I was watching science fiction shorts on youtube, and received an encoded message within a combination of them. The first part of the message was from a beacon, that was emitted by some huge lake monster on some planet, this is sci fi so they move between planets, and this monster would emit this beacon, people would land on the planet to investigate, and it would eat the people, like a water-faring monster. So that in itself doesn’t amount to much more than a beacon, right?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
The next film I watched were these special forces inside of an old beat up hospital. They investigated for awhile, and eventually found these demons, like ghols, before they found the ghols they found all this blood on a wall, like a drawing of a nuclear sign, like “drop here” it was all in blood, multiple circles. So they eventually run into these ghols, and the ghols kill all but one of the 4 special forces team. The last one they surround, and just as he’s about to get eaten he closes his eyes, one of the ghols drops something on the floor, like a arm band worn it says “334512 MALE #25” without the numbers being exact.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
To take this as a message from the ghols, the beacon, the nuclear sign, they are pleading that I just nuke all of them, but now I cannot do that, so what does that leave? Well, I have enough resources at my disposal, I have enough resources… I just have to apply them correctly! How can we apply resources?<\/p>\n\n\n\n
Well, we can firstly make new resources, in the form of sets of sets of satellite calls, referencing themselves, and part of infinity matrices that themselves are a part of infinity matrices, all with nodes, sets of matrices, describing a type of material… Not exactly energy, something better maybe? As if this were actual thread, you could make something out of it, as if I were handing them a cloth like material, not exactly energy, but kind of like energy, a thread, that you could weave and sow, you could weave yourselves out of the mess you’ve found yourselves in. Or that I have found you in. Wait.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
We would ship it to you, you could store it in boxes, and you could just weave and weave, never running out, always receiving new boxes, new material as it grew stronger you’d receive better and better material, if we were assuming you’d always be in trouble, then you could always weave your way out of it!<\/p>\n\n\n\n