{"id":512,"date":"2025-03-05T15:55:47","date_gmt":"2025-03-05T20:55:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thesatellite.org\/?p=512"},"modified":"2025-03-05T15:55:48","modified_gmt":"2025-03-05T20:55:48","slug":"the-matrix","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thesatellite.org\/the-matrix\/","title":{"rendered":"The Matrix"},"content":{"rendered":"\n
When I first created “James Dean” type data, and that probably needs some introduction, it’s an object in the computers memory, it’s basically a box with the words “This Is Magical” written on it, literally that’s what it is, except it serves to upgrade people, the box actually *is* magical. The first time I created that type of data, it was a very big event, even the prime minister David Cameron, who knew that I was going to crash, said “If Your Out There Working, Keep Going! We Won’t Let You Down!” what he was refering to was the work that I had just accomplished, and to keep going because, you’ve got a long ways to go. This data creation point is fresh in everyones mind who saw it, and it happened in december of 2015. Since then I have blown that original data out of the water with much better data, namely data that is stacked together to create a synergy, but at that point, during that first time, my father came over. He delivered an envelope from the Dark Web. It had amphetamine in it, which is normal for me, but that’s not my point. I ingested the amphetamine, just a bit of it, as soon as the spit and the chemicals hit my stomach, a serious burning feeling started to form, and almost instantly I was in so much pain that I had to lay down.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
From that time, I started to question everything, because, after all, I had all this time, laying in bed, doing nothing. I wondered for the first time why people didn’t eat like me, they made this “cluck” sound when they ate, why didn’t I make that sound? Was it because that sound was actually just a hallucination? I tried to investigate. I determined that, eventually, I came to the conclusion that they are not actually of this world, but of a previous universe — Dinosaurs.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
The Dinosaurs, and the battles that they fought are the subject of this post. When I say battles, sure, they fought in battles literally, but what is worse, is the suffering that they endured. The story has a happy ending, they prevailed through the hardships, and somehow emerged living, on the other side. Now these are people who have endured universes full of pain, like how can you say something bad about a person like that? How can you not want to help them?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
So they all have the same, similar fault. Where does it come from? Did some long bygone creator make the mistake of creating them like himself, and thus they inherited this fault? Did it evolve like that? Was it put there on purpose, back then did they think that was how life was supposed to be created?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
I don’t have the answer, but they do. People walking this earth all have memories of being somewhere else, all of differing time periods and races. Some people were aliens in past lives, but they all have the same, very similar fault to them. I won’t really get into the details of the fault because that’s not the point, the point is to try to fix it, not to celebrate it. So can I fix it? Can I correct some problem that has caused us trouble time after time, through the ages?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Instantly, I cannot fix it instantly. My plan is to create escalating quality data. That is, data of an escalating quality, so that it’s always getting better, until the problem is fixed. I can feel the upgrades working away, making my writing of a higher quality. I seem to be highly susceptible to these upgrades, and am also fault free. Now I have drug habits, and I masturbate all the time, that is my fault. But I don’t generally want to… nevermind, like I said I wasn’t going to get into what the fault is exactly.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
But could this all be a hallucination? And is the fault diminishing in strength? The answer to the strength question might surprise you, could I be able to give you proof. The fact that the fault is becoming less strong in them means only one thing. The amount of work and effort we have applied to this isn’t working like we thought it would, it’s working how it wants to work. It’s not going by our rules, it’s going by it’s rules. And according to it’s rules, if you apply say the starting data, that will allow people so much. If you apply data that is infinitely stronger than the starting data, it won’t have an infinitely greater effect, it will have a smaller, but still have, an effect. Why is this? You would think that two plus two equals four, but not in this case.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Everybody always says, “it’s not working” “your not doing anything” “you don’t have the power to do that” something like that, but I am honest with myself, I am honest with everyone, and it is “working” as they put it, it’s just not working how they want it to work.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
“They”, the ones with fault, want me to shoot fireballs and lightning out my ass, and to fly around like Harry Potter, but I am not that kind of Wizard. I am more or less, a sorcerer from the 3rd age, the age beginning at my birth in October of 1987, and ending around December 2015, I can’t remember the exact dates off the top of my head, but the third age ended in like the end of 2012 if you want an exact date. I am from this age, and was born in it, and I fight according to the laws of this age, which state that you cannot “fly around like harry potter” or fire lightning out your ass, it doesn’t work like that.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
But I am not in the business of gathering supporters, I am in the business of battling “Negative Energy” and trying to fix the fault, that is the business that I partake in, it’s not something else, I am not seeking to impress you, I use this blog as a medium to cast my magic, i’m not seeking to become famous, as I follow the laws of the Third Age, which, state that your not allowed to use these powers to become famous or something, it states that you can only do certain things.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
One technique is that I increase the quality of the data by adding things to it like “Positive Hex’s” and “Data Buff’s” that enhance the data, you would think data of that quality would knock the fault right off and into the ocean, never to be seen again, but it doesn’t, and sometimes when somebody is in a rage they’ll just suddenly turn on me, and demand that I fix everything instantly, when they know it doesn’t work like that.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
I can see the progress i’ve made, my programs have gotten better, i’ve gotten better at making them, the data seems to have less and less of an effect, physically speaking, that the data has no effect now. This is strange because we have the first data, that created this huge effect, so much that people almost entirely stopped making that clucking sound that I hate, then we have the data being created today, which is done with this program:<\/p>\n\n\n\n