{"id":503,"date":"2025-03-05T10:36:46","date_gmt":"2025-03-05T15:36:46","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/thesatellite.org\/?p=503"},"modified":"2025-03-05T10:36:47","modified_gmt":"2025-03-05T15:36:47","slug":"lord-vaders-problem","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/thesatellite.org\/lord-vaders-problem\/","title":{"rendered":"Actually No"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Sometimes I work for my step-fathers company, making their website and we go on a wordpress instance, he has two sites, https:\/\/powdercoater.net\/ (made when I was 15, i’m 37 now) and https:\/\/eriepowdercoating.org and that one is a blog like this one, except he picks a bad theme… Anyways wordpress (the software that runs this website) doesn’t let you change certain things, like, if text is white on a blue background, you can’t change either color, but you can change the text. So I tell my step father, I cannot change this, it would take hours to look through the files to learn how this theme works and actually to change it, it’s just not worth it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Now what’s not being said is that I am implying by this that, he is the one paying me to do this stuff, and that he cannot afford to change the color. But that is another story. This story deals with the fact that he insists that “you can change it” when I just said you could, but it could take hours or you might not be able to figure out how to change it at all.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

None of this has anything to with what’s really going on in that story. This is actually Lord Vader suggesting to me something. But first we need some backstory.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I have a theory that if I just wait around long enough, then the thing that next raises the power level in the air will come to me naturally. That forcing it to happen, has various problems with it, we won’t get into that, like, the only thing you need to raise the power level in the air are the words to do so, and anybody can write some words down in a book. Therefore, you can just arbitrarily “force” yourself to raise the power level in the air, is what he’s saying.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

So I sit down here to do just that, to force it out, and already I can feel that weight of the negative energy imploring me not to raise it. My movements become rather slow, and maybe none of this makes any sense but, to give you an example of a power level: if the power level were really high, and you said you wanted to do something bad to someone, then that wouldn’t happen literally, but the power level being so high it would cause something bad to happen to that person, or potentially bad to happen to that person. Can you see what i’m going to say next?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

The next thing i’ll say is that if the power level were so high you could just speak things like that into existence, for example you say something bad, well, what if you were to say something good??<\/p>\n\n\n\n

And so we use this power level to upgrade everybody’s ability to “get” spells, when we say “get that spell” it means to make sure that the spell goes through, as often they don’t even go through. So raising the power level is almost the only thing that I think about, it’s so important, were we to raise it to an appropriate level I dont know what that level might be or look like, we could just start speaking positive things into existence, and so we seek this out, we seek this level of power.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I don’t think I did a really good job explaining this but i’m going to leave it how it came out, I never edit these things they are all raw, so you get some things that don’t make sense, whatever.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

But we would have to analyze the last increase in power level, to raise it from there, as we don’t want to make something that comes up short, obviously. The last raise is like 3 posts ago, and it’s really advanced in my opinion, I thought it was so advanced that when I wrote it I thought damn, i’ve like never written something like that. Let me post it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Now how <\/span>do<\/span> we create a really strong upgrade, <\/span>using<\/span> all of the techniques that we have but more, what we want to <\/span>do<\/span> is to create things that are <\/span>not<\/span> like the word <\/span>"Representative"<\/span>, things that are <\/span>not<\/span> even like it, nothing to <\/span>do<\/span> with it, <\/span>and<\/span> in infinite quantities, applied to <\/span>this<\/span> script: Take the stuff we create with <\/span>this<\/span> script <\/span>and<\/span> place it into one slot of an infinity <\/span>matrix<\/span>. <\/span>Place<\/span> alll of the infinite amount of objects created so far <\/span>and<\/span> place it into a Satellite Call, stretching it out into infinity, of a high <\/span>quality<\/span>. <\/span>Now<\/span> place that satellite call into another call, <\/span>and<\/span> that itself into an infinity <\/span>matrix<\/span>. <\/span>Create<\/span> an infinite amount of things like <\/span>this<\/span> matrix, of the same <\/span>class<\/span> as the <\/span>matrix<\/span>, and things that are not even like the matrix, <\/span>everything<\/span>, <\/span>everything<\/span> that is positive, and then gather together things that are not positive, <\/span>as<\/span> long as they don't cause a negative in any manner, <\/span>so<\/span> take all these sets of things like matrices and upgrade them into a network, and that chain goes on forever, <\/span>there<\/span> are an infinite amount of things like the network, <\/span>one<\/span> level after another, <\/span>then<\/span> add levels sideways, <\/span>so<\/span> we have things LIKE a level one network, or whatever word your using for network if your doing things like a network. After that fold it as many times as you can, if you can always fold, <\/span>then<\/span> always fold it, <\/span>making<\/span> it bigger and bigger. Then add cornering, and infinite amount of words like it applied to the script, <\/span>make<\/span> things that are not even like that in infinite sets, <\/span>keep<\/span> adding more different classes, <\/span>things<\/span> that are like classes in infinite value. Now make all of this representative, not that it all instantly becomes representative, <\/span>but<\/span> that a copy of it is made representative, and an infinite amount of things like representative, and an infinite amount of sets of things that are NOT like the word representative, <\/span>so<\/span> we cover everything use degrees and a coloring system to describe the different shades of "representative" we can have, and even not have, and not even even. This continues, this script continues in this manner forever, <\/span>always<\/span> compressing everything into usable technology, <\/span>but<\/span> not necessarily compressing it all down to a single slot of a matrix, <\/span>now<\/span> hand this to yourself in the past and we have ourselves the greatest upgrade that i've ever created, <\/span>i<\/span>'ve never worded anything like this before, yay.<\/span><\/span><\/code><\/pre>C++<\/span><\/div>\n\n\n\n

For some reason that program highlights certain C++ keywords. It’s a programming thing, but you get the idea. This is the last spell that I wrote to increase the power level, and how am I supposed to beat that? It doesn’t even seem possible. To make something that increases it way beyond that… There’s got to be some kind of wall or something you run into when your doing this stuff, there has to be. And I think that this is it, but maybe not. Well this isn’t working *takes a big bong hit* maybe that will help. It often manipulates the things that I do, the marijuana does that is. It makes what i’m doing stronger usually, and often leads to the actual breakthrough itself.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I am thinking this is almost impossible.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

And then I thought of it right after I wrote that. He says that I always do that, and he never believes that I can’t do this, or can’t do that, he doesn’t believe it unfortunately he’s right, I just thought of it and it is this: In the above script, we branch out instead of leveling one level after another, we go sideways in the script, so in addition to that sideways movement, move in all directions, and then when you get far enough out in a certain direction, branch out in all directions, and repeat this process forever, always leveling in different directions, and to allow for these directions to become arbitrary in length, that they can be of any length, and perhaps hold an arbitrary amount of directions, so that we are going beyond infinity, and to not miss anything in this arbitrary leveling we include colors, so we’re not going in any direction, we’re going in direction purple, and blue, so that we move in these types of ways, we must add an infinite number of things LIKE colors, so that we are always adding something new, doubling what’s already there.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Well fuck he was right. How might we increase the spell from here, hmm?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

And I have figured something out, too. This may serve to explain things for you. When you are going up against Skywalker, your trying to kill him, yes, but he’s trying to survive. So we have this strong will to try to survive, and your will to try to kill him. But in the nature of things, in that nature we move forward, we press ahead. That means MORE people, not LESS people. So your going up against that as well, and what it amounts to is something that is probably impossible and, also serves little purpose compared to something like, getting Skywalker to work for you. Something like that, is, more beneficial to you, imagine harvesting all the energies that Skywalker can create? Your essentially just going up against yourself, like as if you were trying to kill yourself or something, this may be how they get away all these times, I don’t know, but let’s try to investigate that, the fact that is this how they are escaping you each time, some kind of force of nature, suggesting that they live, and you, your not even making the suggestion for them to die, your just trying to make them die physically, and you would probably have to do a great many things to off somebody under these conditions, like, you would have to A) still physically kill them, but 2) target them mentally with this stuff, facilitating the kill, and 3) do other things that we don’t yet know of. Of all of this combined you are only doing #1, and we don’t have #3 but #2 is right at our finger tips.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I cannot really help you all the time like this, because it goes against what I believe, though, i’ll give you this one as we are incredibly low on negative events happening, there’s just no energy to be had anywhere.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Now is that actually true, is there some force of nature protecting these persons? Are they protecting themselves? Does this force have a defense? Are there defensive mechanisms in place, or is it just wide open to this sort of thing? Could this lead to the death of negative energy, is something like that going on there, perhaps?<\/p>\n\n\n\n

I don’t really know, I can only guess and refine the guess, we will only be 100% certain of some fact when cows fly around in the sky, and we ride them to the various cities that we have to go to. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

What i’m trying to say is that your trying to do something that you can’t do, though it doesn’t look like that. But think about it, they get away, time and time again, and how? It’s because this is an impossibility, “life” needs these persons alive, so it’s just going to fool you, kinda like a tree that grows in the sun, without modifications how are you going to make the tree grow without the sun? You can’t! You’ll just stand there, staring at it, and won’t ever actually get the tree to grow without sunlight, without modifications, this is impossible.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
