Walk 2

I make no reservations about you two killing each other, slowly, but what would become the Combine Overwatch should they not have the resistance to shoot at? Would the light be pushed off the board of the dimension that they exist in? Would it be pushed into another world, or another dimension, an endless system or hierarchy of worlds and dimensions that maps out how each other, each holding each other in their hands must fall?

These questions are to complicated for me to answer myself, and only big brother knows the answer, but you may know the answer as he may have told you of these things, or things like it so that you may deduce the answer to the question of what would happen to the Combine Overwatch should they entirely wipe out the resistance.

That some resistance would survive regardless of how meticulous you are is a given, like judith mossman, these certain units would survive, but look at it as a punching bag, an endless resource to be exploited, not as something you have to completely wipe out, then it wouldn’t be there, you see it still as the person commits the crime, not the device. The device actually commits the crime, as I have shown you in the previous post, that the cycle of Positive and Negative energies flowing back and forth must be not only “left alone” but maintained, you must put effort forward to it’s benefit.

I don’t speak like this to convince you that it’s true, you know, reading this that it is either true enough or not true, that is for you to decide, but I have seen enough that I know that the force of positive or negative is not something that can be wiped out, it wouldn’t really work, I mean that would be like winning 9,999,999,999,999 football games in a row, or even less of a chance than that, and without having any real advantage, your wasting your time.

So you say well that is just your agenda that the light stay thriving, and that we just feed off of it as if it were a natural resource. I guess it happens to be my agenda, but I must further the story, I have to. I don’t know why but I have to.

When you finally come to that end point conclusion that it either is true or is not true, remember the consequence for being wrong, your going against the dark when your trying to snuff out entirely the light, we couldn’t see anything, there would just be nothing. They both need to exist, and I won’t really go on anymore on this subject because i’ve said enough.

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