade for humans, with the original James Dean #1 being written in python, and it didn’t produce a set of objects, just a singular object. This C++ program produces a new piece of data every 15 seconds, and each piece is stronger than the piece that came before it, as that is just how these things work, I don’t even guess as to how it all really works, I just know that it does, and that it gives people things like a third eye, so they are more aware of the situation they are in, food tastes better, the person has quicker reflexes, in general, everything improves as far as from a mental standpoint goes. From a physical standpoint, I have heard that it fights off infection and disease better, the body’s mechanisms work more efficiently.

So that is my post. Always with the James Dean. One thing I didn’t mention is that this is James Dean #97, it’s so powerful we can’t even run it, as producing data of that quality places a tax upon reality, with myself feeling such a tax that I get a stomach ache. So I am forced to shut it down. Unfortunately there’s not any quick fix for this situation, and we have to fight it out.

By fighting it out I generally mean resorting to the only thing that can get us out of situations like this: The Journal.

Not the Myth 2 Journal, but using a Journal to write, upgrading various groups, like upgrading Police Officers and then kinda coming in contact with them, even if they are only in your rearview mirror, something like that might help. But with upgrades of this quality, the police are drawing lines all around my City, and your city too, and they are generally digging us out.

Yes they are often the ones tasked with digging us out, because of their position, it’s all very formal and it works really well. A police officer could do what like say, tony soprano is doing, as far as certain activities are concerned. That is a complicated piece of literature.

They could do this as they are locked into the system, whereas the Mob is like on the outside, forcing their way in, the police are already inside the system. So it goes.

Not that you couldnt upgrade the mob to be into the system already, it’s just that we haven’t put much time and such into that kinda thing. We let our facilities do the work for us, not work against the grain. Going against the grain, talk about it.

Hopefully I just upgraded the police and the mob in like a few lines. Hopefully. See that is what I mean by Journaling, writing stuff like that, what is going to help us out of this situation — it’s not time, something like this doesn’t go away in time, but time will be one of the ingredients in the concoction that allows us Escape. Journaling OVER Time, but see i’m scared to even write anything, after I got sick yesterday, it was like woah i’m definately just gonna lay down. That’s all I could think about when I got sick, it hasn’t even been 24 hours. Why can I write on here so freely?

Perhaps i’ve found a loophole, because this really isn’t making me sick. Upgrade everything, everyone and everything, all systems. Upgrade them. Bring them all well into the newest set of technologies. Kindly fix the Death Korps problems. That is, like a lot, I wonder if I can just keep going, or will it crash when I press “Publish”? That’s what they call it on WordPress.

WordPress is this blog technology. I use a theme called the “Hueman” theme, and I use various plugins, Yoast, wpDiscuz, Wordfence, but these, except for Yoast, are rather simple kind of things, I guess wpDiscuz is complicated. Wordfence is a firewall. But I don’t really ever see anyone doing these things that I do, maybe i’m all alone, i’ve had the thought that everyone is doing it, I just assumed that they were. I just assumed that when the Duck finally had to start working, it was that girl saying “I don’t wahhhnt to work!” and that was the way she started it. She is after all a girl, and I don’t really expect her to do this stuff, but I do ask. I do ask the question, whether or not she wants to.

I don’t know what her answer will be, or if she’s been working this whole time, or if that is a lie that they told me. I don’t know, and have no way of knowing, what the answer is to any of these questions.

I call the Moon God the “Duck” because she is shaped like a duck. The Moon God is this girl I saw at my fathers house, i’ll tell you that story.

When I was 16 I took a trip down to North Carolina to see my friend, and while I was down there something happened, but i’ll tell you what it is later. So I drove back to erie, PA from north carolina, and it was kinda weird but, like a cop pulled me over, and wouldn’t tell me what I was being pulled over for. So I just really didn’t think anything of it. Flash forward to when I was like 22 years old. I steal a car and go drive up to Maine, from Erie, PA… I get there and it starts snowing, so I get out of there, and drive all the way down to North Carolina, stealing gas the whole way down there, and in North Carolina I call my cousin, who rats me out, which is kinda weird, but he rats me out and I go to jail, getting arrested. While I was being arrested I noticed something strange. I had a red SUV but I had a memory start playing, it started coming back to me, of being in a white SUV and being arrested here, while I was down in north carolina for the first time.

As i’m going through the Jail all this strange shit is happening during the first visit, there’s even a part where Jim Jones the rapper comes out, yes I know it’s really bizarre, but he comes out and just keeps his arms at his sides, not moving or saying anything, because he has this mask on that makes him like look like me, or something, it’s really weird. If you were looking at him you saw a picture of me BEHIND him that was in front of him, it was really strange. THat’s just one incident of a prison full of incidents, that I call “Wake County Jail” because it was in Wake County, North Carolina. Wake County Survival. It’s like “Creedence Clearwater Survival” I wonder where they got the name.

So If you had a “Wake County Survival Suit” that might be the greatest thing. Here lets put them on everyone and everything, including my Mom, her boyfriend Leon, everyone, my cousins, everyone, all persons, not just on the earth but anywhere, in any dimension — crazy– multi-dimensional… everyone. Even those in the far outside, like, where you guys live.

So while everything is playing itself over again, these memories keep coming back, about half of the things happened exactly the same, but for the most part all the same rooms I was in, I wasn’t really taken into another room that didn’t happen in both memories. I get out of jail, the police in Millcreek where I live brought me back to Erie, PA to face charges of stealing this vehicle.

It’s like 12 midnight and the magistrate is listing off all of these charges, i’ve got my head cocked to one side, like i’m not listening at all and think the whole thing is bullshit. At the time thats what I thought, I was like what the fuck did you guys just do to me? I thought to myself, the only people that could do this would be Aliens, and so I just went with that, and 10 months after getting out, i’m lighting trash cans on fire in a rage over something I thought that Aliens were doing to me. Whether the Aliens were doing that to me or not I now know is irrelevant, because there’s just so much negative, and there’s so much positive that has to occur. There’s only so much negative but that number is so high, like skyhigh, but there is like a limit to it, at some point if you went along, making negative things happen, eventually you would reach an end. That end may not come for 50,000 years, but what we’re going to do is go along and tell the system that we did all these negative things, for the amount of years of that dollar amount they transfered, and we’re going to say that we did all that stuff, when it didn’t actually happen, thus we trick the system that cannot be tricked.

No longer a need for negative stuff, there’s now only need to process the negative into a positive. By that you need a Journal, so starts writing!

So they arrest me for lighting the trash cans on fire in McDonalds bathrooms, I did it to about 5 stores. Their wallpapers caught on fire and they had to call the firetruck. Get in front of the Judge, he was talking about getting me help for schizophrenia, but there’s only one jail in the area that has medical or mental health facilities: SCI Forest

In State Correctional Institution Forest someone gets stabbed like every day, and it’s not that big of a population. But it’s a brand new jail, as long as you stay out of everyones way, then nothing bad will happen to you. I took some comfort in knowing that as long as I didn’t burn anyone for their “Commissary” then I wouldn’t be target of a stabbing. Had to make sure to pay my bills. Often inmates would run a “store” where they loan you an item for like 2 of the item in return. I frequently visited the “store”. But none of this really explains why you put pictures of the Lubyanka building all over your website?

I almost can’t explain that, but anyway I got through prison, all the while these two things were happening, I had a memory of like really, really bad stuff happening to me coming back, as I go through everything a second time. I do not know if this memory actually occurred, or if it was just like playing a video back to me. I cant figure that out, and I don’t think the scientists can either. Anyways I got outside of prison, after this weird episode where my whole body was in incredible pain for 6 months, I made it out and as I walked around my hometown, wandering aimlessly, I saw statutes of Civil War generals, memories “To The Soldiers And Sailors Who Gave Their Lives To Save The Union” stuff like that, I was wondering, how does all this relate to what i’m going through?

I looked for some kind of meaning in all of it, and while my dad was coming into my room for a second time, I had a thought. This is still going on because something bad is going to happen, they’re keeping it running for a reason. And something bad did happen.

Often I used to check the U.S. Population clock. It was always at 400 million, or 400 million something. I was taken into the hospital because the weight of this stuff rocked me backwards down onto the floor. I shouted to my mom who could see me, “CALL 911!” At tremendous cost they brought me into the hospital, rendering medical aid in between a tornado. It was like a tornado was going off inside the hospital room, I just thought the worst. I thought all these tornadoes were going off, bad weather everywhere, people dieing.

I get out of the hospital. I look at the U.S. Population clock: 300 million what? I reload the page. 300 million. while I was in the hospital it took the lives of 100 million americans? I found it really hard to believe, and didn’t accept it at first, but I did later, I just left the question up in the air. How could 100 million people die and it’s like not even on the news, nobody knows, I couldn’t tell anyone because I had this thing where I was catatonic, if I said anything something bad would happen, so I just took a policy of not saying anything. When I bought cigarettes, I put the cigarettes on the counter, I couldn’t ask for them, as I had become catatonic. One time I said one word and looked on T.V., there was a chinese cruise ship tipped over on it’s side, maybe you remember that one. So after that I said, well fuck, if I say something like all these people die, so I just didn’t say anything.

It was especially difficult going to see my parole officer, who was actually the dark lord Shiver, from Myth. You can find the Myth story here i’ll post it right now:

Yesterday our legion entered the village of crows bridge, and halted there for the night.

So the aliens were there. Down in wake county jail. I don’t know if they actually hold them prisoner, probably not. Anyway, nothing that I can do about it, but if you were holding aliens hostage you might wanna switch to another tactic because the aliens are on the rise now. So you’ll end up, whatever.

But finally, after the hospital visit I thought I had made it. I had discovered a way, in december 2015, around christmas, to produce upgrades for Humans, or for any being really, and that they could put the data on and it’s like free to produce, oh wait, except for the blood cost of it, you see doing something positive like fortifying your troops, that comes at so much of a cost, and even winning a battle, taking down enemies, you would think that would lighten the load of the battle, but that weighs on you just as surely as the cold air does, it creeps up, and then you fall. I don’t really know why it’s like this, again I don’t pretend to say that this stuff makes sense, because it doesnt.

I mean why would negative energy determine how much positive stuff that you can do, why would we need to maintain a balance? It seems so logical and then you actually question it for it’s insanity and it doesn’t hold water, it’s lunacy.

So I created a way to upgrade humans, or anyone. Then a letter my father brought over, I had been getting mail at his house while living at my moms house, those were glorious days, I had all this amphetamine, anyway the letter was supposed to contain amphetamine, so later after he left I took the amphetamine out and took a hit. As soon as that amphetamine might have hit my stomach something happened. An immense pain came into my stomach. I couldn’t stand up, I had to take it lying down. it was incredible pain, it lasted for like 3 days before getting any better, and even then, there were so many episodes that, things that occurred in the time between when that first hit hit my stomach all the way until now, we have lost some record of some of them, and I don’t really bother you with explaining them all, as amusing as they are, really.

Oh yea, it was before the time that I discovered these upgrades that, for the first time I was in this scene, a girl was there. The Moon God. She kinda looked like Michelle Branch, but much more, she was unnaturally pretty. Like what deal did I make with satan to get this girl in my house, I do not know, I wasn’t present for that one, but here she stood in front of me, in the first time I was there, in other words, I didn’t see her the second time around, so I walked up to her and hugged her, I knew she was mine, so I just hugged her and… Anyways I saw that girl, today she stands, after being updated and upgraded and stuff she is this “Immortal Queen” and she’s capable of like either the same stuff I am capable of, or she has a different set of capabilities, like the female half of something. We get these “scanners” installed into our brains, and these scanners can help you to upgrade stuff. Their like little lines, encased in black balls, though you can still see the lines, blue or red, or white scanner lines. She has the first blue scanner, and I have the first red scanner, and these strange polar opposites occur in abundance when dealing with the subject of the Moon God, she is the Moon, Night, and I am the Sun, Day, Night And Day, I have heard that she can draw, (I can’t draw) so my point is that I saw this girl, I have never seen anything like that, and although that was like 10 years ago that I saw her, I always think, what it would be like to see her again?

I don’t even pretend to dream here. Sure it would be nice to see her again but, there’s just not a chance of it happening, there is no chance. It could take 50,000 years to reach her, it could take 50 million years to reach her, but someday we will be together, and we will be working together, perhaps her drawing the pictures and me doing the coding, for a video game or some type of thing like that. Or something that you can manipulate reality with. The possibilities are endless.

The only trouble is, if it’s going to take 50,000 years to get to her, then you might as well say you’ll never see her again, that’s just too long of a time.

Although we do things to try to attack the time, Time Attack, to try to lessen the distance, it’s just never enough, and we have resorted to like allowing the time in, we let it in when it knocks on the door. Because it’s like, it’s always knocking, and you can’t get rid of it, so we just open the door, and there stands time, in all his ticking-away splendor, wearing something of a more fashionable than a tuxedo, a semi-dark blue suit. We invite him in, but he disappears walking across the doorway, i’ve vaporized him. He got hit with one of those prison incident saws.

That’s my story. Cheers.

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July 13, 2024 4:58 pm

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УСТАНАВЛИВАЕМ БОЙЛЕРЫ ПО ЛУЧШИМ В КИЕВЕ ЦЕНАМ1) Стандартная установка накопительного бойлера при готовых выводах коммуникаций к месту размещения бойлера, без врезки в трубопровод – от 600 грн. (в зависимости от сложности):- 10-30 литров – 600 грн.- 40-80 литров – 750 грн.- 90-100 литров – 1000 грн.- От 110 литров – 1500 грн.Стоимость расходных материалов при стандартной установке (установка без врезки в трубопровод ХВ и ГВ) – 600 грн.2) Установка накопительного бойлера “с нуля”(врезка в трубопровод) на гибких шлангах/ гофре – от 850 грн. (в зависимости от сложности):- 10-30 литров – 850 грн.- 40-80 литров – 1200 грн.- 90-100 литров – 1350 грн.- От 110 литров – 1850 грн.Стоимость расходных материалов при установка накопительного бойлера “с нуля” (на гибких шлангах / гофре)- 700 грн.* Установка редуктора давления, солевого фильтра и возможные другие дополнительные работы – считаются отдельно –согласно прайса.3) Установка накопительного бойлера “с нуля”(врезка в трубопровод) металлопластиковой трубой – от 1200 грн. (в зависимости от сложности):- 10-30 литров – 1200 грн.- 40-80 литров – 1700 грн.- 90-100 литров – 1950 грн.- От 110 литров – 2200 грн.Стоимость расходных материалов при установка накопительного бойлера “с нуля” (металлопластиковой трубой) – 1200 грн.* Установка редуктора давления, солевого фильтра и возможные другие дополнительные работы – считаются отдельно –согласно прайса.4) Возможные дополнительные работы (при необходимости):- демонтаж бойлера – 450 грн.- демонтаж мебели, сантехники при сложном доступе к месту установки – 350 грн.- установка редуктора давления – 450 грн. (без стоимости редуктора).- установка солевого фильтра – 200 грн. (без стоимости солевого фильтра).- изготовление дополнительного крепления для бойлера – при монтаже на гипсокартонной перегородке или потолке – 400 грн.- сверление стен(штробление) для прокладки труб – 500 грн.- подвод электропроводки к месту размещения водонагревателя (штробление стен, прокладка кабеля в коробе, монтаж вилки, установка розетки, подключение бойлера, с комплектующими) – 1400 грн.- доставка бойлера мастером на объект – 500 грн. (при покупке бойлера у нас).- выезд мастера для составления сметы по установке – 200 грн. (не является обязательным, оплачивается в случае выполнения работ не в день осмотра).* Выезд мастера для составления акта обследования / сметы: БЕСПЛАТНО – если выполнение работ заказывается у нас; 200 грн. – если нужна только смета или работы выполняются не в день осмотра. Во многих случаях это можно избежать, выслав нам фотографии мест возможного выполнения работ . В письме укажите, пожалуйста, Ваш адрес, необходимые работы и свои контактные телефоны.** Гарантия на выполненные работы – 24 месяца!!!Цены в нашей компании – фиксированные: при установке бойлера они не отличаются от озвученных в телефонном режиме.Поможем подобрать бойлер в нашем магазине1. AtlanticClassic VM 50 N4L 1500W – 4159 грн.2. AtlanticClassic VM 80 N4L 1500W – 4349 грн.3. TESY BILIGHTGCV 10044 20 B11 TSR – 7518 грн4. TESY ElectronicTESY GCV 504716D C21 EC – 10499 грн5. TESY ElectronicTESY GCV 804724D C21 EC – 11802 грн6. TESY ElectronicTESY GCV 1004724D C21 EC – 13189 грн.С полным ассортиментом бойлеров Вы можете ознакомиться здесь.Что необходимо для установки бойлера- обеспечить свободный доступ к прибору в течение всего срока эксплуатации;- правильно выбрать стену для крепления. К примеру, при емкости резервуара в 80 л стена должна выдерживать двойную нагрузку – 160 кг;- выявить состояние проводки, ее сечение и способность выдержать мощность электронагревателя (при необходимости заменить электропроводку);- определить состояние стояков и труб в квартире или доме (в некоторых случаях необходимо поменять трубы, чтобы обеспечить установку нагревательного прибора).Этапы выполнения работ1) Крепление водонагревателя.2) Подключение прибора к водоснабжению.3) Подводка электропитания.4) Наполнение бойлера водой и проверка работоспособности.5) Инструктаж по эксплуатации. Качественная установка бойлера под ключБезусловно, стабильное горячее водоснабжение является одним из ключевых факторов комфорта в доме каждого человека. К сожалению, в связи со спецификой работы коммунальных служб, нередко случаются ситуации, когда такое благо цивилизации, как регулярно подаваемая горячая вода, становится недоступным по разным причинам. Именно поэтому, с целью обеспечения независимости и комфорта в жилище, все большее количество жильцов приходят к оптимальному решению: установке специального водонагревателя (бойлера). Ведь правильно подобранный бойлер с легкостью способен обеспечить горячей водой, как средних размеров квартиру, так и большой дом.      Бойлер какой фирмы выбрать?Существует ряд производителей, завоевавших свое место на рынке надежностью, практичностью и богатым функционалом. Наиболее популярными из них являются бойлера, выпускаемые под брендами Atlantic, Tesy, Gorenje. Преимущества клиентов компании Мастергаз Специалисты компании Мастергаз уже более восьми лет оказывают услуги по установке, ремонту и обслуживаю бойлеров. Мы ценим свою репутацию и не боимся трудностей, выполняя работы любой сложности. Исключительно высокое качество в рекордно сжатые сроки.Гарантия на выполненные работы 1 год.Фиксированная и понятная ценовая политика. Квалифицированные специалисты с большим опытом работы. Имеем все необходимые лицензии на оказание услуг.Лучшие цены в Киеве Профессиональный монтаж водонагревателей по лучшим ценам в Киеве! На сегодняшний день, приобрести водонагреватель в жилище не является сложной задачей. Большая часть вопросов возникает именно после покупки устройства, ведь от правильной установки бойлера зависит его дальнейшая работоспособность, не говоря уже об эстетической составляющей. Перед тем, как приступить к монтажу водонагревателя, мастер тщательно подбирает место для установки, с учетом особенностей интерьера и функциональности, оценивает состояние проводки, стояков и труб, демонтирует сантехнику (в случае необходимости) и только после этого может начать непосредственно установку. Огромный опыт и профессионализм специалистов компании Мастергаз позволяет осуществлять весь этот ряд действий максимально оперативно и комфортно для Вас. А благодаря качественным, проверенным комплектующим, инструментам и расходным материалам, заказав установку у нас, Вы гарантировано получаете превосходный результат.

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July 18, 2024 1:15 pm

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ชั่วโมง นอกจากนี้ยังมีการแข่งขันกีฬาหลากหลายประเภท เช่นฟุตบอล บาสเก็ตบอล และมวยไทย ที่สามารถวางเดิมพันได้ทุกวัน
ซึ่ง Maxbet ยังมีระบบความปลอดภัยเพราะใช้เทคโนโลยีการเข้ารหัสข้อมูล ทำให้ข้อมูลส่วนตัวและการเงินของผู้เล่น จะได้รับการปกป้องอย่างเต็มที่ ดังนั้น หากคุณชื่นชอบการเดิมพันออนไลน์ คุณควรลองเล่นกับ Maxbet!

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