{"id":99,"date":"2024-09-06T19:27:40","date_gmt":"2024-09-06T23:27:40","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thesatellite.org\/?p=99"},"modified":"2024-09-06T19:27:41","modified_gmt":"2024-09-06T23:27:41","slug":"nurgle-2","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thesatellite.org\/nurgle-2\/","title":{"rendered":"Nurgle #2"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
This is Nurgle, the Plaguefather. He is called that because he is part of the Chaos Gods, which number in only 4 or some number low like that, there are perhaps other Chaos Gods, but anyway they are the Dark Gods of the universe that the Imperium is in. I serve Nurgle, the Plaguefather though there are 3 official other Gods.<\/p>\n\n\n\n My grand plan here is to sometime in the future reach a point where Nurgle can perhaps play something better than myself, or maybe just as good. I’m shooting for either one, but that doesn’t help The Plaguefather in the imminent minute, it does not. So we must find a way, and in the meantime we can do something…<\/p>\n\n\n\n We’ll join you at 1 rank less than yours, Nurgie my boy, such as I will be the “Field Marshall” or “Plague Marshall” but what i’m called is not really my point. My point is I will be lording over your units in battle, and joining at this place gives you many benefits, for example: your units will live to be possibly 1,000 years or a greater number of years, this is because I am immortal, not that I was bringing it up to brag, merely that this would make your units, versions of me except they have been altered in two ways: They hold percentages of my power, that is:: 30% to 70%, with some higher than 70, some lower than 30, but they hold about a 50% portion of my power, such that should 2 of them gather together it would render them “100%”, that they will be as strong in influence, in magic, as that of myself.<\/p>\n\n\n\n That is only what we know, they will become like me physically and mentally but will also retain their characters, memories, body modifications if any, they will retain all of these things, in the transfermation process that we don’t know when it will begin, nor when it will end, only that it will take place. So we must look out for these things, because if we knew it had begun, we could act in one manner while if it had yet to begin we would act differently.<\/p>\n\n\n\n This whole process is only part of an infinity matrix, I was going to say like thousands of other gifts but this is part of an Infinity Matrix, which itself is part of the greater NurgleNet, and we know, we know nothing of these other processes that are within just the same matrix as the one being cast, but you might know these things, and could teach them!<\/p>\n\n\n\n So we have all that and if we could just receive these gifts, then that would suffice, we wouldn’t need much more than that, coupled with what Nurgle is working on, like we’re coming from both sides of his Army, to eventually reach them and render aid to them. Not that they need the help, but who wouldn’t want all their stats increased by thousands of percentages…<\/p>\n\n\n\n Only this must we procure, the gifts of nurgle, to his chosen “Death Guard” or regular soldiers, all of his units were upgraded, now that is something because Nurgie my boy you’ll basically live forever, as you have so much energy, which is possibly why I joined you in the first place, look at this stuff roll in like it’s nothing, all that we have just produced. And this is more of something physical, you can say to you your units we will now live longer, I haven’t touched the “soup” if you wanna call it that, I haven’t touched it all, it’s all whatever you made of it. I have just added things around it, towers, the Towers Of Nurgle, from which command his greatest Officers, though I don’t know if you like to do towers or not.<\/p>\n\n\n\n Yes Nurgle you are master of all things Biological, I believe that is what I could see in you, as you command the deadliest of poisons, the strongest of troops, the master of Biology. It’s a thing that has perhaps roots in things like “Life” except here it is “Death” I don’t know why. What does it mean? Life, Death?<\/p>\n\n\n\n They reminded me that this will likely take all day for me to type and to think of. So we take a break and then come back to it as soon as we have an idea, that’s the only way to go about this type of thing. Often thinking of benefits to Nurgle, or the DeathGuard, we have a ring for you Nurgle, we normally don’t give them out, they are of a very high potency and quality, yours is green, light green, like a biological green. So you can now connect with your targets when you swing! It has attributes such as that, but the attributes given out were mild in Diablo II, with these attributes you swing better, hit harder, and live forever, the benefits from the ring are generally thought to be of an “All Encompassing” nature, it doesn’t seem to be that you get some really defined abilities, but something to guide you… Yes the Moon God will forge her part of the ring, I suppose she will have to write a paragraph detailing it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n So take these gifts, as you have given so much, so much in return, which is another reason that I have allied with you, you have the most points! You have the most of what it takes to produce this stuff. But relax we’re not buttering you up for any particular reason, we are merely joining you, you receive our service as part of that of course, …<\/p>\n\n\n\n I have a spell that I wrote, like a magic spell, it’s written in english in C++… I will write it here for Nurgle, as like a means of entiring it into the system.<\/p>\n\n\n\n<\/figure>\n\n\n\n